Added new analysis: calculate the maximum and average lts for the route for each address and plot them on the map of addresses. This analysis takes a while, so I parallelized it. I also set eval=FALSE because it takes so long.

This commit is contained in:
Ben Varick 2024-11-05 12:00:55 -06:00
parent 338e608d92
commit 7e6eb9c45b
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ library(ggnewscale)
library(rsvg) library(rsvg)
library(httr) library(httr)
library(jsonlite) library(jsonlite)
fig.height <- 6 fig.height <- 6
set.seed(1) set.seed(1)
``` ```
@ -176,14 +177,37 @@ bike_lts <- left_join(bike_lts, %>% select(OBJECTI
Notes: for each segment in bike_lts, this counts how many student's calculated routes intersect with it (within a 20 m buffer) Notes: for each segment in bike_lts, this counts how many student's calculated routes intersect with it (within a 20 m buffer)
```{r routeslts, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE} ```{r routeslts, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
routes_lts <-list(NULL) getLTSForRoute <- function(i) {
for(i in addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)) { lts_segments <- (bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(student_use > 0))$OBJECTID[st_intersects(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(student_use > 0), routes %>% filter(student_number == i), sparse = FALSE)]
lts_segments <- st_intersects(routes %>% filter(student_number == i), bike_lts_buffer) lts_max <- max(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID %in% lts_segments) %>% pull(LTS_F), na.rm = TRUE)
lts_max <- max(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID.x )) lts_average <- mean(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID %in% lts_segments) %>% pull(LTS_F), na.rm = TRUE)
routes_lts[[i]] <- routes_lts_run # routes_lts[[as.character(i)]] <- data.frame("student_number" = c(as.character(i)), "lts_max" = c(lts_max), "lts_average" = c(lts_average))
return(data.frame("student_number" = i, "lts_max" = lts_max, "lts_average" = lts_average))
message(paste0("done - ", i, " of ", max(addresses_near$number))) message(paste0("done - ", i, " of ", max(addresses_near$number)))
} }
routes_lts <- list(NULL)
# routes_lts <- lapply(head(addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)),
# getLTSForRoute)
routes_lts <- mclapply(addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number),
mc.cores = detectCores() / 2,
mc.cleanup = TRUE,
mc.preschedule = TRUE,
mc.silent = FALSE)
# for(i in addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)) {
# lts_segments <- bike_lts_buffer$OBJECTID[st_intersects(bike_lts_buffer, routes %>% filter(student_number == i), sparse = FALSE)]
# lts_max <- max(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID %in% lts_segments) %>% pull(LTS_F), na.rm = TRUE)
# lts_average <- mean(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID %in% lts_segments) %>% pull(LTS_F), na.rm = TRUE)
# routes_lts[[i]] <- data.frame("student_number" = c(i), "lts_max" = c(lts_max), "lts_average" = c(lts_average))
# message(paste0("done - ", i, " of ", max(addresses_near$number)))
# }
routes_lts <- bind_rows(routes_lts) routes_lts <- bind_rows(routes_lts)
addresses_near <- left_join(addresses_near, routes_lts, join_by("number"=="student_number"))
``` ```
Notes: for each student's route, this finds which bike_lts segment it intersects with and calculates a max and an average Notes: for each student's route, this finds which bike_lts segment it intersects with and calculates a max and an average
@ -362,6 +386,55 @@ ggsave(file = paste0("figures/",
``` ```
## Generate map of addresses with LTS
```{r mapaddresseslts, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# generate map
ggmap(basemap) +
labs(title = paste0("Level of Traffic stress for biking for students at ",
school_focus %>% pull(name)),
subtitle = "only showing routes within the cycling boundary",
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
color = "Average Bike Level of Traffic stress for route to school") +
plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey")) +
geom_sf(data = cycle_boundary_poly,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = paste0(radius, " mile cycling boundary")),
fill = NA,
linewidth = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "blue", name = NULL) +
new_scale_color() +
geom_sf(data = addresses_near,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = lts_average)) +
scale_color_gradientn(colors = bike_lts_scale$color, name = "Average Bike Level of Traffic Stress\nfor route from that address", limits = c(1,4)) +
# Position adjustments here using plot_box$max/min/range
ymin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] - 0.001,
ymax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] + 0.001,
xmin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] - 0.0015,
xmax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] + 0.0015) +
geom_sf_label(data = WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
mapping = aes(label = school_focus %>% pull(name)),
nudge_y = 0.0015,
label.size = 0.04,
size = 2)
ggsave(file = paste0("figures/",
school_focus %>% pull(name),
" Addresses - Traffic Stress_cycling.pdf"),
title = paste0(school_focus %>% pull(name), " Cycling Routes - Traffic Stress"),
device = pdf,
height = 8.5,
width = 11,
units = "in",
create.dir = TRUE)
# Appendix # Appendix
```{r chunklast, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} ```{r chunklast, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}