
614 lines
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title: "East High Cycling Routes"
toc: true
toc_depth: 5
collapsed: false
smooth_scroll: true
chunk_output_type: console
# Input Data & Configuration
## Libraries
```{r libs, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
fig.height <- 6
logo <- image_read(path = "other/BFW_Logo_180_x_200_transparent_background.png")
school_symbol <- image_read_svg(path = "other/school_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24.svg")
## School Location Data
```{r gpkg, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
WI_schools <- st_transform(st_read(dsn = "data/Schools/Wisconsin_Public_Schools_-5986231931870160084.gpkg"), crs = 4326)
WI_schools <- WI_schools %>% mutate(geom = SHAPE)
## Addresses Data
```{r addresses, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
addresses <- read_csv(file="data/addresses/Addresses_Students_EastHS_2024_GeocodeResults.csv") %>%
filter(lat > 0) %>%
remove = FALSE)
(Remember that x = lon and y = lat.)
## Bike Level of Traffic Stress (LTS)
```{r bikelts, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
bike_lts <- st_transform(st_read("data/bike_lts/bike_lts_DANE.geojson"), crs = 4326)
# make lts attribute a factor
bike_lts[["lts"]] <- as.factor(bike_lts$LTS_F)
# remove segments with an LTS value of 9
bike_lts <- bike_lts %>% filter(lts != 9)
# set color scale
bike_lts_scale <- data.frame(code = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 9),
color = c("#1a9641",
# External sources configurations
## Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)
```{r osrm, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
2024-11-05 09:00:58 -06:00
# Set url and profile of OSRM server
options(osrm.server = "")
options(osrm.profile = "bike")
## Brouter options
```{r brouter, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
2024-11-05 09:00:58 -06:00
# Set url and profile of brouter server
brouter_url <- ""
## Stadia Maps API Key
```{r stadiamaps, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
register_stadiamaps(key = substr(read_file(file = "api_keys/stadia_api_key"), 1, 36))
# Analysis
```{r analysisPreamble, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
radius <- 3 # miles
levels <- c(1)
res <- 100
threshold <- 1
## Subset Addresses Within `r radius` Miles
```{r cycleBoundary, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
cycle_boundary_m <- radius*1609
school_focus <- data.frame(name = c("East High School"), NCES_CODE = c("550852000925"))
#school_focus <- data.frame(name = c("IMAP"), NCES_CODE = c("550008203085"))
cycle_boundary_poly <- st_transform(fill_holes(st_make_valid(osrmIsodistance(
loc = WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE),
# breaks = c(cycle_boundary_m),
breaks = cycle_boundary_m*levels,
res = res)
), units::set_units(threshold, km^2)), crs = 4326)
addresses_near <- st_intersection(addresses, cycle_boundary_poly)
- _osrmIsoDistance_ is the primary function in the above chunk.
- This function computes areas that are reachable within a given road
distance from a point and returns the reachable regions as
polygons. These areas of equal travel distance are called isodistances.
- Input is a point represented as an sf object (extended
data.frame-like objects with a simple feature list column) could be
other classes, e.g., vector of coods, data.frame of lat tand
long. etc.
- Arguments to osrmIsodistances used here are breaks and res
- breaks: a numeric vector of break values to define isodistance areas, in meters.
- res: number of points used to compute isodistances, one side of the
square grid, the total number of points will be res*res. Increase res to obtain more detailed isodistances.
- _fill\_holes_ is also used with a threshold of `r threshold` km^2.
- _st\_intersection_ is also used on sf objects (simple features?)
