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4c98d5a68d | ||
bd3b74d430 |
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ brouter-container: ./docker/brouter/docker-compose.yml
cd ./docker/brouter/; git clone
cd ./docker/brouter/; wget -i segments.csv -P ./brouter/misc/segments4/
cd ./docker/brouter/; cp safety.brf ./brouter/misc/profiles2/safety.brf
cd ./docker/brouter/; git clone
cd ./docker/brouter/brouter-web; cp keys.template.js keys.js;
cd ./docker/brouter/brouter-web; cp config.template.js config.js
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This script generates maps to analyze the potential walking routes for students to their school.
- I excluded the addresses of the students from the repository.
- The actual route generation is done with OSRM and brouter, those are run locally in docker containers.
- The actual route generation is done with [`brouter`]( (using the *safety* profile) and [`OSRM`]( (for the boundary polygons), those are run locally in docker containers.
- The basemap is pulled from Stadia Maps. The usage of the script is well within the free tier, you'll need an API key from them.
## Data sources
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ options(osrm.profile = "bike")
```{r brouter, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# Set url and profile of brouter server
brouter_url <- ""
brouter_profile <- "trekking"
brouter_profile <- "safety"
## Stadia Maps API Key
@ -8,3 +8,6 @@
# Except docker-compose.yml
# Except safety profiles
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
# *** The trekking profile is for slow travel
# *** and avoiding car traffic, but still with
# *** a focus on approaching your destination
# *** efficiently.
---context:global # following code refers to global config
# Bike profile
assign validForBikes = true
# Use the following switches to change behaviour
assign allow_steps = true # %allow_steps% | Set false to disallow steps | boolean
assign allow_ferries = true # %allow_ferries% | Set false to disallow ferries | boolean
assign ignore_cycleroutes = false # %ignore_cycleroutes% | Set true for better elevation results | boolean
assign stick_to_cycleroutes = false # %stick_to_cycleroutes% | Set true to just follow cycleroutes | boolean
assign avoid_unsafe = true # %avoid_unsafe% | Set true to avoid standard highways | boolean
assign consider_noise = false # %consider_noise% | Activate to prefer a low-noise route | boolean
assign consider_river = false # %consider_river% | Activate to prefer a route along rivers, lakes, etc. | boolean
assign consider_forest = false # %consider_forest% | Activate to prefer a route in forest or parks | boolean
assign consider_town = false # %consider_town% | Activate to bypass cities / big towns as far as possible | boolean
assign consider_traffic = false # %consider_traffic% | Activate to consider traffic estimates | boolean
# Change elevation parameters
assign consider_elevation = true # %consider_elevation% | Set true to favor a route with few elevation meters | boolean
assign downhillcost = 60 # %downhillcost% | Cost for going downhill | number
assign downhillcutoff = 1.5 # %downhillcutoff% | Gradients below this value in percents are not counted. | number
assign uphillcost = 0 # %uphillcost% | Cost for going uphill | number
assign uphillcutoff = 1.5 # %uphillcutoff% | Gradients below this value in percents are not counted. | number
assign downhillcost = if consider_elevation then downhillcost else 0
assign uphillcost = if consider_elevation then uphillcost else 0
# Kinematic model parameters (travel time computation)
assign totalMass = 90 # %totalMass% | Mass (in kg) of the bike + biker, for travel time computation | number
assign maxSpeed = 45 # %maxSpeed% | Absolute maximum speed (in km/h), for travel time computation | number
assign S_C_x = 0.225 # %S_C_x% | Drag coefficient times the reference area (in m^2), for travel time computation | number
assign C_r = 0.01 # %C_r% | Rolling resistance coefficient (dimensionless), for travel time computation | number
assign bikerPower = 100 # %bikerPower% | Average power (in W) provided by the biker, for travel time computation | number
# Turn instructions settings
assign turnInstructionMode = 1 # %turnInstructionMode% | Mode for the generated turn instructions | [0=none, 1=auto-choose, 2=locus-style, 3=osmand-style, 4=comment-style, 5=gpsies-style, 6=orux-style, 7=locus-old-style]
assign turnInstructionCatchingRange = 40 # %turnInstructionCatchingRange% | Within this distance (in m) several turning instructions are combined into one and the turning angles are better approximated to the general direction | number
assign turnInstructionRoundabouts = true # %turnInstructionRoundabouts% | Set "false" to avoid generating special turning instructions for roundabouts | boolean
assign considerTurnRestrictions = true # %considerTurnRestrictions% | Set true to take turn restrictions into account | boolean
assign processUnusedTags = false # %processUnusedTags% | Set true to output unused tags in data tab | boolean
