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<title>About | Dendroalsia</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Dendroalsia is a genus of moss. According to Robin Wall Kimmerer, its name roughly translates to 'companion of trees'.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="Dendroalsia is a genus of moss. According to Robin Wall Kimmerer, its name roughly translates to 'companion of trees'." />
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<meta property="og:description" content="Dendroalsia is a genus of moss. According to Robin Wall Kimmerer, its name roughly translates to 'companion of trees'.">
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<meta itemprop="description" content="Dendroalsia is a genus of moss. According to Robin Wall Kimmerer, its name roughly translates to 'companion of trees'.">
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<meta name="twitter:title" content="About">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Dendroalsia is a genus of moss. According to Robin Wall Kimmerer, its name roughly translates to 'companion of trees'.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="I'd love to hear from you" />
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<title>Dendroalsia | Dendroalsia</title>
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<meta property="og:description" content="Hi, I'm Ben, I live in Madison, WI and this is my server. The services it runs are hosted on various subdomains." />
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="Hi, I'm Ben, I live in Madison, WI and this is my server. The services it runs are hosted on various subdomains."/>
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Hi, I'm Ben, I live in Madison, WI and this is my server. The services it runs are hosted on various subdomains.
Hi, I'm Ben, I live in Madison, WI
@ -109,16 +115,102 @@
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<article class="cf ph3 ph5-l pv3 pv4-l f4 tc-l center measure-wide lh-copy mid-gray">
<p>I host some of my work <a href="https://git.dendroalsia.net">here</a>, mostly data visualization scripts written in R.</p>
<article class="cf ph3 ph5-l pv3 pv4-l f4 tc-l center measure-wide lh-copy mid-gray">
<p>I host some of my work <a href="https://git.dendroalsia.net">here</a>, mostly data visualization scripts written in R.</p>
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<a href="/contact/" class="color-inherit dim link">
<div class="f6 f5-l lh-copy nested-copy-line-height nested-links">
<p>Feel free to send me an <a href="mailto:ben@dendroalsia.net">email</a></p>
<a href="/contact/" class="ba b--moon-gray bg-light-gray br2 color-inherit dib f7 hover-bg-moon-gray link mt2 ph2 pv1">read more</a>
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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
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<description>Feel free to send me an email</description>
<description><p>Feel free to send me an <a href="mailto:ben@dendroalsia.net">email</a></p></description>
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