## Calculate Routes
```{r routes, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
school_focus_location <- WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% select(LAT, LON)
#calculate routes with the safety profile
brouter_profile <- "safety"
routes_safety <- list(NULL)
for(i in addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)) {
query <- paste0(
addresses_near %>% filter(number == i) %>% pull(lon), ",",
addresses_near %>% filter(number == i) %>% pull(lat), "|",
school_focus_location$LON, ",", school_focus_location$LAT,
"&profile=", brouter_profile,
response <- GET(query)
route_run <- st_read(content <- content(response, as = "text"), quiet = TRUE)
route_run[["student_number"]] <- i
routes_safety[[i]] <- route_run
message(paste0("done - ", i, " of ", max(addresses_near$number)))
# combine the list of routes into a data table and make sure its the right crs
routes_safety <- st_transform(bind_rows(routes_safety), crs = 4326)
# calculate routes with the "shortest" profile
brouter_profile <- "shortest"
routes_shortest <- list(NULL)
for(i in addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)) {
query <- paste0(
addresses_near %>% filter(number == i) %>% pull(lon), ",",
addresses_near %>% filter(number == i) %>% pull(lat), "|",
school_focus_location$LON, ",", school_focus_location$LAT,
"&profile=", brouter_profile,
response <- GET(query)
route_run <- st_read(content <- content(response, as = "text"), quiet = TRUE)
route_run[["student_number"]] <- i
routes_shortest[[i]] <- route_run
message(paste0("done - ", i, " of ", max(addresses_near$number)))
# combine the list of routes into a data table and make sure its the right crs
routes_shortest <- st_transform(bind_rows(routes_shortest), crs = 4326)
routes <- bind_rows(routes_safety, routes_shortest) %>%
mutate(total.time = as.double(total.time), = as.double(,
track.length = as.double(track.length))
- this queries the brouter server to get routes
## plot efficiency loss
```{r plotefficiency, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
ggplot(data = %>%
select(student_number, name, track.length) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = track.length) %>%
mutate(difference_percent = ((brouter_safety_0/brouter_shortest_0) - 1) * 100)) +
geom_point(aes(x = brouter_shortest_0 / 1609, y = difference_percent)) +
labs(x = "distance for shortest route",
y = "Percent difference between safest and shortest routes")
## Combine routes with Bike LTS
```{r ltscount, eval = runLTS, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# Count the routes that intersect or overlap with each segment of the bike_tls network.
# The intersections have a buffer of 10 m
2024-11-06 14:48:37 -06:00
bike_lts_buffer <- st_buffer(st_intersection(bike_lts, cycle_boundary_poly), 10)
bike_lts_buffer["student_use"] <- unlist(lapply(st_intersects(bike_lts_buffer, routes_safety), length))
bike_lts_studentuse <- left_join(bike_lts, %>% select(OBJECTID, student_use), by = "OBJECTID") %>% filter(student_use > 0)
- for each segment in bike_lts, this counts how many student&rsquo;s
calculated routes intersect with it (within a 10 m buffer)
```{r functions, eval = runLTS, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
```{r routeslts, eval = runLTS, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
2024-11-06 09:18:02 -06:00
# Start with routes_lts as a NULL list
routes_lts <- list(NULL)
2024-11-06 09:18:02 -06:00
# Pre-filter the bike_lts_buffer for relevant student use
relevant_buffer <- bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(student_use > 0)
routes_lts <- mclapply(addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number),
route_table = routes_safety,
mc.cores = detectCores() / 2,
mc.cleanup = TRUE,
mc.preschedule = TRUE,
mc.silent = FALSE)
routes_lts <- bind_rows(routes_lts)
- for each student's route, this finds which bike_lts segment it
intersects with and calculates a max and an average level of traffic
stress (LTS). This takes a while, so it runs in parallel. There's
probably a more efficient way to do this calculation.
- see ./R/functions.R for definition of getLTSForRoute()
```{r addresslts, eval = runLTS, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# Join the route lts data with the addresses data
addresses_near <- left_join(addresses_near,
routes_lts %>%
select(c("student_number", "lts_max", "lts_average", "lts_1_dist", "lts_2_dist", "lts_3_dist", "lts_4_dist")),
2024-11-06 14:48:37 -06:00
multiple = "any")
# add supplemental analysis
addresses_near <- addresses_near %>% mutate(lts_34_dist = lts_3_dist + lts_4_dist)
# Make Maps
## Set boundaries and get basemap
```{r basemap, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
bbox <- st_bbox(st_buffer(cycle_boundary_poly, dist = 500))
bbox <- c(left = as.double(bbox[1]),
bottom = as.double(bbox[2]),
right = as.double(bbox[3]),
top = as.double(bbox[4]))
#get basemap
basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = 15, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite")
- This chunk retrieves the base map from Stadia Maps (API key required)
## Generate map of addresses
```{r mapaddresses, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
ggmap(basemap) +
labs(title = paste0("Student homes at ",
school_focus %>% pull(name)),
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
color = NULL,
fill = "How many students live there") +
plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey")) +
geom_hex(data = addresses %>% extract(geometry, into = c('Lat', 'Lon'), '\\((.*),(.*)\\)', conv = T),
aes(x = Lat,
y = Lon),
alpha = 0.7) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd", direction = "reverse") +
geom_sf(data = cycle_boundary_poly,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = paste0(radius, " mile cycling boundary")),
fill = NA,
linewidth = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "blue", name = NULL) +
new_scale_color() +
# Position adjustments here using plot_box$max/min/range
ymin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] - 0.001,
ymax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] + 0.001,
xmin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] - 0.0015,
xmax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] + 0.0015) +
geom_sf_label(data = WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
mapping = aes(label = school_focus %>% pull(name)),
nudge_y = 0.0015,
label.size = 0.04,
