--- title: "Wisconsin Cycling to School" output: html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 5 toc_float: collapsed: false smooth_scroll: true editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- # Input Data & Configuration ## Libraries ```{r libs, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = FALSE} date() rm(list=ls()) library(tidyverse) library(ggmap) library(sf) library(osrm) ## library(smoothr) ## library(magick) ## library(ggnewscale) ## library(rsvg) ## library(httr) ## library(jsonlite) ## library(parallel) library(reactable) fig.height <- 6 set.seed(1) source("./R/functions.R") runLoop <- FALSE ``` ## Configuration ```{r config, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} options(osrm.server = "") options(osrm.profile = "bike") brouter_url <- "" brouter_profile <- "safety" register_stadiamaps(key = substr(read_file(file = "api_keys/stadia_api_key"), 1, 36)) WI_schools <- st_transform(st_read(dsn = "data/Schools/Wisconsin_Public_Schools_-5986231931870160084.gpkg", quiet = TRUE), crs = 4326) WI_schools <- WI_schools %>% mutate(geom = SHAPE) ``` ## Subset Schools ```{r subsetSchools, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} WI_schools <- subset(WI_schools, !is.na(LAT) & !is.na(LON) & GRADE_RANGE == "09-12") ``` Non-virtual, grades 9-12. ## Loop through WI Schools ```{r mainloop, eval = runLoop, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = FALSE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} radius <- 3 # miles levels <- c(1) res <- 100 threshold <- units::set_units(1, km^2) gridList <- list() routesList <- list() indexVec <- 1:nrow(WI_schools) jj <- 1; bad.school.vec <- c() for(j in indexVec){ school_location <- WI_schools[j,] cycle_boundary_m <- radius*1609 cycle_boundary_poly <- osrmIsodistance( loc = school_location, breaks = cycle_boundary_m, res = res ) cycle_boundary_poly <- st_make_valid(cycle_boundary_poly) cycle_boundary_poly <- fill_holes(cycle_boundary_poly, threshold) cycle_boundary_poly <- st_transform(cycle_boundary_poly, crs = 4326) cellsize <- 1e-2 grid <- st_make_grid(cycle_boundary_poly, cellsize = cellsize, what = "polygons", square = FALSE) grid <- st_intersection(cycle_boundary_poly, grid) grid <- st_make_valid(grid) grid_pts <- st_centroid(grid) grid_coods <- st_coordinates(grid_pts) school_focus_location <- school_location %>% select(LAT, LON) routes <- list(NULL) for(i in 1:nrow(grid_coods) ) { query <- paste0( brouter_url, "?lonlats=", grid_coods[i,1], ",",grid_coods[i,2], "|", school_focus_location$LON, ",", school_focus_location$LAT, "&profile=", brouter_profile, "&alternativeidx=0&format=geojson" ) response <- GET(query) if( response$status_code == "200" ){ route_run <- st_read(content <- content(response, as = "text"), quiet = TRUE) routes[[i]] <- route_run }else{ routes[[i]] <- NA } } bad.cell <- which(is.na(routes)) if(length(bad.cell) > 0){ routes <- routes[-bad.cell] grid <- grid[-bad.cell,] } if(length(routes) > 0){ routes <- st_transform(bind_rows(routes), crs = 4326) gridList[[jj]] <- grid routesList[[jj]] <- routes jj <- jj + 1 }else{ routes <- NA bad.school.vec <- c(j, bad.school.vec) cat( WI_schools$SCHOOL[j], "has zero routes to school and has been removed from analysis.\n") } } if(length(bad.school.vec) > 0){ WI_schools <- WI_schools[-bad.school.vec,] } saveRDS(WI_schools, "./R/data/WI_schools.rds") saveRDS(gridList, "./R/data/gridList.rds") saveRDS(routesList, "./R/data/routesList.rds") ``` ## Read List Data ```{r readLists, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} routesList <- readRDS(file = "./R/data/routesList.rds") gridList <- readRDS(file = "./R/data/gridList.rds") WI_schools <- readRDS(file = "./R/data/WI_schools.rds") not.cycleway.vec <- c() for(j in 1:length(gridList)){ grid <- gridList[[j]] routes <- routesList[[j]] total.time.vec <- routes %>% pull(total.time) grid <- cbind(grid, total.time = as.numeric(total.time.vec)) x.vec <- c() for( i in 1:nrow(grid) ){ route <- routes[i,"messages"] # Grid cell i to school j x <- routeChar(route) x.vec <- c(x.vec, x) } grid <- cbind(grid, T.cycleway = x.vec) grid <- cbind( grid, not.cycleway = (grid$total.time - grid$T.cycleway)/60) gridList[[j]] <- grid not.cycleway.vec <- c(not.cycleway.vec, median(grid$not.cycleway)) } ``` ## Plot List Data ### Shortest and Longest Median Non-Cycleway Duration First we take a look at the schools with the shortest and longest median time on cycleway. #### Longest ```{r worst, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} ggplot(data.frame(not.cycleway = not.cycleway.vec), aes(not.cycleway)) + geom_histogram(fill = "grey", color = "black") + theme_bw() register_stadiamaps(key = substr(read_file(file = "api_keys/stadia_api_key"), 1, 36)) k <- 306 zoom.level <- 15 bbox <- st_bbox(st_buffer(gridList[[k]], dist = 500)) bbox <- c(left = as.double(bbox[1]), bottom = as.double(bbox[2]), right = as.double(bbox[3]), top = as.double(bbox[4])) basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = zoom.level, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite") ggmap(basemap) + geom_sf(data = gridList[[k]], aes(fill= not.cycleway), inherit.aes = FALSE) + scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", limits = c(0,17), na.value = NA) ``` The longest is `r WI_schools[k,] |> pull(SCHOOL)`. #### Shortest ```{r best, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} k <- 247 bbox <- st_bbox(st_buffer(gridList[[k]], dist = 500)) bbox <- c(left = as.double(bbox[1]), bottom = as.double(bbox[2]), right = as.double(bbox[3]), top = as.double(bbox[4])) basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = zoom.level, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite") ggmap(basemap) + geom_sf(data = gridList[[k]], aes(fill= not.cycleway), inherit.aes = FALSE) + scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", limits = c(0,17), na.value = NA) ``` The shortest is `r WI_schools[k,] |> pull(SCHOOL)`. ### Statewide Map ```{r plots2, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} D <- cbind(WI_schools, not.cycleway.vec) zoom.level <- 8 bbox <- st_bbox(st_buffer(D, dist = 10e3)) bbox <- c(left = as.double(bbox[1]), bottom = as.double(bbox[2]), right = as.double(bbox[3]), top = as.double(bbox[4])) basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = zoom.level, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite") ggmap(basemap) + geom_sf(data = D, aes(size = 2, color = not.cycleway.vec), inherit.aes = FALSE) + scale_color_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", na.value = NA) # , limits = c(0,17) ``` ### Statewide Table ```{r table, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} D_table <- as.data.frame(cbind(WI_schools, not.cycleway.vec)) D <- select(D_table, SCHOOL, COUNTY, NONCYCLEWAY = not.cycleway.vec) D <- D |> mutate(NONCYCLEWAY = round(NONCYCLEWAY,1)) reactable(D) ``` # Archive ```{r chunklast, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} date() sessionInfo() ```