---context:way # following code refers to way-tags
# classifier constants
assign classifier_none = 1
assign classifier_ferry = 2
# pre-calculate some logical expressions
assign any_cycleroute =
if route_bicycle_icn=yes then true
else if route_bicycle_ncn=yes then true
else if route_bicycle_rcn=yes then true
else if route_bicycle_lcn=yes then true
else false
assign nodeaccessgranted =
if any_cycleroute then true
else lcn=yes
assign is_ldcr =
if ignore_cycleroutes then false
else any_cycleroute
assign isbike = or bicycle_road=yes or bicycle=yes or or bicycle=permissive bicycle=designated lcn=yes
assign ispaved = surface=paved|asphalt|concrete|paving_stones|sett
assign isunpaved = not or surface= or ispaved surface=fine_gravel|cobblestone
assign probablyGood = or ispaved and ( or isbike highway=footway ) not isunpaved
# this is the cost (in Meter) for a 90-degree turn
# The actual cost is calculated as turncost*cos(angle)
# (Suppressing turncost while following longdistance-cycleways
# makes them a little bit more magnetic)
assign turncost = if is_ldcr then 0
else if junction=roundabout then 0
else 90
# for any change in initialclassifier, initialcost is added once
assign initialclassifier =
if route=ferry then classifier_ferry
else classifier_none
# calculate the initial cost
# this is added to the total cost each time the costfactor
# changed
assign initialcost =
if ( equal initialclassifier classifier_ferry ) then 10000
else 0
# implicit access here just from the motorroad tag
# (implicit access rules from highway tag handled elsewhere)
assign defaultaccess =
if access= then not motorroad=yes
else if access=private|no then false
else true
# calculate logical bike access
assign bikeaccess =
if bicycle= then
if bicycle_road=yes then true
else if vehicle= then ( if highway=footway then false else defaultaccess )
else not vehicle=private|no
else not bicycle=private|no|dismount|use_sidepath
# calculate logical foot access
assign footaccess =
if bikeaccess then true
else if bicycle=dismount then true
else if foot= then defaultaccess
else not foot=private|no
# if not bike-, but foot-acess, just a moderate penalty,
# otherwise access is forbidden
assign accesspenalty =
if bikeaccess then 0
else if footaccess then 4
else if any_cycleroute then 15
else 10000
# handle one-ways. On primary roads, wrong-oneways should
# be close to forbidden, while on other ways we just add
# 4 to the costfactor (making it at least 5 - you are allowed
# to push your bike)
assign badoneway =
if reversedirection=yes then
if oneway:bicycle=yes then true
else if oneway= then junction=roundabout
else oneway=yes|true|1
else oneway=-1
assign onewaypenalty =
if ( badoneway ) then
if ( cycleway=opposite|opposite_lane|opposite_track ) then 0
else if ( cycleway:left=opposite|opposite_lane|opposite_track ) then 0
else if ( cycleway:right=opposite|opposite_lane|opposite_track ) then 0
else if ( oneway:bicycle=no ) then 0
else if ( cycleway:left:oneway=no ) then 0
else if ( cycleway:right:oneway=no ) then 0
else if ( junction=roundabout|circular ) then 60
else if ( highway=primary|primary_link ) then 50
else if ( highway=secondary|secondary_link ) then 30
else if ( highway=tertiary|tertiary_link ) then 20
else 4.0
else 0.0
# add estimate tags
assign traffic_penalty
switch consider_traffic
switch estimated_traffic_class= 0
switch estimated_traffic_class=1|2 0.2
switch estimated_traffic_class=3 0.4
switch estimated_traffic_class=4 0.6
switch estimated_traffic_class=5 0.8
switch estimated_traffic_class=6|7 1 99 0
assign noise_penalty
switch consider_noise
switch estimated_noise_class= 0
switch estimated_noise_class=1 0.3
switch estimated_noise_class=2 0.5
switch estimated_noise_class=3 0.8
switch estimated_noise_class=4 1.4
switch estimated_noise_class=5 1.7
switch estimated_noise_class=6 2 0 0
assign no_river_penalty
switch consider_river
switch estimated_river_class= 2
switch estimated_river_class=1 1.3
switch estimated_river_class=2 1
switch estimated_river_class=3 0.7
switch estimated_river_class=4 0.4
switch estimated_river_class=5 0.1
switch estimated_river_class=6 0 99 0
assign no_forest_penalty
switch consider_forest
switch estimated_forest_class= 1
switch estimated_forest_class=1 0.5
switch estimated_forest_class=2 0.4
switch estimated_forest_class=3 0.25
switch estimated_forest_class=4 0.15
switch estimated_forest_class=5 0.1
switch estimated_forest_class=6 0 99 0
assign town_penalty
switch consider_town
switch estimated_town_class= 0
switch estimated_town_class=1 0.5
switch estimated_town_class=2 0.9
switch estimated_town_class=3 1.2
switch estimated_town_class=4 1.3
switch estimated_town_class=5 1.4
switch estimated_town_class=6 1.6 99 0
# calculate the cost-factor, which is the factor
# by which the distance of a way-segment is multiplied
# to calculate the cost of that segment. The costfactor
# must be >=1 and it's supposed to be close to 1 for
# the type of way the routing profile is searching for
assign isresidentialorliving = or highway=residential|living_street living_street=yes
