added data and figures

This commit is contained in:
Ben Varick 2023-11-05 21:09:12 -06:00
parent 9e3f866680
commit 10d70f8f79
Signed by: ben
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:jWnpFDAcacYM5aPFpYRqlsamlDyKNpSj3jj+k4ojtUo
25 changed files with 495 additions and 5 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
,ben,pseudotsuga,05.11.2023 13:50,file:///home/ben/.config/libreoffice/4;

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@ -208,14 +208,15 @@ ggsave(file = "figures/race_percent.png",
units = "in")
ggplot(data = block_data_2022 %>%
filter(interest %in% c("baycreek", TRUE) | geo_id == "Madison")) +
filter(interest %in% c("baycreek", TRUE) | geo_id == "Madison",
!geo_id %in% c("550250014012", "550250012004"))) +
geom_col(aes(x = ifelse(geo_id == "Madison", "Madison average", name),
y = pc_fmpv/100),
color = "black") +
scale_y_continuous(label = scales::label_percent(), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.1))) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.7),
axis.title.x=element_blank()) +
labs(title = "Families below the poverty lines",
labs(title = "Families with income below the poverty lines",
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
fill = NULL)
@ -224,3 +225,33 @@ ggsave(file = "figures/neighborhood_poverty.png",
width = 11,
height = 8.5,
units = "in")
ggplot(data = block_data_2022 %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
filter(geo_id != "Madison") %>%
mutate(baycreek = ifelse(interest == "baycreek", "Bay Creek", NA)) %>%
mutate(baycreek = ifelse(, "The rest of Madison", "Bay Creek")) %>%
group_by(baycreek) %>%
summarise(percentage = sum(tot_pop)/274622)) +
geom_bar(aes(x="", y=percentage, fill=baycreek),
width=1) +
coord_polar("y", start=0) +
label = paste(baycreek, round(percentage * 100, 2), "%"),
fill = baycreek),
position = position_stack(vjust=0.5)) +
scale_y_continuous(label = NULL, breaks = NULL) +
scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Pastel1", guide = NULL) +
axis.title.y=element_blank()) +
labs(title = NULL,
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
fill = NULL)
ggsave(file = "figures/baycreek_pie.png",
device = "png",
width = 11,
height = 8.5,
units = "in")

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
GEOGCS["WGS84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943295]]

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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
550250001001,Census Block Group,242.2,496,0,16,1,8,656408,276.29,657811,277.87,173492,170.51,1968,55,6.1,32.1,9.9,29.7,2,91,81,85625,0,1.6,1,7,4,3,8,19,22,48,46,32.46,673,3.1,4.7,B,-1,-1,521,1034,4.9,15,25.1,79.9,4,5.5,5.4,5.2,497,281,19.3,3,73.3
550250001002,Census Block Group,254.5,1058,0,7,0,29,516541,282.87,506292,317.2,158011,180.85,1957,42.86,0,48.04,1.4,44.2,5,171,149,86181,0,1,0,15,14,7,24,18,20,131,74,65.97,1183,9.3,5.2,"B,G",13.6,13.6,969,1716,4.1,13,14.3,74.8,4,8.2,8,5,917,386,15,2.9,49.8
550250002011,Census Block Group,263.8,717,0,9,0,6,419238,235.13,373684,224.86,154050,200.33,1961,36.36,0,15.29,1.6,14.1,8,332,242,94125,6.2,0,0,2,6,0,6,23,20,103,80,14.09,1704,3.3,6.8,"B,G",19.6,11.8,618,1314,5.8,18.6,24,83.7,2,4,4.6,5.7,597,373,19.9,2,82.7
550250002012,Census Block Group,190.7,424,0,2,0,0,450737,222.55,416679,234.34,-5,-5,1961,55.56,13,25.93,4.4,28.1,4,248,184,68194,5.6,0,2,6,2,5,14,12,7,257,87,57.08,707,6.8,6.8,"P,B",-1,-1,424,865,3.6,12.9,23.5,82.8,4.3,5,3.9,4,408,266,17.9,2.5,74.8
550250002021,Census Block Group,338.2,480,0,2,1,0,579581,191.59,571760,191.33,283552,212.2,1973,17.07,0,2.44,2,2.4,9,498,292,146181,0,0,1,6,0,1,6,5,10,81,34,76.67,299,1.5,6.7,B,-1,-1,484,1189,5.6,19.1,27.7,85.5,0.8,5.4,3.6,4.6,474,370,27,0.6,98.1
550250002022,Census Block Group,261.4,988,0,1,0,0,539909,187.13,568657,194.61,199329,158.3,1974,66.07,2.1,36.81,3.5,36,6,349,256,70833,2.2,0.8,14,51,27,38,72,38,22,488,150,85.32,241,3.7,7.6,"P,B",11.1,5.6,1009,1931,4.6,14.1,21.4,71.9,5.2,9.6,7.5,5.9,970,463,16.3,3.3,41.5
550250002041,Census Block Group,205,823,0,5,2,246,435321,180.05,395222,173.42,202500,149.01,1976,72.5,3.2,71.23,5.6,78.6,6,427,228,47744,10,6,5,34,59,25,52,85,25,438,88,92.47,540,13.7,6.6,"P,B",27.1,8.2,641,1520,11.1,29.3,22.7,56.1,25.4,7.4,6.1,5.1,620,452,36.8,18.4,61.1
550250002042,Census Block Group,275.1,723,0,1,0,0,505010,178.41,390760,177.77,238034,210.97,1985,48.57,0,19.8,0,28.7,3,204,20,102136,7.8,0.9,2,8,7,3,21,4,21,147,73,42.32,535,3.9,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,720,1574,4.5,16.6,33.6,77,2.3,8.3,7.1,5.3,697,424,18.9,3.9,77.3
550250002043,Census Block Group,171.6,1257,0,4,2,96,388668,186.24,369268,202.53,217970,194.13,1992,60,1.2,34.57,6.2,33.3,1,51,0,72794,15.4,9.9,8,64,88,16,77,79,41,235,97,25.78,535,8.7,7.6,"P,B,G",27,11.1,1256,2342,8.4,20.8,8.4,47.8,9.5,29.6,9,4.1,1215,530,22.3,4.8,23.3
550250002051,Census Block Group,266.5,559,0,3,0,0,495325,192.44,438574,196.66,355781,223.18,1987,31.91,0,13.94,4,14.5,3,161,28,148750,0,0,0,5,4,3,14,6,8,72,26,60.29,299,0,6.6,"P,B",-1,-1,557,1432,5.9,20,22.5,81.1,1.7,8.3,4.5,4.4,546,444,29.1,2.4,90.1
550250002052,Census Block Group,171.1,763,0,0,0,0,493081,189.38,410013,185.25,302713,216.25,1996,40,0,7.41,0,13,3,204,20,69911,0,0,0,16,7,1,21,2,12,313,72,68.28,299,12,6.1,"P,B",-1,-1,910,1345,3.8,10.1,39.3,80.1,1.9,9.5,3.6,4.8,889,282,9.4,1.3,35.1
550250002054,Census Block Group,421.9,839,0,10,0,1,687992,219,649762,214.95,321445,231.98,1984,22.22,0,12.05,5.6,12.6,6,197,194,102632,0,0,1,2,4,4,16,10,13,89,55,60.91,466,0,6.3,"B,G",-1,-1,835,1701,4.5,14.6,32.1,81.9,2,6.9,4,5.2,808,482,15.5,1.1,83.3
550250003011,Census Block Group,86.4,1090,0,0,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,1969,45.45,0,7.69,0,22.2,2,60,55,27294,14.1,4.2,0,21,2,1,30,3,14,207,175,100,1853,23.9,6.5,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1075,1458,1.9,4.8,10.2,47.3,1.9,43.1,4.6,3,986,158,5.9,0.8,0.3
550250003012,Census Block Group,83.1,852,0,0,0,95,-5,-5,-5,-5,515527,352.82,2005,30.79,0,30.77,3.6,41.2,1,22,0,36563,10.9,3.2,5,63,23,11,74,47,30,267,212,16.9,1893,25.8,5.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,780,1148,3.7,8.7,22.4,64.8,6.1,21.4,4.9,2.9,724,242,13.2,4.4,17.6
550250003013,Census Block Group,59.7,658,0,0,0,5,531949,233.34,721000,196.32,-5,-5,1985,45.83,3.1,28.12,9.4,30.9,4,84,58,46833,31.1,11.1,2,13,5,4,18,13,10,78,57,50.3,1703,15.5,7.1,B,-1,-1,658,1111,3.6,10.7,15.6,46.1,5.9,36.6,6.6,4.8,603,151,7.6,1.8,10.6
550250003021,Census Block Group,200.9,456,0,2,1,0,540322,243.54,481462,253.47,-5,-5,1958,19.1,0,3.9,3.7,6.2,1,51,57,105781,6.4,6.5,1,1,4,1,6,17,9,55,50,31.36,1351,5.6,7.5,B,-1,-1,452,1110,4.5,25.8,18.5,81.4,1.3,7.9,3.2,6.2,434,320,36.9,2.8,86.4
550250003022,Census Block Group,152.7,423,0,11,0,2,515581,244.35,477194,238.86,223225,177.09,1959,29.91,0,11.54,3.3,15.8,4,265,241,139819,4.9,3.2,0,6,0,2,6,12,18,30,45,35.22,1430,13.4,7.8,B,-1,-1,425,1066,5.5,28,19.4,74.4,1.6,13.7,4.4,5.9,411,294,39.9,5.1,82
550250004011,Census Block Group,298,1094,0,9,0,0,491788,270.3,461883,260.84,457904,404.06,1951,29.82,0,6.25,0.7,7.3,7,257,264,106071,0,0.4,1,13,2,2,28,12,19,105,71,8.96,1249,2,7.4,"B,G",10.6,3.5,1135,2609,5,19.7,18.3,83.9,1.5,3.6,4.9,6.1,1112,696,26.1,2.6,76.5
550250004012,Census Block Group,150.8,480,0,11,0,0,476261,236.49,452520,246.62,-5,-5,1955,40.54,0,3.45,0,11.4,5,202,182,105658,0,2.7,1,4,2,1,12,4,12,76,49,12.08,1249,0,7.8,"B,G",-1,-1,482,1096,6.4,21.4,23.7,86.4,1.2,3.1,4.2,5.1,468,326,26.7,2.8,93.4
550250004021,Census Block Group,268.2,583,0,2,1,1,427759,241.74,395292,251.1,162300,163.54,1959,24.53,1.5,14.29,4.5,9.6,3,249,238,128458,0,0,0,6,5,1,13,3,22,118,78,22.13,1843,0,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,586,1311,6.3,21.1,19,81.7,2.6,5.9,5.3,4.5,580,361,26.4,2.6,76
550250004022,Census Block Group,443.1,652,0,10,0,0,449124,220.72,443456,216.43,206425,164.88,1960,40,1,19.62,3.1,16.4,5,236,199,98281,27.3,2.1,2,48,22,5,56,38,32,107,58,3.83,1900,2.2,7.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,569,1330,5.3,20.6,22.7,77,3.5,8.6,7,4,556,369,27.5,3.1,73.7
550250004061,Census Block Group,249.6,1500,0,21,1,104,446342,204.76,397457,200.46,347064,229.81,2004,44.46,5.2,43.61,4,37.4,4,371,8,84228,3.1,2.6,3,17,8,9,27,19,16,87,48,50.33,70,0,7.9,P,15,12.9,1161,2369,5.5,17.4,10.8,66.2,4.5,16.9,6.4,6.1,1116,454,18.6,3.3,42.4
