diff --git a/route_to_school.Rmd b/route_to_school.Rmd index e5819fa..d1e8c2b 100644 --- a/route_to_school.Rmd +++ b/route_to_school.Rmd @@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ saveRDS(cycle_boundary_poly, "./R/data/cycle_boundary_poly.rds") ```{r grid, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} cellsize <- 2.5e-3 -grid <- st_intersection(cycle_boundary_poly, st_make_grid(cycle_boundary_poly, cellsize = cellsize, what = "polygons", square = FALSE)) +grid <- st_make_grid(cycle_boundary_poly, cellsize = cellsize, what = "polygons", square = FALSE) +grid <- st_intersection(cycle_boundary_poly, grid) ``` # Compute Routes from Cell Centroids to School with brouter @@ -136,10 +137,11 @@ bbox <- c(left = as.double(bbox[1]), right = as.double(bbox[3]), top = as.double(bbox[4])) -basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = 15, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite") +zoom.level <- 12 +basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = zoom.level, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite") ``` -## Route Characteristic Map +## Total Trip Time Map ```{r sandbox3, eval = makePlots, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} track.length.vec <- routes %>% pull(track.length) @@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ ggsave(gg1, filename = "./figures/route-characteristics.pdf", width = 11, height gg1 ``` + ## Routes Map ```{r sandbox3b, eval = makePlots, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} @@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ gg2 # Available Route Data -## Investigatioin of Messages Data +## Compute Percent of Trip on Cycleway ```{r sandbox4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results = "show", warning = TRUE, error = TRUE, message = TRUE} x.vec <- c()