added Milwaukee crash map to RMarkdown

This commit is contained in:
Ben Varick 2025-01-27 16:51:18 -06:00
parent 31b3926a44
commit e6549ef0c6
Signed by: ben
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:jWnpFDAcacYM5aPFpYRqlsamlDyKNpSj3jj+k4ojtUo
5 changed files with 174 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ schoolmaps_PDFs: R/schoolmaps_PDFs.Rmd
crashmaps_dynamic: R/dynamic_crash_map.Rmd
R -e 'library("rmarkdown"); old_path <- Sys.getenv("PATH"); Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(old_path, "/usr/local/bin", sep = ":")); rmarkdown::render(knit_root_dir = "../", output_dir = "./html", input = "./R/dynamic_crash_map.Rmd", output_file = "./html/dynamic_crash_map.html")'
crashmaps_dynamic_milwaukee: R/dynamic_crash_map_milwaukee.Rmd
R -e 'library("rmarkdown"); old_path <- Sys.getenv("PATH"); Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(old_path, "/usr/local/bin", sep = ":")); rmarkdown::render(knit_root_dir = "../", output_dir = "./html", input = "./R/dynamic_crash_map_milwaukee.Rmd", output_file = "./html/dynamic_crash_map_milwaukee.html")'
cd ./docker/osrm/; wget -O ./data-raw/wisconsin-latest.osm.pbf
cd ./docker/osrm/; docker run --rm -t -v "./data-foot:/data" -v "./data-raw/wisconsin-latest.osm.pbf:/data/wisconsin-latest.osm.pbf" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/foot.lua /data/wisconsin-latest.osm.pbf