550250004062,Census Block Group,244.2,1104,0,2,0,0,411024,212.54,404760,206.15,375456,223.67,2006,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,4,597,70,79147,0,0,2,80,14,3,94,27,29,323,158,67.66,316,11.9,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,905,1387,1.7,5.9,40.5,76.4,2.5,15.4,4.1,1.7,862,226,8.7,0.9,15.2
550250004071,Census Block Group,144.1,642,0,12,0,10,328993,176.54,324327,189.44,212322,188.05,1984,85.33,11.6,72.69,9.1,74.3,12,304,111,55483,8.5,2.8,3,22,36,24,47,75,16,171,74,22.27,345,6.6,6.7,B,21.4,17.1,637,1599,8.6,26.1,9.9,48.1,23.3,7.6,14.5,6.5,605,357,28.8,6.6,43.8
550250004072,Census Block Group,176.6,805,0,6,3,0,392925,169.16,297575,160.33,181713,169.7,1981,85.71,7.4,78.42,10.7,75.2,17,604,190,54800,28.2,4.5,7,26,50,29,34,82,17,302,140,56.89,221,0,7.6,"B,G",23.4,10.3,803,1888,8.3,26.1,10.4,44.5,25.8,8.4,15.6,5.7,783,479,31.9,11.5,49.8
550250004073,Census Block Group,281.1,552,0,45,0,0,416467,179.06,433565,178.16,181850,154.8,1965,43.4,2.3,52.27,4.2,50.4,11,557,161,102031,0,4.6,6,13,33,17,22,45,30,237,116,33.15,595,0,7.6,"P,B,G",20.4,13,551,1428,4.7,22.8,24.4,70,8.3,5.5,10.9,5.3,541,395,23.1,5,83.4
550250004074,Census Block Group,81.1,309,0,11,3,0,306834,188.97,291474,183.32,183333,195.8,1969,55,16.2,72.73,3.8,59.8,9,195,92,71911,27.6,1.8,0,11,11,3,13,17,7,83,32,27.18,345,0,7.5,B,-1,-1,307,797,5.6,22.1,15.1,61,8.7,3,20.8,6.5,302,195,30.8,3.3,78.1
550250004081,Census Block Group,639.7,889,0,2,0,78,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,1975,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,10,758,533,45250,0, ,13,132,87,23,132,132,103,625,254,84.14,3246,57.1,7.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,264,787,0.8,2,86.9,90.2,2.4,0.8,4.1,2.5,207,55,4.3,1.4,15.5
550250004082,Census Block Group,295.6,1067,0,1,0,171,-5,-5,420100,221.57,-5,-5,1994,81.48,8.5,76.83,15.3,77.5,15,692,257,34897,13.7,3.8,9,444,78,35,468,189,59,386,189,70.2,537,7.9,7.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,931,1202,2.6,6.5,29.7,67.5,10.7,7.8,11.6,2.4,836,183,6.1,2.8,0.6
550250004091,Census Block Group,87.9,440,0,2,1,1,431571,179.66,379992,186.26,132930,164.88,1985,65,23.1,53.85,0,35,9,200,116,74677,0,0,1,5,15,4,9,15,29,130,74,70.23,537,0,6.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,443,950,4.4,18.7,15.7,54.6,6.2,16.2,17.2,5.8,425,217,21.2,2.1,64.5
550250004092,Census Block Group,92.7,659,0,1,0,11,477746,179.62,378420,162.71,197335,205.81,1992,-1,15.2,45.45,0,40.5,0,0,0,59254,0,0,0,8,4,4,8,11,12,209,101,11.99,316,7.8,6.7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,660,1146,3.4,12,9,66.6,4.2,15.1,8.8,5.3,641,225,12.3,2.3,38.7
550250004093,Census Block Group,460.3,957,0,6,0,0,535192,184.83,498155,188.33,164668,139.46,1996,49.19,1.2,34.99,6.4,39.7,12,565,145,103231,0,9.7,9,37,50,36,58,104,22,199,102,56.95,415,6.5,6.8,"P,B",11.4,11.3,949,2294,5.6,27.1,11.7,48.3,14.6,21.9,11.4,3.8,907,553,31.5,6.1,47.5
550250004101,Census Block Group,265.1,541,0,2,0,39,-5,-5,-5,-5,105705,176.82,1986,-1,3.4,51.72,0,41.9,4,653,122,51154,6.5,0,9,241,78,23,232,144,71,345,130,20.15,487,2.9,7.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,518,834,3.8,9.8,7.2,65,3.8,14.1,13.5,3.5,490,140,11.4,3.1,7.1
550250004102,Census Block Group,94.2,593,0,1,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,1994,-1,6.3,62.5,9.1,31.3,3,589,70,56143,0,2.9,2,85,16,5,89,48,40,95,65,0,537,0,6.7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,590,956,4,9.3,0.9,69.5,5,12.4,8.9,4.2,582,140,8.9,1.2,0
550250005011,Census Block Group,357.4,838,0,11,2,0,404522,191.54,400593,193.25,197154,134.6,1965,27.59,4,11.88,2.5,14.7,11,551,204,95034,2.9,2.5,2,20,9,6,27,30,23,156,70,56.09,700,5.5,6.8,"P,B,G",11.1,9.3,838,1757,4.7,17.2,25.2,80.9,4.6,4.2,5.7,4.6,813,475,21.3,2.7,69.3
550250005012,Census Block Group,73.1,170,0,5,0,0,347992,182.21,316190,195.22,-5,-5,1964,-1,0,25.02,7.9,7.1,9,377,111,-5,-5,-5,0,3,2,0,6,2,7,34,16,82.94,117,0,7.1,"P,B",-1,-1,168,471,8.3,24.6,22.7,72.7,2.2,5.3,11.7,8.1,162,117,22.1,1.1,95.6
550250005013,Census Block Group,107.2,394,0,0,0,41,319090,192.3,286495,194.69,-5,-5,1963,79.07,15.5,85.81,14.5,82.7,6,110,41,44063,21.9,6.8,5,19,44,18,30,50,11,132,68,14.72,579,18.8,7.8,"P,B",25,5.8,392,858,7.6,22.8,15.3,52.4,23,4.8,14.6,5.3,378,226,30.4,9.3,57.7
550250005014,Census Block Group,203.9,515,0,9,2,28,396971,187.38,387697,189.64,162563,110.55,1960,81.82,15.7,89.22,15.3,81.1,5,104,28,65921,0,0,7,37,45,20,52,59,17,121,53,7.57,829,0,6.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,503,1274,7.5,23.6,15.5,64.8,10.3,5.7,12.4,6.9,487,308,24,6.4,60.6
550250005041,Census Block Group,171,663,0,7,2,0,361553,199.26,351016,195.78,248941,176.48,1986,71.05,2.1,49.47,11.4,49.5,5,125,31,96024,0,0,2,11,13,10,20,18,14,99,57,33.94,345,2.2,6.8,B,20.8,3.8,657,1455,6.3,19.6,14.6,66.5,9.1,7.5,10.9,6,642,358,23.1,4.2,64.6
550250005042,Census Block Group,145.2,653,0,10,1,16,342863,198.39,331750,200.69,235760,207.47,1988,67.39,3,50.37,2.1,49.3,5,194,77,99432,0,2.2,1,9,13,2,22,16,21,125,63,67.99,124,0,6.2,"P,B,G",14.5,11.6,656,1423,6.3,19.2,8.4,64.8,8.6,7.8,13.5,5.3,646,376,25.5,6,52.9
550250005043,Census Block Group,156,595,0,0,0,0,483625,199.33,428961,199.78,317427,248.32,2003,36.12,1.8,14.3,2.4,15,3,363,0,151641,0,3,0,9,4,1,17,4,19,66,32,95.8,194,0,8.2,None,11.5,3.8,585,1286,6.4,21.5,9.5,80.2,1.8,7.5,7.2,3.3,569,295,27.7,1.9,62.6
550250005044,Census Block Group,280.2,756,0,1,1,0,476286,200.84,442300,219.26,296575,193.47,2004,32.35,0,9.18,1.2,12.6,2,14,0,114798,0,2.3,0,5,3,2,12,8,5,43,18,100,0,0,8.2,None,13,13,537,1166,8.2,21.6,12.2,78.7,1.8,8.5,6.8,4.2,519,319,27.7,2.3,70.7
550250005045,Census Block Group,201.4,715,0,10,0,0,380794,191.56,352768,202.5,219329,183.14,1990,63.33,4.5,60.73,2.3,54.5,3,74,49,85556,18.2,5.2,3,5,11,11,17,49,6,101,53,66.01,124,0,7.7,None,11.5,7.7,709,1740,6.8,23,7.8,65.7,8.6,5.5,15.1,5.1,705,442,29.5,4.4,58.9
550250005051,Census Block Group,176.8,608,0,10,3,26,350012,186.42,352285,174.97,223269,160.02,1974,71.08,9.5,64.73,4.2,59.8,10,299,78,76333,2.9,4.3,4,8,36,13,21,32,17,146,64,27.63,345,8.2,7.4,B,13.3,11.7,607,1689,7.3,26.1,13.3,57.7,16.9,4.5,16,5,598,428,33.3,6.5,67.4
550250005052,Census Block Group,243.1,994,0,16,0,2,408307,185.4,396944,173.56,291990,198.15,1993,69.23,0,0,-1,0,12,364,134,106324,0,0.8,1,15,3,4,22,13,13,88,45,99.09,0,0,7.5,"P,B,G",10.5,10.3,989,2242,6,19.8,11.2,72.4,6.6,6.8,9.9,4.3,979,599,24.8,3.4,57.2
550250005061,Census Block Group,115.8,252,0,6,0,1,320368,196.07,298696,189.23,-5,-5,1963,44.44,0,12.5,5.6,17.6,9,204,70,-5,-5,-5,0,6,6,4,10,18,7,49,18,38.49,345,30.1,7.9,B,-1,-1,252,599,7.2,20.9,18.5,80.1,3.7,4.2,7.2,4.8,248,164,27,1.6,93.5
550250006002,Census Block Group,54.3,530,0,26,0,107,326900,218.83,-5,-5,77733,103.22,1964,90.6,31.4,93.53,10.8,80.9,9,338,112,21804,41,11.9,14,47,88,37,64,102,6,148,79,3.02,486,31.3,7.4,"B,G",22.4,8.6,513,1287,8.6,36.9,4.1,10.3,22.6,3.6,59.3,4.2,481,322,45.9,21.6,4.8
550250006003,Census Block Group,205.9,517,0,38,1,104,251061,208.75,245993,190.83,-5,-5,1956,78.57,7.9,76.97,9.8,84,11,396,113,63074,7.8,4.6,13,198,88,51,206,150,28,166,71,48.16,486,0,6.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,519,1169,8.1,26.4,8.8,48.2,20.9,2.1,24.8,4,501,266,29.9,12.8,45.7
550250007001,Census Block Group,112.4,320,0,3,0,0,732748,294.99,746300,304.8,-5,-5,1938,21.62,0,0,1.5,0,8,269,163,198409,0,7.1,0,6,0,1,7,1,12,28,26,47.19,718,0,6.4,G,-1,-1,318,851,6.9,26,21.3,88.1,0.7,1.6,3.1,6.5,312,248,35.6,0.6,98.4
550250007002,Census Block Group,177.7,664,0,8,0,0,476308,246.64,430974,224,193872,173.11,1956,37.5,5.1,15.92,2.6,21.5,5,247,147,110871,0,1,4,17,12,5,24,13,10,124,42,58.43,236,0,6.1,"P,B,G",-1,-1,611,1232,6.6,22.6,17.1,83.4,2.4,2.7,7.3,4.3,602,326,25.2,2.3,62.1
550250007003,Census Block Group,283.8,581,0,6,0,0,557523,274.78,611125,282.49,-5,-5,1948,35.48,7.5,16.42,0,23.9,6,230,38,145139,0,5.3,1,20,5,4,29,5,22,114,53,64.54,486,0,6.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,527,1276,5.6,20.5,22.6,85.2,2.7,2.7,3.9,5.5,521,369,32.2,4.8,83.3
550250008001,Census Block Group,102.9,711,47,11,1,4,419478,288.1,366468,301.09,177505,237.02,1955,46.67,0,25.71,7.1,31.4,4,265,143,60250,7,0,2,19,15,2,22,8,21,56,45,17.94,1893,12.5,5.7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,707,1304,3.7,9.5,7.5,71.3,2.7,11.6,7.8,6.7,683,230,12.6,2.9,27.8