size = 2)
ggsave(file = paste0("figures/",
school_focus %>% pull(name),
" Addresses_cycling.pdf"),
title = paste0(school_focus %>% pull(name), " Addresses"),
device = pdf,
height = 8.5,
width = 11,
units = "in",
create.dir = TRUE)
## Generate map of routes
```{r maproutes, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# generate map
ggmap(basemap) +
labs(title = paste0("Cycling routes for students at ",
school_focus %>% pull(name)),
subtitle = paste0("only showing the safest routes for students within the ", radius, " mile cycling boundary"),
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
color = NULL,
linewidth = "Potential student cyclists") +
plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey")) +
geom_sf(data = cycle_boundary_poly,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = paste0(radius, " mile cycling boundary")),
fill = NA,
linewidth = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "blue", name = NULL) +
new_scale_color() +
geom_sf(data = bike_lts_studentuse %>% filter(!, student_use > 3),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(linewidth = student_use),
color = "mediumvioletred",
fill = NA) +
scale_linewidth_continuous(range = c(0, 3)) +
# Position adjustments here using plot_box$max/min/range
ymin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] - 0.001,
ymax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] + 0.001,
xmin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] - 0.0015,
xmax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] + 0.0015) +
geom_sf_label(data = WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
mapping = aes(label = school_focus %>% pull(name)),
nudge_y = 0.0015,
label.size = 0.04,
size = 2)
ggsave(file = paste0("figures/",
school_focus %>% pull(name),
" Routes_cycling.pdf"),
title = paste0(school_focus %>% pull(name), " Cycling Routes"),
device = pdf,
height = 8.5,
width = 11,
units = "in",
create.dir = TRUE)
## Generate map of routes with LTS (1)
```{r maprouteslts, eval = runLTS, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# generate map
ggmap(basemap) +
labs(title = paste0("Cycling routes for students at ",
school_focus %>% pull(name)),
subtitle = "only showing routes within the cycling boundary",
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
color = NULL,
linewidth = "Potential student cyclists") +
plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey")) +
geom_sf(data = cycle_boundary_poly,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = paste0(radius, " mile cycling boundary")),
fill = NA,
linewidth = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "blue", name = NULL) +
new_scale_color() +
geom_sf(data = bike_lts_studentuse %>% filter(!, student_use > 0),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = lts,
linewidth = student_use)) +
scale_color_manual(values = bike_lts_scale$color, name = "Bike Level of Traffic Stress") +
scale_linewidth_continuous(range = c(0, 3)) +
# Position adjustments here using plot_box$max/min/range
ymin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] - 0.001,
ymax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] + 0.001,
xmin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] - 0.0015,
xmax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] + 0.0015) +
geom_sf_label(data = WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
mapping = aes(label = school_focus %>% pull(name)),
nudge_y = 0.0015,
label.size = 0.04,
size = 2)
ggsave(file = paste0("figures/",
school_focus %>% pull(name),
" Routes - Traffic Stress_cycling.pdf"),
title = paste0(school_focus %>% pull(name), " Cycling Routes - Traffic Stress"),
device = pdf,
height = 8.5,
width = 11,
units = "in",
create.dir = TRUE)
## Generate map of routes with LTS (2)
```{r mapaddresseslts, eval = runLTS, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE}
# generate map
ggmap(basemap) +
labs(title = paste0("Level of Traffic stress for biking for students at ",
school_focus %>% pull(name)),
subtitle = "only showing routes within the cycling boundary",
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
linewidth = "Potential student cyclists") +
plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey")) +
geom_sf(data = cycle_boundary_poly,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(color = paste0(radius, " mile cycling boundary")),
fill = NA,
linewidth = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "blue", name = NULL) +
new_scale_color() +
geom_sf(data = routes_lts %>% filter(route$student_use >= 3),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
2024-11-06 14:48:37 -06:00
aes(geometry = route$geometry,
color = route$lts,
linewidth = route$student_use)) +
#scale_color_gradientn(colors = bike_lts_scale$color, name = "Length of high stress travel on route from that address", limits = c(1,4)) +
scale_color_manual(values = bike_lts_scale$color, name = "Bike Level of Traffic Stress") +
#scale_color_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd", direction = "reverse") +
scale_linewidth_continuous(range = c(0, 3)) +
# Position adjustments here using plot_box$max/min/range
ymin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] - 0.001,
ymax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[2] + 0.001,
xmin = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] - 0.0015,
xmax = as.double((WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE) %>% pull(geom))[[1]])[1] + 0.0015) +
geom_sf_label(data = WI_schools %>% filter(NCES_CODE %in% school_focus$NCES_CODE),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
mapping = aes(label = school_focus %>% pull(name)),
nudge_y = 0.0015,
label.size = 0.04,
size = 2)
ggsave(file = paste0("figures/",
school_focus %>% pull(name),
2024-11-06 14:48:37 -06:00
" Routes - Traffic Stress_cycling_new.pdf"),
2024-11-05 12:21:05 -06:00
title = paste0(school_focus %>% pull(name), " Student Addresses - Cycling Traffic Stress"),
device = pdf,
height = 8.5,
width = 11,
units = "in",
create.dir = TRUE)
# Appendix
## Notes
### R Package sf
- Simple features or simple feature access refers to a formal standard
(ISO 19125-1:2004) that describes how objects in the real world can
be represented in computers, with emphasis on the spatial geometry
of these objects. It also describes how such objects can be stored
in and retrieved from databases, and which geometrical operations
should be defined for them.
