library(tidyverse) library(sf) #library(tmap) library(leaflet) library(RColorBrewer) library(tidycensus) library(htmltools) ## Load TOPS data ---- ## To load TOPS data for the whole state for crashes involving bikes and pedestrians): ## Step 1 - download csv from the TOPS Data Retrieval Tool with the query: SELECT * FROM DTCRPRD.SUMMARY_COMBINED C WHERE C.CRSHDATE BETWEEN TO_DATE('2023-JAN','YYYY-MM') AND LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('2023-DEC','YYYY-MM')) AND (C.BIKEFLAG = 'Y' OR C.PEDFLAG = 'Y') ORDER BY C.DOCTNMBR ## Step 2 - include RACE1 and RACE2 for download in preferences ## Step 3 - save the csv in the "data" directory as crash-data-download_2023.csv TOPS_data <- as.list(NULL) for (file in list.files(path = "data/TOPS/", pattern = "crash-data-download")) { message(paste("importing data from file: ", file)) year <- substr(file, 21, 24) csv_run <- read_csv(file = paste0("data/TOPS/",file), col_types = cols(.default = "c")) TOPS_data[[file]] <- csv_run } rm(csv_run, file, year) TOPS_data <- bind_rows(TOPS_data) ## clean up data ---- TOPS_data <- TOPS_data %>% mutate(date = mdy(CRSHDATE), age1 = as.double(AGE1), age2 = as.double(AGE2), latitude = as.double(LATDECDG), longitude = as.double(LONDECDG)) %>% mutate(month = month(date, label = TRUE), year = as.factor(year(date))) # Injury Severy Index and Color ----- injury_severity <- data.frame(InjSevName = c("No apparent injury", "Possible Injury", "Suspected Minor Injury","Suspected Serious Injury","Fatality"), code = c("O", "C", "B", "A", "K"), color = c("#fafa6e", "#edc346", "#d88d2d", "#bd5721", "#9b1c1c")) TOPS_data <- left_join(TOPS_data, injury_severity %>% select(InjSevName, code), join_by(INJSVR1 == code)) %>% mutate(InjSevName = factor(InjSevName, levels = injury_severity$InjSevName)) %>% rename(InjSevName1 = InjSevName) TOPS_data <- left_join(TOPS_data, injury_severity %>% select(InjSevName, code), join_by(INJSVR2 == code)) %>% mutate(InjSevName = factor(InjSevName, levels = injury_severity$InjSevName)) %>% rename(InjSevName2 = InjSevName) TOPS_data <- TOPS_data %>% mutate(ped_inj = ifelse(ROLE1 %in% c("BIKE", "PED"), INJSVR1, ifelse(ROLE2 %in% c("BIKE", "PED"), INJSVR2, NA))) TOPS_data <- left_join(TOPS_data, injury_severity %>% select(InjSevName, code), join_by(ped_inj == code)) %>% mutate(InjSevName = factor(InjSevName, levels = injury_severity$InjSevName)) %>% rename(ped_inj_name = InjSevName) # Race names race <- data.frame(race_name = c("Asian", "Black", "Indian","Hispanic","White"), code = c("A", "B", "I", "H", "W")) TOPS_data <- left_join(TOPS_data, race %>% select(race_name, code), join_by(RACE1 == code)) %>% rename(race_name1 = race_name) TOPS_data <- left_join(TOPS_data, race %>% select(race_name, code), join_by(RACE2 == code)) %>% rename(race_name2 = race_name) ## make mutate TOPS_data TOPS_data <- TOPS_data %>% mutate(Year = year, PedestrianInjurySeverity = ped_inj_name, CrashDate = CRSHDATE, CrashTime = CRSHTIME, County = CNTYNAME, Street = ONSTR, CrossStreet = ATSTR) %>% mutate(PedestrianAge = ifelse(ROLE1 %in% c("BIKE", "PED"), age1, age2)) TOPS_geom <- st_as_sf(TOPS_data %>% filter(!, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) ## add county borders ---- CountyBoundaries <- read_sf("data/WI_County_Boundaries_24K.geojson") focus_columns <- c("PedestrianInjurySeverity", "CrashDate", "CrashTime", "County", "Street", "CrossStreet", "PedestrianAge", "Year") focus_county <- "DANE" ## generate map with tmap ---- # tmap_mode("view") # # Pedestrian_Crash_Data <- TOPS_geom %>% # # filter(CNTYNAME == focus_county) %>% # select(all_of(focus_columns)) # # tm_basemap("Stadia.AlidadeSmooth") + # tm_shape(Pedestrian_Crash_Data) + # tm_dots("PedestrianInjurySeverity", palette = injury_severity$color, popup.vars = focus_columns) # # tmap_save(file = "figures/dynamic_crash_maps/dynamic_crash_map.html") # generate map with leaflet ---- Pedestrian_Crash_Data <- TOPS_data %>% # filter(CNTYNAME == focus_county) %>% select(c(all_of(focus_columns), "longitude", "latitude")) injury_severity_pal <- colorFactor(palette = injury_severity$color, domain = injury_severity$InjSevName) County_Crash_Data <- Pedestrian_Crash_Data %>% group_by(County, Year) %>% summarise(TotalCrashes = n(), longitude = mean(longitude, na.rm = TRUE), latitude = mean(latitude, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% group_by(County) %>% summarise(MeanCrashes = mean(TotalCrashes, na.rm = TRUE), longitude = mean(longitude, na.rm = TRUE), latitude = mean(latitude, na.rm = TRUE)) # add population census data census_api_key(key = substr(read_file(file = "api_keys/census_api_key"), 1, 40)) county_populations <- get_estimates(geography = "county", year = 2022, product = "population", state = "Wisconsin") %>% filter(variable == "POPESTIMATE") %>% mutate(County = str_to_upper(str_replace(NAME, " County, Wisconsin", ""))) County_Crash_Data <- left_join(County_Crash_Data, county_populations, join_by("County")) County_Crash_Data <- County_Crash_Data %>% mutate(CrashesPerPopulation = MeanCrashes/value*100000) county_pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "YlOrRd", domain = c(min(County_Crash_Data$CrashesPerPopulation, na.rm = TRUE), max(County_Crash_Data$CrashesPerPopulation, na.rm = TRUE))) #title style <- tags$style(HTML(" { transform: translate(-50%,20%); position: fixed !important; left: 50%; text-align: center; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.75); font-weight: bold; font-size: 28px; } ")) title <- tags$div(, HTML("Pedestrians & Bicyclists hit by cars
2017-2023") ) <- tags$style(HTML(" { transform: translate(0%,0%); position: fixed !important; left: 90%; text-align: center; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.75); font-weight: regular; font-size: 12px; } ")) subtitle <- tags$div(, HTML("data from UW TOPS lab - retrieved 3/2024
per direction of the WisDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety") ) leaflet() %>% addControl(title, position = "topleft", className="map-title") %>% addControl(subtitle, position = "bottomleft", className="map-subtitle") %>% addProviderTiles(providers$Stadia.AlidadeSmooth) %>% addCircleMarkers(data = Pedestrian_Crash_Data, lng=Pedestrian_Crash_Data$longitude, lat=Pedestrian_Crash_Data$latitude, fillColor=injury_severity_pal(Pedestrian_Crash_Data$PedestrianInjurySeverity), radius=3, stroke=TRUE, color = "black", weight = 1, fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Crash Points") %>% addLegend(position = "bottomleft", labels = injury_severity$InjSevName, colors = injury_severity$color, group = "Crash Points", title = "Injury Severity") %>% groupOptions(group = "Crash Points", zoomLevels = 10:20) %>% addPolygons(data = CountyBoundaries, fill = FALSE, color = "black", weight = 1) %>% addCircleMarkers(data = County_Crash_Data, lng=County_Crash_Data$longitude, lat=County_Crash_Data$latitude, fillColor=county_pal(County_Crash_Data$CrashesPerPopulation), radius=County_Crash_Data$value/20000, stroke = TRUE, color = "black", weight = 1, fillOpacity = 0.7, group = "Counties") %>% addLegend(position = "bottomleft", pal = county_pal, values = County_Crash_Data$CrashesPerPopulation, group = "Counties", title = "Mean Crashes/Year in County
(per 100,000 residents)") %>% # addLegendSize(position = "bottomright", color = "black", shape = "circle", values = County_Crash_Data$value.y, group = "Counties", title = "Population of County") %>% groupOptions(group ="Counties", zoomLevels = 1:9)