550250008002,Census Block Group,232.9,635,0,5,0,0,532952,272.96,467114,285.26,-5,-5,1948,40,0,1.31,4.2,3.2,1,52,38,110227,0,0.8,2,5,13,4,15,8,11,47,34,41.73,818,8,6.6,B,-1,-1,636,1494,6.3,22.7,22.4,86.6,1.1,1.7,4.2,6.4,622,427,31.4,3.4,93.7
550250008003,Census Block Group,137.1,538,0,5,1,8,448677,280.04,410771,290.01,-5,-5,1949,66.64,4,19.93,1.7,18.6,1,22,0,75273,2.7,3.7,0,7,3,4,9,3,19,106,85,10.22,2141,1.8,5.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,544,1044,5,16.6,16.9,80,4.6,5.3,4.7,5.4,525,291,19.4,2.5,70.4
550250009011,Census Block Group,92.8,425,0,6,1,0,665784,322.71,543622,287,-5,-5,1925,21.67,0,3.2,3.7,6.4,2,65,0,182813,2.2,2.9,0,7,1,0,12,3,12,47,28,25.18,1082,17.7,5.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,421,1114,5.8,25.5,19.7,88.5,0.8,2.6,1.6,6.5,415,310,34.9,3.9,93
550250009012,Census Block Group,67.3,527,0,3,0,0,666779,334.39,615918,313.44,627900,426.48,1925,18,0,2.76,1.8,4.1,2,65,0,165625,0,0.5,0,9,1,0,22,3,15,51,48,20.11,1082,6.8,7.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,518,1132,4,20,18.5,81.4,1.2,4.5,4.8,8,503,300,26.6,2,62.6
550250009021,Census Block Group,49.8,503,25,18,0,0,780933,295.12,534039,280.31,-5,-5,1923,7.14,0,0,0,0,4,227,113,34089,13.2,2.4,1,25,5,3,38,5,8,43,52,0,1371,15.4,5.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,538,1406,4.1,10.2,3.4,83.4,0.7,7.4,4.1,4.4,517,110,9.3,1.9,18
550250009022,Census Block Group,76.2,410,16,2,0,0,813716,306.56,602454,289.5,287640,276.1,1923,12.77,0,0,0,1.4,3,140,49,76583,20.4,4.6,0,8,0,0,12,3,9,63,55,5.16,1366,23.3,5.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,421,1044,3.1,15.6,14.3,80.2,1,6.5,4.8,7.6,393,197,23.7,2,56.5
550250009023,Census Block Group,68.7,1117,0,6,0,62,636265,307.57,489436,313.8,265655,241.66,1973,30.77,0,0,0,0,1,26,24,26397,0,0,4,23,17,14,41,25,25,89,66,17.82,1421,31.4,7,"B,G",-1,-1,1095,1708,2.3,6.1,5,70.6,1.8,19,4.4,4.2,1046,169,5.2,0.7,12.7
550250009024,Census Block Group,138.3,766,0,11,0,0,562942,321.9,447882,306.72,-5,-5,1941,16.67,0,0.86,3.3,2.6,5,321,205,108929,0,0,2,21,4,2,27,8,38,54,44,11.49,2314,2.4,6.6,"P,B",-1,-1,770,1531,4.2,14.5,10.3,83.8,1.2,6.1,3.5,5.5,753,303,17.3,1.7,44.1
550250010001,Census Block Group,297.8,478,370,8,1,0,562729,331.83,607095,366.1,-5,-5,1931,12.82,0,5.08,2.6,3.4,3,106,139,117824,0,4.4,0,7,3,0,11,8,14,55,68,6.13,973,2.3,7.6,"P,B",-1,-1,465,1424,4.1,14.8,12.9,88.5,1.5,1.8,3.5,4.7,460,263,27.4,0.9,70
550250010002,Census Block Group,89.3,514,0,4,0,0,509820,319.56,427329,317.01,366120,262.45,1939,40,0,1.52,4.2,6.1,4,70,117,100074,0,0.8,1,6,9,3,10,19,16,42,38,0.58,482,1.4,7.3,B,-1,-1,507,1094,6.4,19.7,18.3,87.2,1.6,1.7,2.8,6.6,487,295,22,2.5,66.7
550250011011,Census Block Group,14.9,386,0,3,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,1965,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,3,145,74,18883,100,1.6,2,24,8,2,32,6,16,52,139,0,600,50.6,7.1,"P,B",-1,-1,388,881,2.8,4.2,0.8,47.2,2.5,44.7,2.3,3.3,375,31,2.4,1.6,1.6
550250011012,Census Block Group,24.8,467,0,3,0,0,-5,-5,400467,263.58,-5,-5,1999,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,3,92,81,14178,100,1,4,26,13,4,49,19,28,108,98,0,1284,46,7.8,"P,B",-1,-1,487,1416,3.7,7.7,1,71.8,3.5,15.5,5.9,3.2,483,64,8.1,3.9,0.6
550250011013,Census Block Group,36.8,424,111,2,0,102,-5,-5,504800,347.34,-5,-5,2009,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,87,64,18403,100,8.4,13,23,69,19,26,64,44,165,159,0,4489,73.6,7.8,"P,B",-1,-1,516,1610,4.3,11.2,1.7,49.3,4.3,37.9,2.8,5.8,479,75,13.2,4,0.4
550250011014,Census Block Group,88.7,678,76,3,0,24,-5,-5,434063,257.58,-5,-5,1987,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,4,227,113,21146,0,1.7,1,19,4,3,42,11,39,171,208,0,3695,51.3,6.8,"B,G",-1,-1,660,1604,4.6,8.8,0.3,68.4,3.3,20.3,3.7,4.2,648,94,8,2,0.3
550250011021,Census Block Group,147.6,51,1316,1,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,162,113,0, ,10.3,1,12,13,0,31,15,61,291,265,0,4579,46.2,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,268,3113,0.6,1.6,0.1,64.5,1.8,21.7,5.7,6.3,157,28,7,2.5,1.3
550250011022,Census Block Group,116.8,0,1126,0,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,162,113,0, ,2.1,1,2,0,0,7,0,12,73,91,35.88,2677, ,7.5,B,-1,-1,1,1418,0.1,0.4,0.1,76.3,0.8,12.2,5.5,5.3,0,0, , ,
550250012001,Census Block Group,84.9,848,0,5,0,339,469213,282.93,344944,275.2,-5,-5,1976,62.5,7.9,57.89,3.7,73.2,3,92,81,21719,7.1,10.5,2,39,38,14,54,61,50,428,244,4.36,1783,24.8,6.4,"P,B",-1,-1,735,1126,3.6,13.1,14.8,52.3,17.5,15.1,11.5,3.5,708,150,8,4.2,9.9
550250012002,Census Block Group,153,607,0,7,0,82,465891,285.75,375938,281.43,316046,294.99,1923,36.36,0,37.68,8.3,43.8,3,199,172,51838,26.1,0,8,24,57,14,38,60,19,81,77,11.53,1183,7.5,6,"P,B",-1,-1,603,1224,6.4,15.6,7.8,76.5,5.5,6.6,5.7,5.7,579,234,17.6,5.7,29.9
550250012003,Census Block Group,117.8,814,4,17,0,0,741498,317.65,493108,296.47,-5,-5,1922,23.08,0,2.5,6.1,0,3,104,57,69980,0,2.7,1,18,8,1,29,20,29,78,89,19.32,1082,13.6,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,772,1886,3.7,13.4,13.4,83.4,1.6,4.6,4.6,5.8,736,353,18.3,1.2,46.3
550250012004,Census Block Group,103.3,1018,0,17,0,0,447177,268.16,362990,248.84,245739,236.33,1923,27.27,13.6,18.18,0,13.6,5,211,179,76932,0,2.4,26,35,99,28,68,137,51,257,216,3.54,1703,10.3,7,"P,B",-1,-1,948,2198,3.3,7.5,3.3,83.7,1.7,6,4,4.6,922,216,10.4,2.3,14.4
550250013001,Census Block Group,263.8,1066,0,8,1,169,419342,274.23,348972,279.38,-5,-5,1939,14.32,0,5.63,3.8,15.5,5,225,222,98472,8.2,6.3,2,55,47,11,80,62,31,282,151,27.11,1168,13.5,6.1,"P,B,G",12.7,1.8,936,1722,5.6,17.1,18.4,79.8,5.4,2,6,6.7,896,370,17.9,1.3,54.1
550250013002,Census Block Group,101,666,0,3,0,0,386611,233.07,348871,241.42,-5,-5,1966,31.25,0,23.33,0,13.3,2,86,41,51603,23.8,2,2,37,25,4,46,37,25,155,68,4.35,1103,7.3,6.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,529,672,2.8,9.8,7.4,81.4,1.6,5.4,5.4,6.2,419,122,10.3,1.4,18.6
550250014011,Census Block Group,133.9,1044,0,6,1,107,215191,169.57,205938,180.76,147700,120.87,1965,85.88,19.4,79.61,11.6,83.5,7,240,47,42931,11,1.5,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,32,-9,-9,68.58,1573,10.8,-9,"P,B,G",26.8,3.6,1046,1851,5,18.2,7.1,37.2,24.7,10.2,22.9,5.1,1014,299,14.5,5.2,8.9
550250014012,Census Block Group,92.2,466,0,3,0,65,247700,140.74,238500,188.99,94846,125.13,1963,90.62,25.2,88.61,4.4,88,5,193,13,77511,0,2.6,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,39,-9,-9,13.73,1548,2.6,-9,B,-1,-1,519,1258,6.8,28.9,3.3,27.8,16.9,10.7,40.1,4.5,518,276,27.4,8.7,10.8
550250014013,Census Block Group,224.6,683,0,12,5,57,222740,167.87,218327,154.2,124563,129.75,1961,88,31.2,85.71,3.2,76.3,7,172,48,30375,34,0,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,41,-9,-9,34.41,1913,3.9,-9,"P,B,G",21.7,10,677,1591,6,23.2,10.7,27.8,13.6,23.6,29.4,5.6,640,287,23.4,6.1,30.2
550250014014,Census Block Group,579.1,516,0,0,1,0,267284,189.14,248946,201.83,207500,160.11,1969,91.18,31.7,93.5,5.4,76.5,8,290,221,42675,50,0,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,58,-9,-9,18.22,311,2.1,-9,"P,B",-1,-1,507,1337,7.3,26.3,9.5,31,8.1,9.9,44.4,6.7,480,251,27.9,6.3,36.9
550250014021,Census Block Group,1370.9,753,0,1,0,0,462787,219.27,323977,194.64,120471,147.23,1978,84.78,24.3,74.77,11.8,67.2,15,465,240,80638,0,0,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,80,-9,-9,32.93,1652,8.2,-9,"P,B,G",24.1,9.4,762,1465,5.4,17.5,9.3,57.8,17.4,3.9,16.6,4.3,703,322,19.5,7.3,22.9
550250014022,Census Block Group,151.1,431,0,6,0,0,406720,159.59,382513,147.82,184700,151.98,1969,85.45,19,74.23,5,71.8,8,179,110,76599,0,9,5,22,24,15,33,43,25,130,63,15.78,434,0,7.3,B,-1,-1,426,1146,5.8,24.5,13.4,48.3,18.8,4.4,22.3,6.3,425,276,29.9,5.6,43.3
550250014023,Census Block Group,126.8,557,0,13,1,116,-5,-5,-5,-5,165785,149.34,1981,89.07,11.8,90.53,5.8,87.4,9,294,119,-5,-5,-5,11,35,60,24,76,104,35,191,111,52.06,349,12.2,7.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,536,1099,7.4,24.9,8,39,29.6,6.2,16,9.2,518,203,24.6,12.5,29.8
550250014024,Census Block Group,192,331,0,1,0,0,463946,167.78,439333,128.17,228783,140.6,1969,58.33,14,26,0,34,7,154,55,139464,0,4.1,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,20,-9,-9,42.9,672,3.8,-9,B,-1,-1,337,726,5.4,17.4,19.4,77,5.6,5.6,6.9,4.8,328,196,25.3,4.6,59.8
