ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-06 08:16:48 -06:00
4c98d5a68d new example figure with safety profile, edited README
bd3b74d430 Added safety profile to brouter and script
Compare 2 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 12:33:30 -06:00
1fb35a818a edited typo in Makefile
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 12:25:15 -06:00
df4d1d9d25 remove containers after preprocessing commands
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 12:21:20 -06:00
74b9c10f7d changed title of map
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 12:19:33 -06:00
c03d4df0a7 set crs explicitly for all data imports.
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 12:04:09 -06:00
7e6eb9c45b Added new analysis: calculate the maximum and average lts for the route for each address and plot them on the map of addresses. This analysis takes a while, so I parallelized it. I also set eval=FALSE because it takes so long.
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 09:55:23 -06:00
338e608d92 edited examples and readme with new figures
4330687ed2 edited typo
9959536378 changed name to ltscount (from routeslts) to match cycling_route_analysis_brouter.Rmd
b19add99ac fixed erroneous join
1f27a017af edited .gitignore
Compare 6 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 09:07:43 -06:00
d559b8605e added 'student_number' to routes data table
acf70cc6d2 adjust brouter url variable names
Compare 2 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-05 08:27:45 -06:00
ef51272a69 added brouter to readme intro
dd36d8b957 added top level .html files to .gitignore
fe88172a3b edited typo in Makefile
378c991c6d added docker-compose to brouter docker directory
104f215a0e Edited .gitignore, edited README, edited Makefile
Compare 11 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-04 18:38:54 -06:00
8348f5606c changed port back to 5001
a6e47e12a3 Added a new RMarkdown script that uses brouter as the routing backend instead of OSRM. It's still using OSRM to draw the isodistance polygon.
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ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-04 14:31:11 -06:00
4c74dda385 Merge pull request #9 from syounkin/sgy
c0717d36bb Merge branch 'main' into sgy
432e2ca7da Use port 5001 for Cycling
Compare 3 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-01 17:10:57 -05:00
1047ec1faf changed port of OSRM servber to match second cycling-specific routing container
9f70e1a6c1 Merge pull request #8 from syounkin/sgy
220d9a0e8b Updates to cycling_route_analysis.Rmd
91a5390480 Introduced Cycling Markdown Script
bfda9bb6ef Moved R Markdown to top-level
Compare 5 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-01 11:23:16 -05:00
f3e68912ad remove duplicate bikelts chunk
57d3a65db9 Merge pull request #7 from syounkin/sgy
3458ffa61f Merge branch 'main' into sgy
3583c0917b Finished Organizing Rmarkdown Script
Compare 4 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-11-01 09:58:03 -05:00
626d69667e Merge pull request #6 from bvarick/chunk-therest
1406713180 Split up "The Rest" into chucks. Reordered some of the chunks.
Compare 2 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-10-31 17:52:12 -05:00
c721c58a9a Merge pull request #5 from syounkin/sgy
a335d627fa Began Organizing Markdown Script
Compare 2 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-10-31 16:48:44 -05:00
07f4d38bd2 removed segments from bike_lts with an lts value of 9
41f461b19a removed html file from git
49eba8eb71 removed unnecessary st_transform steps
Compare 3 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-10-31 14:49:28 -05:00
8748e0fa69 removed leading ./ from subdirectory paths
23e7b4237e Merge pull request #4 from syounkin/sgy
c5fa6c73fc Merge branch 'main' into sgy
e0290a3d39 Merge branch 'bvarick:main' into sgy
a389ec2b65 Better fix to data link issue
Compare 7 commits »
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-10-31 14:08:16 -05:00
3bd9080f67 adjusted WI_schools data source
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-10-31 11:23:25 -05:00
a17e15fd6e README formatting
ben pushed to main at ben/route_analysis 2024-10-31 11:22:48 -05:00
88d5ae53a6 added data sources to README
e851b8d773 added data/* to .gitignore
4a53dab9ba Merge pull request #3 from syounkin/sgy
338ddec0b4 Added *.Rproj to .gitignore
57b9cd9d5e Merge branch 'bvarick:main' into sgy
Compare 6 commits »