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@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ Pedestrian_Crash_Data <- TOPS_data %>%
## Load Census data
```{r censusdata, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}

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@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
title: "Dynamic Crash Map - Milwaukee"
toc: true
toc_depth: 5
collapsed: false
smooth_scroll: true
chunk_output_type: console
# Input Data & Configuration
## Libraries
```{r libs, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
Sys.setenv(LANG = "en-US.UTF-8")
focus_county <- "MILWAUKEE"
## Load TOPS data
```{r loadTOPS, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
load(file = "data/TOPS/TOPS_data.Rda")
load(file = "data/TOPS/vuln_roles.Rda")
load(file = "data/TOPS/retrieve_date.Rda")
load(file = "data/TOPS/injury_severity.Rda")
injury_severity_pal <- colorFactor(palette = injury_severity$color, levels = injury_severity$InjSevName)
## Mutate TOPS_data
```{r mutateTOPS, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
TOPS_data <- TOPS_data %>%
mutate(Year = year,
PedestrianInjurySeverity = ped_inj_name,
CrashDate = CRSHDATE,
CrashTime = CRSHTIME,
County = CNTYNAME,
Street = ONSTR,
CrossStreet = ATSTR) %>%
mutate(PedestrianAge = ifelse(ROLE1 %in% vuln_roles, age1, age2))
TOPS_geom <- st_as_sf(TOPS_data %>% filter(!, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)
## load school locations ----
```{r loadschooldata, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
WI_schools <- st_read(dsn = "data/Schools/Wisconsin_Public_Schools_-5986231931870160084.gpkg")
WI_schools <- WI_schools %>%
LAT > 0) %>%
school_translate <- data.frame(en = c("Elementary School", "High School", "Combined Elementary/Secondary School", "Middle School", "Junior High School"),
es = c("Escuela primaria", "Escuela secundaria", "Escuela primaria/secundaria combinada", "Escuela secundaria", "Escuela secundaria"))
WI_schools <- WI_schools %>%
mutate(SCHOOLTYPE_es <- school_translate$es[match(WI_schools$SCHOOLTYPE, school_translate$en)])
WI_schools <- WI_schools %>% filter(COUNTY %in% str_to_title(focus_county))
### Load school symbol
```{r loadschoolicon, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
school_symbol <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "icons/school_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24.png",
iconWidth = 24,
iconHeight = 24,
iconAnchorX = 12,
iconAnchorY = 12)
## Pull certain columns
```{r pullcolumns, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
focus_columns <- c("PedestrianInjurySeverity", "CrashDate", "CrashTime", "County", "Street", "CrossStreet", "PedestrianAge", "Year", "vulnerable_role", "vulnerable_role_es")
Pedestrian_Crash_Data <- TOPS_data %>%
filter(CNTYNAME == focus_county,
! %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c(focus_columns, "longitude", "latitude")))
# generate density map ----
```{r density, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
crash_density <- kde2d(Pedestrian_Crash_Data$longitude, Pedestrian_Crash_Data$latitude, n = 200)
crash_density <- raster(crash_density)
crash_density <- cut(crash_density, breaks = 10)
crash_density_poly <- rasterToPolygons(crash_density, dissolve = T)
density_pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "YlOrRd", domain = c(min(crash_density_poly$layer, na.rm = TRUE), max(crash_density_poly$layer, na.rm = TRUE)))
## add county census data ----
```{r countycensus, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
census_api_key(key = substr(read_file(file = "api_keys/census_api_key"), 1, 40))
county_populations <- get_estimates(geography = "county", year = 2022, product = "population", state = "Wisconsin", geometry = TRUE) %>%
filter(variable == "POPESTIMATE") %>%
mutate(County = str_to_upper(str_replace(NAME, " County, Wisconsin", "")))
county_populations <- st_transform(county_populations, crs = 4326) %>% filter(County %in% focus_county)
## Generate map
```{r generatemap, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
milwaukee_crash_map <-
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(preferCanvas = TRUE)) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Stadia.AlidadeSmooth) %>%
addPolygons(data = county_populations,
color = "black",
weight = 1,
fill = FALSE,
group = "County Lines") %>%
addPolygons(data = crash_density_poly,
color = "black",
weight = 0,
opacity = 0.9,
group = "Heat Map",
fillColor = density_pal(crash_density_poly$layer))%>%
addMarkers(data = WI_schools,
lat = WI_schools$LAT,
icon = school_symbol,
label = lapply(paste0("<b>", WI_schools$SCHOOL, " School</b></br>",
WI_schools$DISTRICT, " School District</br>",
WI_schools$SCHOOLTYPE), htmltools::HTML),
group = "Schools") %>%
addCircleMarkers(data = Pedestrian_Crash_Data,
color = "black",
weight = 1,
fillOpacity = 0.8,
label = lapply(paste0("<b>", str_to_title(replace_na(Pedestrian_Crash_Data$vulnerable_role, ""))," </b><br>",
Pedestrian_Crash_Data$CrashDate, "</br>",
Pedestrian_Crash_Data$PedestrianInjurySeverity, "</br>",
replace_na(Pedestrian_Crash_Data$vulnerable_role, ""), " age: ", ifelse(!$PedestrianAge), Pedestrian_Crash_Data$PedestrianAge, "unknown age")), htmltools::HTML),
group = "Crash Points") %>%
addLegend(position = "bottomleft", labels = injury_severity$InjSevName, colors = injury_severity$color, group = "Crash Points", title = "Injury Severity") %>%
groupOptions(group = "Schools", zoomLevels = 15:20) %>%
groupOptions(group = "Crash Points", zoomLevels = 13:20) %>%
groupOptions(group = "County Lines", zoomLevels = 5:20) %>%
groupOptions(group = "Heat Map", zoomLevels = 5:13)
saveWidget(milwaukee_crash_map, file = "figures/dynamic_crash_maps/milwaukee_pedestrian_crash_map.html", selfcontained = TRUE)

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ This is a series of RMarkdown files that generates maps of crashes between motor
- OpenStreetMap Routing Machine `make osrm`: this downloads the most recent OpenStreetMap data for Wisconsin, and starts docker containers to run the OpenStreetMap Routing Machine to calculate IsoDistances.
- School Crash Maps `make schoolpdfs`: generates maps of all the schools in Wisconsin and where cars are hitting kids This script pulls in the TOPS data from a folder of csvs that youve downloaded from the data retrieval tool. It also draws the walk boundary around each school, this is done with a OpenStreetMap routing engine that is running in a docker container. It also needs access to an API key for StadiaMaps to download all the basemap tiles. I recommend downloading the whole state and filtering the data with the script. You can edit file `parameters/run_parameters` to choose what county, school type, and district to generate maps for
- Dynamic Map `make crashmaps_dynamic`: This takes the TOPS data and generates dynamic leaflet maps to host on our website. It generates 4 maps: without a title (for in a frame), and with a title, in both English and Spanish.
- Milwaukee Specific map `crashmaps_dynamic_milwaukee`: generate a web map for Milwaukee that includes more fine-grained visualizations of crash densities.
## R Scripts
I'm working to move these to RMarkdown files

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long