550250015011,Census Block Group,166.5,393,0,7,0,52,598502,273.57,620628,302.31,-5,-5,1962,94.12,24.2,91.94,6.4,78.8,1,30,15,100775,3.4,0.7,10,19,36,24,29,73,10,143,65,52.16,440,1.3,7.5,B,-1,-1,397,894,6.7,22.7,18.8,58.9,14.3,5.2,12.5,9.1,378,248,28.4,9.2,59.8
550250015012,Census Block Group,84.9,691,0,2,1,71,562554,292.16,403229,220.65,208305,166.23,1971,94.82,22.6,86.56,9.9,87,4,173,133,58285,7.2,1.1,6,29,33,29,60,90,16,239,103,28.22,440,11.2,8.3,B,28.8,6.8,663,1315,6.5,20.6,11,52.9,14.9,2.3,25.4,4.4,629,274,21.8,8.3,33.1
550250015022,Census Block Group,787.2,488,0,4,1,201,280021,177.28,258905,185.56,198189,167.81,1973,90.33,10.3,92.78,7.8,88.5,4,52,29,0,30.8,0,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,48,-9,-9,7.99,440,6.9,-9,B,35.1,15.5,488,1108,6,24.5,11.1,29.4,30.6,4.2,30.2,5.6,446,242,29.8,13.7,33.8
550250015023,Census Block Group,321,430,0,4,0,0,338180,204.85,355611,207.11,-5,-5,1971,87.72,19,88.31,6.4,84.9,3,24,22, ,0,0,8,14,24,24,28,77,10,204,78,95.58,375,0,8,B,-1,-1,371,910,4.9,27.9,9.3,40.9,6.9,2.4,44.8,4.9,348,214,34.8,6.6,80.2
550250015024,Census Block Group,154.4,892,0,16,2,0,313695,194.58,302127,192.41,143364,147.58,1980,85.51,11.1,64.11,3.8,59.8,4,30,22,71667,0,2.5,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,20,-9,-9,59.64,375,1.6,-9,B,18.3,6.5,890,2052,6.5,20.9,9.1,50.1,12.3,7.2,23.1,7.3,873,449,25.9,6,61.6
550250016031,Census Block Group,18,854,0,6,0,0,-5,-5,346700,275.82,-5,-5,2001,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,4.1,4,28,18,5,45,20,50,228,289,0,4513,67.6,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,852,1796,2,5.6,0.3,45.5,1.1,45.7,4.5,3.2,842,85,5.6,2.1,0.4
550250016032,Census Block Group,15.8,1086,0,18,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,2015,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,15063, ,3.8,31,96,159,63,148,264,23,370,326,0,3185,54.1,7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1650,3916,7.2,16.8,0.5,66,1.7,19.6,6.4,6.4,1588,265,14,5,0
550250016033,Census Block Group,9.6,400,0,12,0,0,-5,-5,582600,311.55,-5,-5,1990,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,20227,100,0.9,8,18,40,22,34,82,37,226,234,0,2768,35.9,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,411,1021,3,7.7,0.4,67.1,1.7,16.7,8.8,5.8,394,52,7.1,3.6,0
550250016041,Census Block Group,17.1,858,207,31,0,0,-5,-5,494100,232.63,246660,335.14,1958,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,23789, ,1.1,35,130,217,73,164,503,33,360,337,0,3058,49.4,7.5,"P,B,G",-1,-1,704,1561,2.6,5.6,0.6,72.9,1.9,13.6,7.9,3.7,666,79,5.4,3.2,0.2
550250016042,Census Block Group,15,621,273,20,0,0,-5,-5,501300,205.2,-5,-5,1968,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,13970, ,2.3,2,20,9,12,44,36,13,81,174,0,1008,49.8,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,705,1882,3,7.7,0.8,74.1,2.6,8.8,7.1,7.4,617,74,5.8,1.5,0.6
550250016043,Census Block Group,10.9,406,242,20,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,1962,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,58641, ,5.1,4,17,7,4,22,15,5,49,118,27.47,109,43,8.1,"P,B,G",-1,-1,451,1534,0.3,0.9,1.1,82,1.4,6.3,5.7,4.7,445,23,2,0.9,2.2
550250016044,Census Block Group,24.8,859,82,9,0,0,536500,166.31,695100,174.04,315267,315.79,1937,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,26081,9.5,0,9,37,37,26,67,77,37,144,208,0,1697,54,7.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,848,1610,1.1,2.4,2.9,68.8,2,15.8,7.9,5.4,790,53,2.2,1.3,1.6
550250016051,Census Block Group,31.7,944,0,14,0,0,426800,166.13,375969,240.14,437083,337.83,1973,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,12,7,36458,0,0,1,25,15,6,58,39,30,252,133,0,1730,29.5,6.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1008,1597,1.2,3.4,6,77.4,2.3,8.7,6.6,4.9,958,129,2.5,0.6,14.5
550250016052,Census Block Group,55.6,1183,0,18,0,41,364143,276.46,361880,244.29,-5,-5,1994,-1,0,60,8.3,60,2,12,7,72031,0,2.7,4,29,13,15,43,35,37,248,102,26.88,888,22.5,6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1168,1727,1.4,3.8,3.6,74.6,3.7,9.8,6,5.9,1141,138,2.3,0.7,1.3
550250016061,Census Block Group,12.5,1057,0,6,0,0,-5,-5,467017,330.16,-5,-5,2014,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,19154,0,0.9,4,34,20,10,53,44,32,76,128,0,1992,55.9,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1055,1619,3.3,6.6,0.1,70.1,1.1,18.4,6.3,4.1,997,100,3.8,1.7,0
550250016062,Census Block Group,38,1004,0,46,0,0,-5,-5,396903,257.96,-5,-5,1987,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,12,7,26224,48.7,5.5,3,35,10,9,65,53,40,210,178,3.88,1730,26.8,7.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,963,2110,2.2,5.2,0.3,69.4,3.6,14.4,7.5,5.1,953,111,3.4,0.7,1
550250016063,Census Block Group,12.4,0,1210,1,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0, ,9.5,0,0,2,0,1,0,24,108,150,0,3148, ,6.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,17,2495,0.1,0.3,0.1,80.1,2.4,6.9,5,5.5,2,1,50,0,0
550250016064,Census Block Group,41.3,0,549,2,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,3,92,81,0, ,15.7,2,12,3,2,21,2,35,199,129,0,2244, ,6.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,40,1290,0.5,2.2,0.2,66.7,4.1,15.3,8,6,16,4,12.5,12.5,0
550250017041,Census Block Group,16.4,757,0,8,0,0,479300,262.77,317950,232,300745,319.97,1996,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,73589,0,0,1,15,7,5,31,12,15,228,136,0,1720,6.4,5.7,"B,G",-1,-1,672,1254,1.5,3.3,32.3,84.8,1.3,6.5,3.7,3.7,609,132,3.6,1.1,22.5
550250017042,Census Block Group,11.6,627,0,3,0,200,-5,-5,-5,-5,432686,334.92,2003,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,36181,4.8,0,7,20,23,6,35,53,16,298,280,0,1580,44.2,6.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,648,769,0.7,1,26.4,81.3,4.4,8.1,1.8,4.4,574,113,1.9,0.3,36.6
550250017043,Census Block Group,43.6,496,0,13,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,1046402,538.28,2015,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,58125,22.5,8.8,8,39,35,20,56,94,45,706,491,0,3714,20.9,7.5,"P,B,G",-1,-1,602,841,1.1,1.8,7,75.9,2.6,12.5,4.4,4.6,579,88,1.2,0.3,5.7
550250017044,Census Block Group,32.7,488,0,8,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,520518,424.61,1962,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,67384,0,0,41,42,166,31,75,284,30,527,223,0,2731,36.6,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,587,1290,0.9,3.7,10.5,64.7,20.2,5.8,6,3.4,543,143,3.9,0.6,31.3
550250017061,Census Block Group,80.7,930,0,21,0,94,455638,273.57,403622,232.77,704178,383.17,1988,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,210,55,52395,22.4,0,8,45,77,28,80,132,41,351,221,0,2719,22.2,5.8,"P,B,G",-1,-1,754,1109,1.4,2.7,9.6,78.4,2.4,5,7.8,6.4,704,138,1.8,0.9,18
550250017062,Census Block Group,29,659,0,4,0,0,456386,266.69,487200,220.9,672164,373.68,1927,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,33594,0,0,5,13,11,9,30,30,25,77,91,8.04,1218,18.4,7.5,"B,G",-1,-1,619,913,3.1,5.2,5.7,76.5,3.7,6.1,5.8,7.9,612,84,3.9,1.6,4.7
550250017063,Census Block Group,16.8,455,0,10,0,93,680500,257.67,-5,-5,672778,388.94,1923,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,98194,0,3.5,11,20,27,12,25,66,26,189,122,0,2677,13.1,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,420,764,3.1,7.3,9,70.5,9.3,6.9,8.5,4.7,400,76,5.5,2.5,18.7
550250017071,Census Block Group,23.3,407,0,10,0,13,383738,227.2,349647,230.39,311967,301.95,1919,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,57059, ,9.7,1,12,12,8,18,46,14,109,69,0,1218,25.1,8.1,"B,G",-1,-1,422,708,2.5,4.5,0.7,78.2,3.7,8.2,5.6,4.2,414,56,3.9,1.7,10.1
550250017072,Census Block Group,21.8,766,0,5,0,22,404100,178.62,323750,208.84,-5,-5,1973,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,53125,0,0,4,31,29,21,42,64,26,147,80,0,1903,33.3,6.7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,644,972,0.5,1.9,3.3,72.8,2.9,8.3,9.5,6.5,596,52,2.3,0.3,2
550250018021,Census Block Group,121.1,747,0,11,0,41,608817,314.76,663262,325.49,339789,253.53,1916,17.17,0,5.81,0,9.7,2,147,36,79063,0,2,3,18,17,5,27,22,26,141,106,0.67,1109,8.5,8.4,"B,G",-1,-1,748,1383,3.6,10,12.7,82.6,4.1,2.3,5.8,5.3,714,265,11.4,1.3,41.3
