library(tidyverse) library(influxdbclient) library(glue) library(ggmap) library(sf) # parameters needed to make connection to Database token <- substr(read_file(file = 'api_keys/influxdb_madison-metro'), 1, 88) org <- "e2581d54779b077f" bucket <- "madison-metro" days <- 1 influx_connection <- InfluxDBClient$new(url = "", token = token, org = org) #--- # Fields you want to query fields <- c("des", "spd", "pdist", "lon", "lat", "dly", "origtatripno") # Creating an empty list to store results for each field results <- vector("list", length(fields)) # Loop through each field, get data, and coerce types if needed for (i in seq_along(fields)) { field <- fields[i] query_string <- glue('from(bucket: "{bucket}") ', '|> range(start: -{days}d) ', '|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "vehicle_data")', '|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "{field}")') data <- influx_connection$query(query_string) # Ensure the columns are coerced to consistent types # (Optionally add coercion based on your expected types) data <- bind_rows(data) %>% mutate(value = as.character(`_value`), field = `_field`) %>% select(time, rt, pid, vid, value, field) results[[i]] <- data } # Bind all results together metro_raw <- bind_rows(results) metro_raw <- pivot_wider(metro_raw, values_from = value, names_from = field) %>% distinct(pid, vid, lat, lon, spd, .keep_all = TRUE) metro_data <- metro_raw %>% mutate(time = with_tz(time, "America/Chicago"), spd = as.double(spd), pdist = as.double(pdist), lon = as.double(lon), lat = as.double(lat)) %>% group_by(pid, vid) %>% arrange(time) %>% mutate(lag_pdist = lag(pdist), lag_time = lag(time)) %>% mutate(spd_calc = (pdist - lag_pdist)/as.double(difftime(time, lag_time, units = "hours"))/5280) routes_categorized <- read_csv(file = "routes_categorized.csv", col_types = "cc") bucket_feet <- 200 lat_round <- bucket_feet/364481.35 lon_round <- bucket_feet/267203.05 metro_summary <- metro_data %>% left_join(routes_categorized, by = "pid") %>% mutate(lat_bucket = round(lat / lat_round) * lat_round, lon_bucket = round(lon / lon_round) * lon_round) %>% group_by(lat_bucket, lon_bucket, rt, des, pid) %>% summarise(lat_bucket = median(lat_bucket, na.rm = TRUE), lon_bucket = median(lon_bucket, na.rm = TRUE), spd = median(spd, na.rm = TRUE), spd_calc = median(spd_calc, na.rm = TRUE), pdist = median(pdist), trip_count = length(unique(origtatripno))) metro_data_sf <- st_as_sf(metro_data %>% filter(!, coords = c("lon", "lat"), remove = FALSE) metro_summary_sf <- st_as_sf(metro_summary %>% filter(!, coords = c("lon_bucket", "lat_bucket"), remove = FALSE) segments_sf <- metro_summary_sf %>% group_by(rt, pid) %>% arrange(pid, pdist) %>% # Ensure points within each route are sorted if needed mutate( lead_geom = lead(geometry), lead_spd = lead(spd) ) %>% filter(! %>% # Create a segment for each pair of points rowwise() %>% mutate( segment = st_cast(st_union(geometry, lead_geom), "LINESTRING") ) %>% ungroup() %>% %>% select(rt, pid, des, lat_bucket, lon_bucket, spd, segment, spd_calc) %>% st_as_sf() # get counts of routes route_counts <- metro_data %>% group_by(pid, rt, des) %>% summarise(route_count = length(unique(origtatripno))) # make charts ggplot(data = metro_summary %>% filter(pid %in% c("421", "422")), aes(x = pdist, y = spd_calc)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth() + facet_grid(paste0(rt, "-", des) ~ .) register_stadiamaps(key = substr(read_file(file = "api_keys/stadia_api_key"), 1, 36)) bbox <- c(left = min(metro_data$lon), bottom = min(metro_data$lat), right = max(metro_data$lon), top = max(metro_data$lat)) #get basemap basemap <- get_stadiamap(bbox = bbox, zoom = 13, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite") # A West quantile(segments_sf %>% filter(pid %in% c("469")) %>% pull(spd_calc), c(0,0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), na.rm = TRUE) for (route in unique(routes_categorized$name)){ route_focus <- routes_categorized %>% filter(name == route) %>% pull(pid) ggmap(basemap) + labs(title = paste0("Metro Route Speed - ", route), subtitle = paste0("averaged between ", sum(route_counts %>% filter(pid %in% route_focus) %>% pull(route_count)), " bus trips - ", min(date(metro_data$time)), " to ", max(date(metro_data$time))), x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme(axis.text=element_blank(), axis.ticks=element_blank(), plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey")) + geom_sf(data = segments_sf %>% filter(pid %in% route_focus), inherit.aes = FALSE, aes(color = spd_calc), linewidth = 1) + scale_color_distiller(palette = "RdYlGn", direction = "reverse", limits = c(0,70), name = "Average speed or segment\n(calculated with locations, not reported speed)") ggsave(file = paste0("figures/", route, ".pdf"), title = paste0("Metro Route Speed - ", route), device = pdf, height = 8.5, width = 11, units = "in", create.dir = TRUE) }