- Pre Process TOPS data `make TOPS_data_process`: This combines TOPS data exports from different years and reformats the data.
- OpenStreetMap Routing Machine `make osrm`: this downloads the most recent OpenStreetMap data for Wisconsin, and starts docker containers to run the OpenStreetMap Routing Machine to calculate IsoDistances.
- School Crash Maps `make schoolpdfs`: generates maps of all the schools in Wisconsin and where cars are hitting kids This script pulls in the TOPS data from a folder of csv’s that you’ve downloaded from the data retrieval tool. It also draws the walk boundary around each school, this is done with a OpenStreetMap routing engine that is running in a docker container. It also needs access to an API key for StadiaMaps to download all the basemap tiles. I recommend downloading the whole state and filtering the data with the script. You can edit file `parameters/run_parameters` to choose what county, school type, and district to generate maps for
- Dynamic Map `make crashmaps_dynamic`: This takes the TOPS data and generates dynamic leaflet maps to host on our website. It generates 4 maps: without a title (for in a frame), and with a title, in both English and Spanish.
- City maps - generates maps for cities in Wisconsin where pedestrian fatalities occur This script pulls in the TOPS data from a folder of csv’s that you’ve downloaded from the data retrieval tool. It also needs access to an API key for StadiaMaps to download all the basemap tiles. You can specify the cities by changing the focus parameters at line ~80