550250018022,Census Block Group,32.1,444,0,2,0,83,625829,277.99,548595,256.97,382969,317.96,1916,72.71,0,51.89,0,51.9,1,90,0,60860,0,0,1,14,26,9,21,31,22,81,64,0,1218,17.1,8.4,"B,G",-1,-1,440,698,3.5,8.1,3.6,80.4,5,2.3,9.1,3.1,394,96,7.3,2,11.9
550250018023,Census Block Group,33.9,804,0,3,0,12,364540,282.48,289427,214.16,294781,431.3,2001,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,210,55,71136,0,4.6,10,69,45,20,68,89,44,611,198,0,1466,6.1,7.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,920,1613,2,4.7,8,77.9,4.5,7.1,4.9,5.6,884,133,4.8,1.1,14.3
550250018041,Census Block Group,84.7,1229,0,2,0,27,1183125,430.19,1138433,378.49,152987,178.19,1979,74.99,9.1,80.67,3.3,82.8,2,18,4,48017,13.9,2.5,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,14,-9,-9,85.84,1109,7.9,-9,B,13,5.6,1247,2124,3.4,10.8,7.3,64.1,12.8,9,8.6,5.5,1207,335,10.4,4.1,19.1
550250018042,Census Block Group,50.7,891,0,17,1,67,378807,270.66,332192,257.55,-5,-5,2015,61.54,0,85.71,29.6,86.7,1,90,0,72652,0,1.3,9,112,57,12,129,127,33,163,144,0,1357,10.1,7.8,"B,G",-1,-1,834,1299,2.9,8,3.4,80,7.5,4,4.6,3.9,787,174,6.4,1.9,12.2
550250018043,Census Block Group,73.2,638,0,12,2,17,378404,263.28,312342,263.36,282567,261.64,1916,31.25,6.6,50,22.2,58.1,2,147,36,76667,0,0,13,44,65,36,63,151,34,183,136,0,1817,6.8,7.3,B,-1,-1,580,1005,3.8,10.4,7.8,81.1,3.3,3,6,6.7,555,169,12.8,2.9,29.2
550250019011,Census Block Group,83.6,612,0,7,0,0,661600,298.76,338600,252.29,488517,402.85,1913,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,4,330,55,72132,0,1.5,21,50,101,32,74,121,47,556,210,6.05,1900,5.1,6.7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,600,900,1.7,3.4,6.2,86.8,2,3,3.8,4.4,586,116,7.2,2.2,17.3
550250019012,Census Block Group,75.3,592,0,25,0,4,622379,325.69,552600,322.18,373658,344.78,1912,8.33,0,10.29,5,5.7,4,167,2,90577,0,0,2,15,15,6,36,27,15,68,36,0.84,1025,3.6,6.4,"B,G",-1,-1,585,1139,4.4,13.9,14.9,89.2,1.3,1.9,2.4,5.2,545,265,11.9,1.5,47.7
550250019013,Census Block Group,119,710,0,28,1,195,388060,308.25,334757,277.81,290395,340.38,1909,53.85,0,50,21.6,55.8,6,314,38,47219,0,21.1,8,58,58,20,91,119,46,250,144,8.31,1733,5.5,6.9,"B,G",-1,-1,694,1203,4,11.8,5.8,75.9,10,1.7,6.8,5.7,668,167,12.4,5.2,20.8
550250019014,Census Block Group,77.5,556,0,11,0,23,696607,308.16,463967,249.11,348673,327.36,1906,-1,0,10,-1,20,3,168,0,65307,0,0,6,25,25,12,50,60,27,128,115,0,1830,10.7,6.8,"B,G",-1,-1,562,987,1.5,5.8,9.1,81.9,5,2.4,3.6,7.1,536,129,7.6,0.9,23.8
550250019021,Census Block Group,81.3,650,0,23,0,0,542263,348.63,469405,330.39,320752,313.88,1928,13.04,0,5.08,9.8,10,3,129,40,84167,0,11.7,1,17,6,5,20,13,17,103,69,0,955,3.9,7,"B,G",-1,-1,636,1176,2.8,12.9,17.3,86.7,2.4,2.3,4.1,4.5,608,281,15,1.2,61.3
550250019022,Census Block Group,90.3,1173,0,18,0,4,371694,268.37,345490,253,324215,317.54,1939,37.04,7,27.91,5.3,20.5,5,195,44,69179,0,1.7,4,28,34,13,51,49,47,418,142,0,1656,4.7,7.1,"B,G",-1,-1,1035,1629,2.5,8.5,11.7,82.1,3.1,3.6,5,6.3,1000,291,9.9,3.2,27.3
550250020001,Census Block Group,82.6,279,0,6,0,58,244766,221.14,226340,204.54,-5,-5,1959,90.98,16.4,85.84,9,87.9,5,95,54,-5,-5,-5,6,20,38,20,33,82,24,135,111,31.18,1534,16.4,6.2,"P,B",-1,-1,286,669,7.3,29.2,4.5,30.9,39.7,7.9,15.8,5.8,278,148,30.3,13,22.1
550250020002,Census Block Group,199.4,896,0,17,1,71,331124,266.88,282793,246.16,-5,-5,1940,32.5,1.9,38.68,1.3,40.4,4,262,100,63924,9.9,3.6,4,55,32,10,76,54,34,138,94,0.11,1630,9.3,6.8,"B,G",-1,-1,816,1445,4.4,13.6,9.7,82.6,3.7,2,6.1,5.6,791,301,16.9,3.3,42.9
550250020003,Census Block Group,125.1,771,0,12,0,0,550946,338.09,505230,323.42,310087,313.45,1922,23.08,0,4.76,0.9,5.5,3,288,137,117813,0,1.3,1,17,5,2,35,23,21,108,69,7.91,587,0,5.7,"B,G",-1,-1,762,1631,4.2,15.9,20.8,85,2.1,2.1,5,5.8,734,422,21.9,2.2,67.3
550250020004,Census Block Group,172.3,1251,0,15,0,155,332600,271.34,268185,255.14,174425,228.23,1926,42.03,1.5,35.96,5.4,43.8,6,369,177,84487,0,10.3,18,98,168,37,110,220,60,556,209,10.87,2106,8.1,7.3,"P,B,G",16.9,7.6,1079,2017,5.2,17.2,10.8,82.1,5.6,1.6,6,4.7,1037,456,17.9,4.3,53.6
550250021001,Census Block Group,285,899,0,24,4,11,268635,241.72,244322,226.95,208100,171.63,1948,71.43,6.8,63.01,3.6,57.9,4,141,98,44286,9.3,1.4,11,56,49,15,58,72,37,308,170,28.48,2880,4.9,7.1,"P,B,G",37.3,13.4,714,1336,3.7,13.5,11.6,74.5,5.2,2.8,9.9,7.6,693,297,15.3,3.3,57.7
550250021002,Census Block Group,91,809,0,17,1,145,287990,250.95,265162,246.52,250450,226.65,1948,47.37,6.3,68.75,13.9,67.8,5,206,82,41588,15.6,8.4,8,48,56,29,61,103,38,239,139,0,1759,15.7,7.7,"P,B",-1,-1,679,1173,4.2,15,10.8,71.4,8.4,1.8,9.5,8.8,645,234,15.7,4.2,39.7
550250021003,Census Block Group,118.9,630,0,4,0,0,323000,259.28,298091,248.14,-5,-5,1925,40,5.8,15.53,1.2,21.2,2,125,35,93229,6.9,0,1,18,28,9,26,72,33,106,72,0,1759,2.9,7.9,B,-1,-1,621,1177,4.6,15.1,11,85,2.5,1.4,4.5,6.5,606,258,19.8,2.3,62.4
550250021004,Census Block Group,269.6,559,0,24,0,40,316038,251.12,274100,241.45,-5,-5,1928,36,0,15.28,8.3,14.3,4,118,42,74444,0,0,15,56,75,25,61,102,60,393,197,0,2178,2.6,7.9,B,-1,-1,545,1041,5.3,14,13.4,79.1,5.8,1.6,7.5,6,526,204,16,3,59.6
550250022001,Census Block Group,129.1,604,0,7,0,140,292004,190.42,298610,177.83,-5,-5,1964,90.91,6.3,84.37,7.6,81.3,6,289,16,70541,20.5,0,9,96,91,27,123,137,31,233,111,25.83,393,4.6,7.4,"P,B,G",20.9,9,576,1185,6.2,20.3,15.7,54.7,22.7,5.9,8.3,8.4,562,282,22.2,12.3,45.7
550250022002,Census Block Group,156.7,798,0,25,2,10,245341,213.33,218999,224.83,162283,132.01,1950,92.59,0,70.31,8,77.5,2,163,51,49554,7.6,2.6,8,47,33,17,56,43,24,233,136,21.18,2389,0,7.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,729,1367,4.2,14.6,13.7,73.7,9.4,2.3,8.8,5.9,687,295,17.2,4.2,62
550250022003,Census Block Group,171.8,985,0,21,1,116,308364,190.31,287449,190.51,177707,149.74,1963,70.73,13.2,70.54,8.6,70.6,1,60,51,48125,0,6,18,47,92,73,76,200,9,277,158,37.56,687,14.3,7.4,"P,B,G",21,14.8,981,1756,6.4,17.6,21.9,66.5,18.2,2.3,6.4,6.6,921,366,15.8,3.6,48.2
550250023011,Census Block Group,198.9,777,0,13,1,361,270687,194.32,240450,188.93,-5,-5,1963,92.52,9.9,88.28,10.8,88.3,6,201,20,48292,26.4,7.1,8,43,71,32,71,145,28,361,204,29.47,393,19.5,6.3,"B,G",26.1,13.9,790,2043,9.2,35,8,33.7,35.8,9.2,13.5,7.8,755,481,41.7,20.4,35.6
550250023012,Census Block Group,406.3,487,0,3,1,7,443207,209.76,468571,244.62,111475,124.73,1963,42.86,6.7,49.33,1.5,50.7,5,104,15,88981,2.1,1.5,4,12,31,12,21,64,23,291,167,41.68,382,7.2,6.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,483,1145,3.4,16.4,25.5,72.5,8.9,4.7,7.4,6.5,461,302,18.2,2.2,85.9
550250023021,Census Block Group,639.6,443,0,9,0,17,405905,190.04,398380,190.1,182503,138.79,1990,75.76,3,42.42,13.1,48.6,6,201,20,83333,1.2,0,19,16,51,22,27,71,11,275,110,42.21,198,0,6.2,B,-1,-1,439,1468,4.5,14.6,15.9,70.8,15.4,4.8,4.4,4.7,416,285,24.3,4.6,70.6
550250024011,Census Block Group,152.9,464,0,17,1,3,294370,193.46,277537,197.25,-5,-5,1962,78.57,1.4,57.97,4.1,41.4,4,101,32,72279,0,0.9,1,6,3,2,11,15,1,116,51,16.59,195,5,6.4,None,-1,-1,464,1109,4.4,18.2,17.2,80.4,6.2,1.5,4.3,7.5,455,304,23.1,2,93.2
550250024012,Census Block Group,137.8,425,0,6,1,0,290534,194.36,282277,199.96,185144,171.45,1969,80,7,86,3.8,61,4,133,15,61944,4.7,4.6,2,7,14,4,12,14,4,152,83,42.59,393,14.4,6.6,None,-1,-1,424,1014,6.4,21.8,14.8,66.6,14,6.1,7.7,5.6,416,268,25.2,3.8,89.2
550250024013,Census Block Group,164.3,626,0,2,2,2,287013,199.56,278322,200.24,330500,176.92,1972,70,1.2,61.45,0,54.8,2,24,17,77917,6.7,3.8,2,8,7,3,22,8,2,263,129,49.52,195,6.6,6.6,None,-1,-1,596,1264,4,13.4,34.8,80.9,3.7,3.6,7.4,4.4,572,349,17.5,3.1,86.4
550250024021,Census Block Group,321.4,1264,0,35,1,302,280958,193.77,257684,199.61,112643,125.64,1980,81.65,14.1,85.34,7.4,81.9,7,252,16,69226,7.9,1.5,17,54,78,26,68,129,44,428,215,48.1,393,10.7,7.1,"P,B,G",30.7,6.8,1099,2280,8.2,24.8,12.3,53.4,16,14.4,9.5,6.7,1011,491,25.8,9.6,38.7
550250024022,Census Block Group,227.2,702,0,5,0,139,314958,176.71,318207,170.23,160729,171.69,1970,81.67,13.2,77.78,7.3,70.9,5,102,10,71315,21,0,10,42,51,34,60,104,14,163,112,45.73,393,4.4,5.3,"P,B,G",21.3,6.6,688,1473,6.6,22,15.1,59.9,20.3,2.9,11.1,5.8,658,356,24.3,7.9,64.1
550250025001,Census Block Group,1758.6,619,0,31,0,162,221624,211.4,222913,198.43,-5,-5,2010,95.83,14.8,93.71,12,87.6,8,496,62,34181,33.8,0,15,95,115,51,131,188,80,427,263,8.72,1132,11.3,7.1,"P,B",29.9,8.8,615,1625,8.4,28.1,11.7,42.5,21.6,6.8,22.8,6.3,558,298,32.8,16.3,47