- The standard is widely implemented in spatial databases (such as
PostGIS), commercial GIS (e.g., ESRI ArcGIS) and forms the vector
data basis for libraries such as GDAL. A subset of simple features
forms the GeoJSON standard.
- R has well-supported classes for storing spatial data (sp) and
interfacing to the above mentioned environments (rgdal, rgeos), but
has so far lacked a complete implementation of simple features,
making conversions at times convoluted, inefficient or
incomplete. The package sf tries to fill this gap, and aims at
succeeding sp in the long term.
- See source [here](
- all functions and methods in sf that operate on spatial data are
prefixed by st_, which refers to spatial type; this makes them
easily findable by command-line completion.
- Tessellation st_make_grid()
### Sandbox
#### Create a Grid Over Bikeable Area
```{r sandbox1, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
cellsize <- 5e-3
grid <- st_intersection(cycle_boundary_poly, st_make_grid(cycle_boundary_poly, cellsize = cellsize, what = "polygons", square = FALSE))
2024-11-08 14:13:28 -06:00
#### Compute Routes from Cell Centroid to School
```{r sandbox2, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
grid_pts <- st_centroid(grid)
grid_coods <- st_coordinates(grid_pts)
2024-11-08 14:13:28 -06:00
routes <- list(NULL)
for(i in 1:nrow(grid_coods) ) {
query <- paste0(
"?lonlats=", grid_coods[i,1], ",",grid_coods[i,2], "|",
school_focus_location$LON, ",", school_focus_location$LAT,
"&profile=", brouter_profile,
response <- GET(query)
route_run <- st_read(content <- content(response, as = "text"), quiet = TRUE)
route_run[["student_number"]] <- i
routes[[i]] <- route_run
routes <- st_transform(bind_rows(routes), crs = 4326)
2024-11-08 14:13:28 -06:00
- What does `st_transform(bind_rows(routes), crs = 4326)` do?
#### Generate Map for Total Time
```{r sandbox3, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
track.length.vec <- routes %>% pull(track.length)
grid <- cbind(grid, track.length = as.numeric(track.length.vec)/1609)
total.time.vec <- routes %>% pull(total.time)
grid <- cbind(grid, total.time = as.numeric(total.time.vec)/60) <- routes %>% pull(
grid <- cbind(grid, = as.numeric(
ggmap(basemap) +
2024-11-08 14:13:28 -06:00
geom_sf(data = grid,
aes(fill = total.time),
inherit.aes = FALSE
2024-11-08 14:13:28 -06:00
#### Available Route Data
```{r sandbox4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
##### Message Data?
What information can we pull out of the messages data?
```{r sandbox5, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
```{r chunklast, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
# Archive
```{r archive1, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE}
# for(i in addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)) {
# lts_segments <- bike_lts_buffer$OBJECTID[st_intersects(bike_lts_buffer, routes %>% filter(student_number == i), sparse = FALSE)]
# lts_max <- max(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID %in% lts_segments) %>% pull(LTS_F), na.rm = TRUE)
# lts_average <- mean(bike_lts_buffer %>% filter(OBJECTID %in% lts_segments) %>% pull(LTS_F), na.rm = TRUE)
# routes_lts[[i]] <- data.frame("student_number" = c(i), "lts_max" = c(lts_max), "lts_average" = c(lts_average))
# message(paste0("done - ", i, " of ", max(addresses_near$number)))
# }
# routes_lts <- lapply(head(addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)),
# getLTSForRoute)
# system.time(routes_lts <- lapply(head(addresses_near %>% arrange(number) %>% pull(number)),
# getLTSForRoute))