--- title: "Laundry Status" output: html_document: includes: in_header: favicon_header.html --- updated: `r format(Sys.time(), format = "%A %I:%M %p", tz = "America/Chicago")` this site updates every `r update_interval` minutes --- ## The washing machine is currently: `r current_status[["washing_machine_power"]]` The washer `r ifelse(current_status$washing_machine_power=="on", "started", "ended")` its most recent cycle at `r ifelse(current_status$washing_machine_power=="on", strftime(last_change$washing_machine_power_off, format = "%A %I:%M %p", tz = "America/Chicago"), strftime(last_change$washing_machine_power_on, format = "%A %I:%M %p", tz = "America/Chicago"))` : `r ifelse(current_status$washing_machine_power=="on", calculateTimeAgo(last_change$washing_machine_power_off), calculateTimeAgo(last_change$washing_machine_power_on))` `r ifelse(current_status$washing_machine_power=="off", paste0("The washing machine door is ", status_door$washing_machine_power), "")` --- ## The dryer is currently: `r current_status[["dryer_power"]]` The dryer `r ifelse(current_status$dryer_power=="on", "started", "ended")` its most recent cycle at `r ifelse(current_status$dryer_power=="on", strftime(last_change$dryer_power_off, format = "%A %I:%M %p", tz = "America/Chicago"), strftime(last_change$dryer_power_on, format = "%A %I:%M %p", tz = "America/Chicago"))` : `r ifelse(current_status$dryer_power=="on", calculateTimeAgo(last_change$dryer_power_off), calculateTimeAgo(last_change$dryer_power_on))` `r ifelse(current_status$dryer_power=="off", paste0("The dryer door is ", status_door$dryer_power), "")` --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` This site tracks the washing machine and dryer of our building. My hope is that it helps people find good times to do laundry. ```{r plot_1day, echo=FALSE} plot(plot_1day) ``` ```{r plot_1week, echo=FALSE} plot(plot_1week) ``` ```{r plot_1week_days, echo=FALSE} plot(plot_1week_days) ``` If you have any issues or questions, please email [ben@dendroalsia.net](mailto:ben@dendroalsia.net) The code that I wrote to generate this website is available under the GPLv3 license here: [https://git.dendroalsia.net/ben/laundry_status](https://git.dendroalsia.net/ben/laundry_status)