550250025002,Census Block Group,581.1,369,0,15,0,12,286091,186.35,272738,185.17,241292,171.52,1986,81.82,19.1,70.21,0,67.3,6,381,78,46250,8.7,1.3,3,37,20,14,43,54,66,202,131,27.37,1585,3,7.1,"P,B,G",-1,-1,367,778,7.3,20.1,10.8,53.9,13.6,4.1,19,9.4,360,167,21.4,3.9,36.7
550250026011,Census Block Group,203.1,512,0,11,1,32,257252,201.12,247751,204.34,105679,95.06,1957,65.71,8.6,78.1,6.6,74.6,4,195,32,59205,10.2,6.1,4,27,44,13,35,63,56,227,120,85.16,1007,4.2,6.5,"P,B,G",-1,-1,518,1054,5.4,19.3,11.6,64.1,11.6,2.7,15.3,6.4,516,243,18.2,5.2,50
550250026012,Census Block Group,179.8,423,0,11,0,68,251980,191.53,241025,201.37,163783,168.67,1957,70,3.3,53.33,12.2,61.7,5,304,111,50682,1.2,1,7,38,69,20,36,72,31,163,117,35.7,944,6.3,6.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,433,793,4.9,16,14.8,66.2,15.8,4.9,8.2,4.9,399,162,16.5,5.5,48.6
550250026021,Census Block Group,762.7,651,0,17,0,0,333943,200.01,300864,196.76,176900,171.35,1988,90.32,29.5,89.26,7.1,76.6,8,176,77,74743,0,0,13,45,78,31,77,145,62,356,200,36.41,1007,4.7,7.6,"P,B,G",20.3,9.5,653,1625,6.4,21.6,10.8,58.5,8.4,5.8,21.7,5.7,632,403,28.5,4,67.4
550250026022,Census Block Group,239.2,948,0,22,3,18,321593,176.62,308788,177.24,114770,131.37,1974,82.05,20.1,66.3,6.4,62.8,7,115,32,50395,16.4,5.2,25,108,162,66,131,305,76,411,195,42.41,788,20.2,7.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,949,2047,4.8,19.3,16.2,57.6,10.6,5.9,18,7.9,938,463,18.3,3.4,59.1
550250026023,Census Block Group,76,315,0,4,0,0,313476,178.61,301091,157.74,212713,162.21,1978,90,15.7,67.59,4.1,62.3,3,75,7,69609,0.7,1.9,2,6,12,3,14,17,4,65,21,42.54,255,0,7.5,None,-1,-1,318,684,5.7,19.4,14.9,58.9,13.3,4.4,20.6,2.8,293,164,20.8,3.4,46.4
550250026024,Census Block Group,203.5,1015,0,0,1,0,324247,177.97,303480,179.89,-5,-5,1994,84.21,18.9,78.05,7.8,76.6,3,75,7,48125,0,0,13,73,104,40,99,180,16,257,100,39.8,255,8.5,7.7,B,18.3,4.2,942,1657,6.7,18.9,7,55,14.2,7.4,15.5,8,867,331,19.2,5.9,3.5
550250026031,Census Block Group,321.6,849,0,24,0,76,277041,170.72,240338,157.79,188480,153.64,1994,90.54,12,82.23,8.1,67.3,3,110,63,39286,3.4,2.6,16,115,117,46,128,203,19,396,183,28.27,465,52.4,7.2,"P,B,G",18.7,12,792,1793,6,20.1,11.6,52.9,17.4,6.7,16,7,748,389,24.6,7.6,24.5
550250026032,Census Block Group,830.8,329,0,18,0,28,368887,174.82,328500,218.13,236700,148.77,1994,81.25,10.4,89.58,0,70.6,6,123,47,0,0,0,56,759,368,97,683,659,156,889,469,57.14,1809,0,7.7,"P,B,G",-1,-1,327,684,5.7,15.5,12.6,50.9,19.2,8.5,15.8,5.7,317,154,15.5,3.5,34.4
550250026033,Census Block Group,373.5,1185,0,38,3,0,370603,186.93,352819,185.89,213356,161.66,2000,78.73,8.8,60.29,2.9,44.8,4,97,47,95211,2.8,0,2,27,35,16,48,45,17,176,101,77.05,465,4.7,8,B,11.1,11.8,1176,2858,5.8,22.8,8,58.2,11.5,12.6,13.1,4.6,1150,649,27,3,57.4
550250027001,Census Block Group,175.6,460,0,5,0,0,312446,241.68,300133,232.72,-5,-5,1955,21.74,0,33.87,1.9,31.7,7,499,183,79464,7,4.3,3,161,37,8,162,122,25,147,93,27.17,1867,5.6,6.9,"B,G",-1,-1,461,942,3.4,14.6,18.6,84.9,2.3,1,4.9,6.9,452,239,20.1,2.9,82.5
550250027002,Census Block Group,239.4,997,0,22,1,155,317219,244.31,297192,246.88,466388,321.94,1951,69.23,2.9,50.98,2.5,55,6,269,79,49250,9.3,1.1,5,42,34,18,57,52,19,162,91,13.44,766,16.7,6.4,"P,B",-1,-1,770,1443,5.3,15.1,18,80.8,5.2,2.4,6.5,5.1,746,341,15,4.7,62.2
550250027003,Census Block Group,360.5,563,0,10,0,0,294663,258.74,276783,256.94,-5,-5,1951,68.75,0,52.94,0,45.1,7,295,178,58462,9.5,0,10,23,51,11,30,56,37,170,103,4.44,2938,4.6,6.4,"B,G",-1,-1,565,1042,4.7,14.3,18.3,87.2,2.1,0.8,6.2,3.6,540,241,16.9,3.9,79.3
550250028001,Census Block Group,250.2,739,0,14,0,0,313894,225.15,291570,231.07,-5,-5,1950,48,0,32.47,3.2,33.3,6,400,138,76080,2.9,10.9,7,29,31,11,42,57,22,183,99,13.13,741,1.9,5.1,"P,B",20,5,741,1513,3.7,14.7,19.4,85.3,2.2,1.1,7.1,4.2,714,405,17.8,2,80.8
550250028002,Census Block Group,167.3,335,0,6,0,1,326603,198.07,289820,211.15,-5,-5,1952,-1,0,25,0,16.7,6,125,77,86548,0,0,0,12,10,2,13,25,27,81,55,44.18,711,2.7,6.1,"P,B,G",-1,-1,317,681,4.8,12.9,21.3,83.3,2.2,1.9,6.9,5.7,301,173,18.9,1.7,87.7
550250029001,Census Block Group,310.4,420,0,11,0,8,313234,194.83,298057,205.56,-5,-5,1958,83.33,8.1,79.02,9.1,65.1,5,31,10,73654,3.7,2.3,16,49,48,13,59,81,19,161,95,4.76,651,2.4,6.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,411,1002,3.8,21,17.8,64.1,9.3,5.2,14.4,7.1,405,242,24.7,6.4,65.2
550250029002,Census Block Group,120.5,436,0,8,0,1,301244,195.53,306995,195.78,217250,168.93,1957,64.03,8.9,62.03,2.9,59.8,4,102,2,62411,6.1,7.6,0,10,6,2,19,24,20,104,50,0.46,651,2,6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,434,960,4.5,15.8,15.9,73.5,4.9,5.5,11.7,4.4,424,237,20.5,4.2,67.2
550250029003,Census Block Group,137.7,217,0,2,0,0,354811,174.15,393070,169.27,172198,148.3,1963,-1,5.3,50,0,44.7,4,172,58,-5,-5,-5,0,4,1,0,8,1,2,26,10,43.32,50,3.5,6.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,221,497,7,18.5,17.3,82.1,4.8,0.4,9.3,3.4,215,153,30.7,9.3,92.1
550250030011,Census Block Group,193.6,401,0,4,2,0,349057,181.45,354571,173.89,-5,-5,1979,68.57,2.4,38.58,3.8,29.7,6,89,86,103333,0,1.6,0,9,6,8,21,24,11,60,30,13.97,182,0,7.1,None,-1,-1,402,996,5.4,19.4,20.8,86.3,2.8,3.7,3,4.1,392,292,24.2,1.3,93.6
550250030012,Census Block Group,203.6,396,0,6,0,0,350978,170.01,355883,158.36,-5,-5,1969,52.63,1.4,24.64,3.4,16.9,3,67,62,104740,0,0,2,8,6,1,17,17,4,81,29,25.76,182,0,7.1,B,-1,-1,400,1033,6.3,18.2,28.2,81.6,3.6,6.1,4.3,4.5,400,310,19.5,1.2,95
550250030013,Census Block Group,143.5,546,0,6,0,83,324310,183.74,321959,186.31,173483,164.98,1966,72.97,5.9,70.59,9.9,68.3,2,191,84,69583,8.5,0,6,39,34,21,40,55,15,232,95,17.03,182,8.4,6.8,"P,B",-1,-1,472,1019,4.8,22,17.3,77.9,6.4,4.6,5.2,5.9,455,273,25.7,3.3,77.4
550250030014,Census Block Group,269.8,426,0,6,0,0,289210,211.7,285241,205.95,-5,-5,1968,73.33,7.1,64.29,21.4,68.1,6,426,163,69688,31.3,14.6,10,35,32,23,62,76,26,237,85,41.31,473,3,6.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,431,832,4.7,20,18.3,68.3,17.3,1.6,6.4,6.5,411,214,22.6,8.3,56.4
550250030015,Census Block Group,121.4,378,0,13,1,0,306465,191.65,302233,190.11,-5,-5,1963,56,3.8,54.72,6.3,36.4,6,107,91,72358,2.5,0,2,14,5,3,16,14,7,120,31,10.05,413,1.8,6.5,B,-1,-1,377,895,5.3,19.4,19.7,77.1,6.7,1.7,8.8,5.7,357,255,17.6,3.9,86.3
550250030021,Census Block Group,201.9,759,0,16,0,0,327428,204.38,326488,211.02,233441,160.24,1979,86.59,10.2,80.74,5.2,74.3,9,135,78,49398,3.4,0,11,28,39,32,49,85,23,189,67,6.59,413,11.1,7.6,B,16.2,8.8,758,1902,5.6,22.1,11.3,45.4,20.8,5.2,21.5,7.2,740,404,25.5,9.6,30.4
550250030022,Census Block Group,247.3,707,0,25,0,96,328314,188.4,333176,176.21,177818,151.45,1983,87.27,9.1,86.82,11.5,79,9,264,174,68105,21.1,1.1,6,31,46,16,41,68,30,317,117,64.92,647,17.2,7.3,"B,G",16.7,10,699,1455,6.6,21.4,16.1,57.9,19.4,4,12.9,5.8,685,331,26.3,10.5,21
550250031001,Census Block Group,191.1,596,0,8,0,1,343639,197.26,342365,205.74,-5,-5,1969,55.88,0,42.06,0,43,6,206,109,77560,0,0,2,8,16,10,15,26,12,187,81,45.47,182,0.3,6.2,"P,B",-1,-1,594,1285,4.7,17.7,26.5,80.5,6.4,2.2,5.8,5.1,569,350,20.4,3.2,71.7
550250031002,Census Block Group,204.7,543,0,22,0,0,325622,192.57,314430,198.02,205467,188.5,1978,61.19,5.9,59.8,3,50.5,4,58,66,75000,8.4,5.1,2,13,10,3,14,18,10,112,30,29.1,242,0,6.6,B,26.9,5.8,543,1415,6,23.3,16.1,69.3,8.6,1.6,11.4,9.1,533,364,29.1,6,75.8
550250031003,Census Block Group,1803.3,865,0,11,1,2,363197,198.4,334199,195.2,341003,210.55,1984,62.25,6.4,45.35,5.8,42.3,6,240,17,112109,0,2.3,13,95,73,24,122,116,45,522,214,41.39,498,2.7,7.3,"P,B",16.5,7,858,2170,5.8,20.7,18.3,75.7,7.9,4.3,6.6,5.5,846,650,27.8,3.8,85.5
550250031004,Census Block Group,300.4,590,0,6,3,0,356236,186.8,307802,196.94,-5,-5,1966,54.55,4.4,47.25,1.2,28.3,8,502,136,99559,0,10,4,9,20,8,26,26,31,423,118,10.34,242,4.5,6.5,"P,B",-1,-1,590,1335,5.6,18.3,23.7,79.9,5,1,8.5,5.6,581,378,22.4,3.1,84.3
550250032001,Census Block Group,538.2,101,1196,0,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,515900,392.76,1963,30.18,0,2.59,15.4,45.7,7,464,298,42216,8,1,3,5,3,0,10,0,33,49,96,11.26,3089,22,4.2,"P,B,G",20.2,5.3,1238,2394,10.9,23.9,1.9,31,5.3,47.4,9.6,6.7,1081,555,33.5,5.5,2.5