assign costfactor
# exclude rivers, rails etc.
if ( and highway= not route=ferry ) then 10000
# exclude motorways and proposed roads
else if ( highway=motorway|motorway_link ) then 10000
else if ( highway=proposed|abandoned ) then 10000
# all other exclusions below (access, steps, ferries,..)
# should not be deleted by the decoder, to be available
# in voice-hint-processing
else min 9999
add town_penalty
add no_forest_penalty
add no_river_penalty
add noise_penalty
add traffic_penalty
# apply oneway-and access-penalties
add max onewaypenalty accesspenalty
# steps and ferries are special. Note this is handled
# before the cycleroute-switch, to be able
# to really exlude them be setting cost to infinity
if ( highway=steps ) then ( if allow_steps then 40 else 10000 )
else if ( route=ferry ) then ( if allow_ferries then 5.67 else 10000 )
# handle long-distance cycle-routes.
else if ( is_ldcr ) then 1 # always treated as perfect (=1)
add ( if stick_to_cycleroutes then 0.5 else 0.05 ) # everything else somewhat up
# some other highway types
if ( highway=pedestrian ) then 3
else if ( highway=bridleway ) then 5
else if ( highway=cycleway ) then 1
else if ( isresidentialorliving ) then ( if isunpaved then 1.5 else 1.1 )
else if ( highway=service ) then ( if isunpaved then 1.6 else 1.3 )
# tracks and track-like ways are rated mainly be tracktype/grade
# But note that if no tracktype is given (mainly for road/path/footway)
# it can be o.k. if there's any other hint for quality
else if ( highway=track|road|path|footway ) then
if ( tracktype=grade1 ) then ( if probablyGood then 1.0 else 1.3 )
else if ( tracktype=grade2 ) then ( if probablyGood then 1.1 else 2.0 )
else if ( tracktype=grade3 ) then ( if probablyGood then 1.5 else 3.0 )
else if ( tracktype=grade4 ) then ( if probablyGood then 2.0 else 5.0 )
else if ( tracktype=grade5 ) then ( if probablyGood then 3.0 else 5.0 )
else ( if probablyGood then 1.0 else 5.0 )
# When avoiding unsafe ways, avoid highways without a bike hint
else add ( if ( and avoid_unsafe not isbike ) then 2 else 0 )
# actuals roads are o.k. if we have a bike hint
if ( highway=trunk|trunk_link ) then ( if isbike then 1.5 else 10 )
else if ( highway=primary|primary_link ) then ( if isbike then 1.2 else 3 )
else if ( highway=secondary|secondary_link ) then ( if isbike then 1.1 else 1.6 )
else if ( highway=tertiary|tertiary_link ) then ( if isbike then 1.0 else 1.4 )
else if ( highway=unclassified ) then ( if isbike then 1.0 else 1.3 )
# default for any other highway type not handled above
else 2.0
# way priorities used for voice hint generation
assign priorityclassifier =
if ( highway=motorway ) then 30
else if ( highway=motorway_link ) then 29
else if ( highway=trunk ) then 28
else if ( highway=trunk_link ) then 27
else if ( highway=primary ) then 26
else if ( highway=primary_link ) then 25
else if ( highway=secondary ) then 24
else if ( highway=secondary_link ) then 23
else if ( highway=tertiary ) then 22
else if ( highway=tertiary_link ) then 21
else if ( highway=unclassified ) then 20
else if ( isresidentialorliving ) then 6
else if ( highway=service ) then 6
else if ( highway=cycleway ) then 6
else if ( or bicycle=designated bicycle_road=yes ) then 6
else if ( highway=track ) then if tracktype=grade1 then 6 else 4
else if ( highway=bridleway|road|path|footway ) then 4
else if ( highway=steps ) then 2
else if ( highway=pedestrian ) then 2
else 0
# some more classifying bits used for voice hint generation...
assign isbadoneway = not equal onewaypenalty 0
assign isgoodoneway = if reversedirection=yes then oneway=-1
else if oneway= then junction=roundabout else oneway=yes|true|1
assign isroundabout = junction=roundabout
assign islinktype = highway=motorway_link|trunk_link|primary_link|secondary_link|tertiary_link
assign isgoodforcars = if greater priorityclassifier 6 then true
else if ( or isresidentialorliving highway=service ) then true
else if ( and highway=track tracktype=grade1 ) then true
else false
# ... encoded into a bitmask
assign classifiermask add isbadoneway
add multiply isgoodoneway 2
add multiply isroundabout 4
add multiply islinktype 8
multiply isgoodforcars 16
# include `smoothness=` tags in the response's WayTags for track analysis
assign dummyUsage = smoothness=
---context:node # following code refers to node tags
assign defaultaccess =
if ( access= ) then true # add default barrier restrictions here!
else if ( access=private|no ) then false
else true
assign bikeaccess =
if nodeaccessgranted=yes then true
else if bicycle= then
if vehicle= then defaultaccess
else not vehicle=private|no
else not bicycle=private|no|dismount
assign footaccess =
if bicycle=dismount then true
else if foot= then defaultaccess
else not foot=private|no
assign initialcost =
if bikeaccess then 0
else ( if footaccess then 100 else 1000000 )
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