550250105011,Census Block Group,483.7,612,0,3,0,0,405536,198.69,460956,205.89,352775,213.15,2008,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,5,38,18,104559,1.2,0.6,0,3,2,0,11,1,10,46,22,90.2,231,2.5,7.8,B,13.4,10.3,578,1655,10.2,33.6,8.7,80.4,2.6,5.9,4.3,6.9,537,449,51.6,2.8,84.4
550250105012,Census Block Group,609,573,0,15,2,0,357628,204.99,324019,194.45,212411,158.82,2005,74.86,7.3,57.15,4.1,49.7,6,321,84,-5,-5,-5,3,29,29,7,38,44,19,82,60,13.96,231,1.7,7.3,B,13,3,551,1491,8.9,26.4,4.9,61.3,13.8,4.6,12.2,8.1,547,385,38.9,6.7,75.8
550250107023,Census Block Group,154.9,631,0,2,1,0,364991,198.02,344862,195.94,298093,192.69,2000,45.24,0.9,41.51,2.5,29.8,9,247,133,109922,0,0,0,17,11,8,19,17,15,143,48,100,0,0,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,519,1235,6.6,15.7,19.4,72.3,5.6,10.5,6.6,5,474,278,25.5,3,74.5
550250107025,Census Block Group,212.6,730,0,7,1,0,380107,199.41,370008,196.47,257215,175.12,2000,39.5,0,18.56,4,8.9,7,139,81,120794,0,3.6,1,10,7,1,15,8,2,46,16,99.73,0,0,7.8,"P,B,G",9.5,8.5,729,1972,8.5,27.2,5.9,71.8,3.6,13,4.9,6.8,718,538,40.9,2.6,94
550250108011,Census Block Group,242.7,1221,0,7,1,0,399478,202.85,371159,210.25,280253,195.57,2005,41.38,0.7,28.36,5.6,31.7,6,253,120,89806,0,3,0,14,3,7,19,8,3,133,46,100,0,0,7.7,"P,B,G",15.8,9.5,937,1909,7.5,19.7,8.9,78.3,3.5,7.9,6.3,4.1,923,465,24.9,2.8,63.2
550250108013,Census Block Group,148.4,708,0,4,0,68,489103,173.26,437040,196.37,295775,199.3,1999,37.04,3.5,36.11,5.6,38.3,7,365,121,101563,0,2.3,0,14,3,3,16,12,15,65,38,100,0,10.2,7.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,708,1435,5.8,19.9,10,72.5,6.3,7.9,7.6,5.7,700,339,21.7,3.3,42
550250108014,Census Block Group,279.4,455,0,8,1,0,425313,191.58,412071,180.25,293313,206.09,2002,56,2.9,16.67,0.8,9.2,2,128,4, ,0,0,0,2,1,3,3,2,4,28,15,100,0,0,7.8,None,-1,-1,451,1271,8.8,25.9,7.6,78.3,1.4,9.5,5.6,5.2,451,352,42.8,1.8,95.8
550250109031,Census Block Group,466.8,814,0,3,0,0,701000,215.38,606169,190.61,509743,268.21,2008,40,2.7,12,10.2,18.4,2,42,44,118162,0,0,0,13,1,0,17,0,9,50,38,84.77,70,0,7.8,B,13.3,8.3,777,1662,3.9,16.7,19.5,74.8,2.4,16.1,3.3,3.4,739,465,22.3,1.1,71.9
550250109032,Census Block Group,440.9,811,0,1,0,0,729950,203.66,608513,195.99,410209,282.24,2011,36.57,2.4,7.28,0,6.4,2,42,44,126779,0.5,2.8,1,2,4,1,5,2,0,45,20,97.53,70,0,7.7,B,8.4,9.6,809,1882,7,20.9,9.7,79.2,0.5,13.4,3.7,3.1,798,505,29.7,1.6,66.4
550250109033,Census Block Group,717.8,439,0,6,0,0,537700,243.61,561801,204.66,-5,-5,2011,-1,0,0,7.1,0,0,0,0,98100,0,2.5,0,3,3,3,12,5,11,23,16,66.51,70,0,8.2,B,-1,-1,408,801,8.1,19.5,8.6,74.3,2.6,13.6,3.7,5.7,396,188,20.7,0.5,39.4
550250109051,Census Block Group,351.4,757,0,11,0,0,407191,188.04,343125,182.11,260645,210.26,1998,-1,21.1,57.89,4.3,66.7,1,51,0,79935,0,12.3,1,46,17,7,49,31,35,133,61,71.47,310,4.7,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,753,1203,3.5,8.2,22.8,73.2,2.3,16.6,5.2,2.7,714,257,9.8,1,30.3
550250109052,Census Block Group,498.2,796,0,2,0,0,443351,182.47,493100,185.38,450865,274.7,2006,-1,0,4.77,0,0,3,335,93,-5,-5,-5,0,25,27,7,43,44,12,262,124,48.87,239,8.4,6.4,"P,B",-1,-1,659,1014,2.6,7.3,35,78.9,1.9,8.7,7.7,2.9,643,182,9.4,2.2,21
550250109053,Census Block Group,448.2,1394,0,7,0,0,546770,228.09,484336,229.63,-5,-5,2019,48.27,2.4,12.2,8.3,9.6,2,260,0,137776,0,2.1,0,14,1,2,20,5,6,25,23,100,0,0,8.6,B,7,10.8,829,1706,9.4,17.7,4.3,74.1,1.9,15.6,4.6,3.8,806,402,21.9,0.5,48.5
550250109054,Census Block Group,738,1106,0,16,0,0,415925,226.11,412103,221.57,312279,209.65,2015,56.52,3.3,15,2.3,22.6,5,310,44,94083,0,2.7,0,18,10,5,18,10,30,46,36,100,246,0,8.2,"P,B,G",8.5,11.9,494,940,6.4,14,3.9,79,2.1,11.4,3.9,3.5,473,210,16.3,3.2,38.1
550250109061,Census Block Group,911.7,1044,0,12,0,0,697800,243.5,615420,230.99,427063,253.5,2016,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,3,310,0,131571,0,0,0,17,6,0,25,5,22,196,90,100,0,11.8,7.5,B,15.8,14.7,689,1743,9.2,31.3,12.4,62.9,1.3,27.7,2.5,5.6,669,465,47.9,3.4,60
550250109062,Census Block Group,418.5,1209,0,2,0,0,842749,203.04,883178,206.1,444277,252.67,2002,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,135,0,127656,5,1.2,1,21,1,4,35,12,8,200,100,100,0,0,7.3,None,11.3,4.8,1199,2981,5.6,27.3,9,67.2,1.9,23.1,3.6,4.2,1168,733,36.5,2.5,57.4
550250110001,Census Block Group,54.7,138,0,0,0,0,467760,206.47,460157,224,-5,-5,1961,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,85,77,-5,-5,-5,0,1,1,0,2,0,13,20,13,82.61,513,9.8,7.1,"P,B",-1,-1,83,149,5.4,12.8,31.3,84.6,0.7,5.4,4,5.3,83,49,13.3,2.3,62.4
550250112011,Census Block Group,1143.5,918,0,9,0,0,521672,185.06,510446,179.96,269904,168.57,1978,54.32,0,15.42,2.3,17.4,2,68,17,88885,11.7,4.8,1,18,9,2,27,8,10,273,164,100,0,1.8,7.4,B,-1,-1,912,1556,1.9,9.6,47.8,89.5,1.7,2.1,3.5,3.1,851,444,7.6,1.1,97.3
550250114031,Census Block Group,506.8,960,0,10,0,0,404745,188.38,393946,190.63,300850,196.43,2003,61.11,0,43.94,0,34.3,5,97,0,98125,2.9,1,0,9,6,7,15,10,8,94,44,69.06,60,1.2,7.6,B,16.9,12.3,952,1912,4.8,14.1,14.4,78.9,6.1,4.9,5.2,4.8,936,477,17.1,2.5,51.5
550250114032,Census Block Group,290.9,619,0,7,0,216,376451,202.89,332690,204.64,253621,182.77,2007,83.78,2.9,71.43,7.1,64.2,3,83,0,80940,0,0,5,11,13,4,16,5,3,66,39,57.03,60,4.1,7.6,None,10,8.6,394,1013,9.2,24.2,8.8,70.7,10,4.6,7.6,7.1,388,270,34.8,3.9,82.2
550250114051,Census Block Group,1298.6,1561,0,3,0,0,345338,224.19,343033,207.72,280631,163.61,2002,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,256,134,77439,0,0,6,38,54,10,49,78,66,409,144,99.81,257,10.1,7.3,"P,B",13.3,6,1216,2211,5.2,13.7,23.1,65.5,3.9,21.4,5,4.2,1148,450,14.2,1.9,23.7
550250114052,Census Block Group,695.5,886,0,5,0,57,-5,-5,-5,-5,211679,170.22,2003,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,146,100,76227,0,0,6,48,50,12,76,43,58,298,120,75.51,227,2,8.4,"P,B",-1,-1,834,1398,3.9,13,11.9,69.8,8.4,8.4,8.6,4.8,742,245,14.5,4.6,39.5
550250114053,Census Block Group,1610,593,0,11,0,0,412504,211.41,322338,188.31,424050,259.47,2019,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,210,205,-5,-5,-5,0,19,9,6,31,17,13,9,6,100,0,0,7.7,B,-1,-1,287,525,5.6,19.7,4,63.3,7.1,15.1,7.1,7.5,238,130,27.3,0.8,61.7
550250114061,Census Block Group,527.9,1520,0,11,3,0,405897,196.66,378110,196.66,290775,204.68,2007,64.14,0.8,29.47,5.5,23.6,7,109,12,91449,3.9,3.2,0,49,9,6,61,37,11,170,92,41.51,60,0,7.6,"P,B,G",9.1,4.9,1094,2611,5.7,20.8,15.9,72.5,8.8,6.3,6.9,5.4,1046,696,26.6,3.9,89.4
550250114062,Census Block Group,237,1176,0,9,0,94,374314,198.39,343969,205.45,282130,204.81,2014,92,4.2,64.21,19.9,66.2,4,28,20,84522,0,3.3,8,26,43,14,44,57,6,448,146,58.67,60,8.6,7.7,"P,B,G",12.2,14.4,1109,2240,6.1,17.5,19.6,71.7,12,5.1,6.4,4.9,1094,427,18.6,6.5,22.2
550250114071,Census Block Group,3668,855,0,5,0,65,495101,173.7,405928,180.64,224418,176.63,1998,47.97,0,26.44,5,14,3,22,12,59234,6.5,1.1,7,49,41,12,71,50,35,162,97,99.53,60,1.9,6.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,885,1571,2.4,11.4,26.1,79,6,2.9,6.2,5.9,844,376,13,1.9,66.5
Madison,City of Madison,53464.9,134356,6850,1882,90,6443,418490,220.53,450471,219.29,282910,220.96,1977,59.62,7.7,50.97,5.8,49.5,275,12036,5067,70466,5.9,2.7,1138,7359,7331,2874,9864,14239,2576,24258,13331,37.53,10317,11.2,7.1,"P,B,G",17.7,9,128444,274622,5,16.4,13.1,68.8,7.3,9.4,9,5.4,123011,55236,19,3.8,44.5
1 geo_id geo_type acres du_cty du_cmps prd_viol foreclsr asst_unts avg_huval sqft_val avg_n_hval sqft_n_val avg_c_hval sqft_c_val yrblt_mdn pc_nprf35 pc_nhsg pc_nclgg pc_hmbl pc_frlu cc_prvdrs cc_cpcty cc_enrlmt medhhinc pc_fmpv pc_unem crm_pers crm_prop crm_scty ofns_pers ofns_prop ofns_scty crash prmry_ems prmry_fire pc_n_trst trst_trps pc_no_vhcl avg_stcnd gds_svcs pc_nappr pc_nvterm hu tot_pop pc_un5 pc_un18 pc_ov64 pc_wht pc_afrm pc_asn pc_hisp pc_othm hh fam pc_fmwc pc_fhwc pc_own
2 550250001001 Census Block Group 242.2 496 0 16 1 8 656408 276.29 657811 277.87 173492 170.51 1968 55 6.1 32.1 9.9 29.7 2 91 81 85625 0 1.6 1 7 4 3 8 19 22 48 46 32.46 673 3.1 4.7 B -1 -1 521 1034 4.9 15 25.1 79.9 4 5.5 5.4 5.2 497 281 19.3 3 73.3
3 550250001002 Census Block Group 254.5 1058 0 7 0 29 516541 282.87 506292 317.2 158011 180.85 1957 42.86 0 48.04 1.4 44.2 5 171 149 86181 0 1 0 15 14 7 24 18 20 131 74 65.97 1183 9.3 5.2 B,G 13.6 13.6 969 1716 4.1 13 14.3 74.8 4 8.2 8 5 917 386 15 2.9 49.8
4 550250002011 Census Block Group 263.8 717 0 9 0 6 419238 235.13 373684 224.86 154050 200.33 1961 36.36 0 15.29 1.6 14.1 8 332 242 94125 6.2 0 0 2 6 0 6 23 20 103 80 14.09 1704 3.3 6.8 B,G 19.6 11.8 618 1314 5.8 18.6 24 83.7 2 4 4.6 5.7 597 373 19.9 2 82.7
5 550250002012 Census Block Group 190.7 424 0 2 0 0 450737 222.55 416679 234.34 -5 -5 1961 55.56 13 25.93 4.4 28.1 4 248 184 68194 5.6 0 2 6 2 5 14 12 7 257 87 57.08 707 6.8 6.8 P,B -1 -1 424 865 3.6 12.9 23.5 82.8 4.3 5 3.9 4 408 266 17.9 2.5 74.8
6 550250002021 Census Block Group 338.2 480 0 2 1 0 579581 191.59 571760 191.33 283552 212.2 1973 17.07 0 2.44 2 2.4 9 498 292 146181 0 0 1 6 0 1 6 5 10 81 34 76.67 299 1.5 6.7 B -1 -1 484 1189 5.6 19.1 27.7 85.5 0.8 5.4 3.6 4.6 474 370 27 0.6 98.1
7 550250002022 Census Block Group 261.4 988 0 1 0 0 539909 187.13 568657 194.61 199329 158.3 1974 66.07 2.1 36.81 3.5 36 6 349 256 70833 2.2 0.8 14 51 27 38 72 38 22 488 150 85.32 241 3.7 7.6 P,B 11.1 5.6 1009 1931 4.6 14.1 21.4 71.9 5.2 9.6 7.5 5.9 970 463 16.3 3.3 41.5
8 550250002041 Census Block Group 205 823 0 5 2 246 435321 180.05 395222 173.42 202500 149.01 1976 72.5 3.2 71.23 5.6 78.6 6 427 228 47744 10 6 5 34 59 25 52 85 25 438 88 92.47 540 13.7 6.6 P,B 27.1 8.2 641 1520 11.1 29.3 22.7 56.1 25.4 7.4 6.1 5.1 620 452 36.8 18.4 61.1
9 550250002042 Census Block Group 275.1 723 0 1 0 0 505010 178.41 390760 177.77 238034 210.97 1985 48.57 0 19.8 0 28.7 3 204 20 102136 7.8 0.9 2 8 7 3 21 4 21 147 73 42.32 535 3.9 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 720 1574 4.5 16.6 33.6 77 2.3 8.3 7.1 5.3 697 424 18.9 3.9 77.3
10 550250002043 Census Block Group 171.6 1257 0 4 2 96 388668 186.24 369268 202.53 217970 194.13 1992 60 1.2 34.57 6.2 33.3 1 51 0 72794 15.4 9.9 8 64 88 16 77 79 41 235 97 25.78 535 8.7 7.6 P,B,G 27 11.1 1256 2342 8.4 20.8 8.4 47.8 9.5 29.6 9 4.1 1215 530 22.3 4.8 23.3
11 550250002051 Census Block Group 266.5 559 0 3 0 0 495325 192.44 438574 196.66 355781 223.18 1987 31.91 0 13.94 4 14.5 3 161 28 148750 0 0 0 5 4 3 14 6 8 72 26 60.29 299 0 6.6 P,B -1 -1 557 1432 5.9 20 22.5 81.1 1.7 8.3 4.5 4.4 546 444 29.1 2.4 90.1
12 550250002052 Census Block Group 171.1 763 0 0 0 0 493081 189.38 410013 185.25 302713 216.25 1996 40 0 7.41 0 13 3 204 20 69911 0 0 0 16 7 1 21 2 12 313 72 68.28 299 12 6.1 P,B -1 -1 910 1345 3.8 10.1 39.3 80.1 1.9 9.5 3.6 4.8 889 282 9.4 1.3 35.1
13 550250002054 Census Block Group 421.9 839 0 10 0 1 687992 219 649762 214.95 321445 231.98 1984 22.22 0 12.05 5.6 12.6 6 197 194 102632 0 0 1 2 4 4 16 10 13 89 55 60.91 466 0 6.3 B,G -1 -1 835 1701 4.5 14.6 32.1 81.9 2 6.9 4 5.2 808 482 15.5 1.1 83.3
14 550250003011 Census Block Group 86.4 1090 0 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1969 45.45 0 7.69 0 22.2 2 60 55 27294 14.1 4.2 0 21 2 1 30 3 14 207 175 100 1853 23.9 6.5 P,B,G -1 -1 1075 1458 1.9 4.8 10.2 47.3 1.9 43.1 4.6 3 986 158 5.9 0.8 0.3
15 550250003012 Census Block Group 83.1 852 0 0 0 95 -5 -5 -5 -5 515527 352.82 2005 30.79 0 30.77 3.6 41.2 1 22 0 36563 10.9 3.2 5 63 23 11 74 47 30 267 212 16.9 1893 25.8 5.9 P,B,G -1 -1 780 1148 3.7 8.7 22.4 64.8 6.1 21.4 4.9 2.9 724 242 13.2 4.4 17.6
16 550250003013 Census Block Group 59.7 658 0 0 0 5 531949 233.34 721000 196.32 -5 -5 1985 45.83 3.1 28.12 9.4 30.9 4 84 58 46833 31.1 11.1 2 13 5 4 18 13 10 78 57 50.3 1703 15.5 7.1 B -1 -1 658 1111 3.6 10.7 15.6 46.1 5.9 36.6 6.6 4.8 603 151 7.6 1.8 10.6
17 550250003021 Census Block Group 200.9 456 0 2 1 0 540322 243.54 481462 253.47 -5 -5 1958 19.1 0 3.9 3.7 6.2 1 51 57 105781 6.4 6.5 1 1 4 1 6 17 9 55 50 31.36 1351 5.6 7.5 B -1 -1 452 1110 4.5 25.8 18.5 81.4 1.3 7.9 3.2 6.2 434 320 36.9 2.8 86.4
18 550250003022 Census Block Group 152.7 423 0 11 0 2 515581 244.35 477194 238.86 223225 177.09 1959 29.91 0 11.54 3.3 15.8 4 265 241 139819 4.9 3.2 0 6 0 2 6 12 18 30 45 35.22 1430 13.4 7.8 B -1 -1 425 1066 5.5 28 19.4 74.4 1.6 13.7 4.4 5.9 411 294 39.9 5.1 82
19 550250004011 Census Block Group 298 1094 0 9 0 0 491788 270.3 461883 260.84 457904 404.06 1951 29.82 0 6.25 0.7 7.3 7 257 264 106071 0 0.4 1 13 2 2 28 12 19 105 71 8.96 1249 2 7.4 B,G 10.6 3.5 1135 2609 5 19.7 18.3 83.9 1.5 3.6 4.9 6.1 1112 696 26.1 2.6 76.5
20 550250004012 Census Block Group 150.8 480 0 11 0 0 476261 236.49 452520 246.62 -5 -5 1955 40.54 0 3.45 0 11.4 5 202 182 105658 0 2.7 1 4 2 1 12 4 12 76 49 12.08 1249 0 7.8 B,G -1 -1 482 1096 6.4 21.4 23.7 86.4 1.2 3.1 4.2 5.1 468 326 26.7 2.8 93.4
21 550250004021 Census Block Group 268.2 583 0 2 1 1 427759 241.74 395292 251.1 162300 163.54 1959 24.53 1.5 14.29 4.5 9.6 3 249 238 128458 0 0 0 6 5 1 13 3 22 118 78 22.13 1843 0 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 586 1311 6.3 21.1 19 81.7 2.6 5.9 5.3 4.5 580 361 26.4 2.6 76
22 550250004022 Census Block Group 443.1 652 0 10 0 0 449124 220.72 443456 216.43 206425 164.88 1960 40 1 19.62 3.1 16.4 5 236 199 98281 27.3 2.1 2 48 22 5 56 38 32 107 58 3.83 1900 2.2 7.6 P,B,G -1 -1 569 1330 5.3 20.6 22.7 77 3.5 8.6 7 4 556 369 27.5 3.1 73.7
23 550250004061 Census Block Group 249.6 1500 0 21 1 104 446342 204.76 397457 200.46 347064 229.81 2004 44.46 5.2 43.61 4 37.4 4 371 8 84228 3.1 2.6 3 17 8 9 27 19 16 87 48 50.33 70 0 7.9 P 15 12.9 1161 2369 5.5 17.4 10.8 66.2 4.5 16.9 6.4 6.1 1116 454 18.6 3.3 42.4
24 550250004062 Census Block Group 244.2 1104 0 2 0 0 411024 212.54 404760 206.15 375456 223.67 2006 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 597 70 79147 0 0 2 80 14 3 94 27 29 323 158 67.66 316 11.9 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 905 1387 1.7 5.9 40.5 76.4 2.5 15.4 4.1 1.7 862 226 8.7 0.9 15.2
25 550250004071 Census Block Group 144.1 642 0 12 0 10 328993 176.54 324327 189.44 212322 188.05 1984 85.33 11.6 72.69 9.1 74.3 12 304 111 55483 8.5 2.8 3 22 36 24 47 75 16 171 74 22.27 345 6.6 6.7 B 21.4 17.1 637 1599 8.6 26.1 9.9 48.1 23.3 7.6 14.5 6.5 605 357 28.8 6.6 43.8
26 550250004072 Census Block Group 176.6 805 0 6 3 0 392925 169.16 297575 160.33 181713 169.7 1981 85.71 7.4 78.42 10.7 75.2 17 604 190 54800 28.2 4.5 7 26 50 29 34 82 17 302 140 56.89 221 0 7.6 B,G 23.4 10.3 803 1888 8.3 26.1 10.4 44.5 25.8 8.4 15.6 5.7 783 479 31.9 11.5 49.8
27 550250004073 Census Block Group 281.1 552 0 45 0 0 416467 179.06 433565 178.16 181850 154.8 1965 43.4 2.3 52.27 4.2 50.4 11 557 161 102031 0 4.6 6 13 33 17 22 45 30 237 116 33.15 595 0 7.6 P,B,G 20.4 13 551 1428 4.7 22.8 24.4 70 8.3 5.5 10.9 5.3 541 395 23.1 5 83.4
28 550250004074 Census Block Group 81.1 309 0 11 3 0 306834 188.97 291474 183.32 183333 195.8 1969 55 16.2 72.73 3.8 59.8 9 195 92 71911 27.6 1.8 0 11 11 3 13 17 7 83 32 27.18 345 0 7.5 B -1 -1 307 797 5.6 22.1 15.1 61 8.7 3 20.8 6.5 302 195 30.8 3.3 78.1
29 550250004081 Census Block Group 639.7 889 0 2 0 78 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1975 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 758 533 45250 0 13 132 87 23 132 132 103 625 254 84.14 3246 57.1 7.9 P,B,G -1 -1 264 787 0.8 2 86.9 90.2 2.4 0.8 4.1 2.5 207 55 4.3 1.4 15.5
30 550250004082 Census Block Group 295.6 1067 0 1 0 171 -5 -5 420100 221.57 -5 -5 1994 81.48 8.5 76.83 15.3 77.5 15 692 257 34897 13.7 3.8 9 444 78 35 468 189 59 386 189 70.2 537 7.9 7.8 P,B,G -1 -1 931 1202 2.6 6.5 29.7 67.5 10.7 7.8 11.6 2.4 836 183 6.1 2.8 0.6
31 550250004091 Census Block Group 87.9 440 0 2 1 1 431571 179.66 379992 186.26 132930 164.88 1985 65 23.1 53.85 0 35 9 200 116 74677 0 0 1 5 15 4 9 15 29 130 74 70.23 537 0 6.8 P,B,G -1 -1 443 950 4.4 18.7 15.7 54.6 6.2 16.2 17.2 5.8 425 217 21.2 2.1 64.5
32 550250004092 Census Block Group 92.7 659 0 1 0 11 477746 179.62 378420 162.71 197335 205.81 1992 -1 15.2 45.45 0 40.5 0 0 0 59254 0 0 0 8 4 4 8 11 12 209 101 11.99 316 7.8 6.7 P,B,G -1 -1 660 1146 3.4 12 9 66.6 4.2 15.1 8.8 5.3 641 225 12.3 2.3 38.7
33 550250004093 Census Block Group 460.3 957 0 6 0 0 535192 184.83 498155 188.33 164668 139.46 1996 49.19 1.2 34.99 6.4 39.7 12 565 145 103231 0 9.7 9 37 50 36 58 104 22 199 102 56.95 415 6.5 6.8 P,B 11.4 11.3 949 2294 5.6 27.1 11.7 48.3 14.6 21.9 11.4 3.8 907 553 31.5 6.1 47.5
34 550250004101 Census Block Group 265.1 541 0 2 0 39 -5 -5 -5 -5 105705 176.82 1986 -1 3.4 51.72 0 41.9 4 653 122 51154 6.5 0 9 241 78 23 232 144 71 345 130 20.15 487 2.9 7.4 P,B,G -1 -1 518 834 3.8 9.8 7.2 65 3.8 14.1 13.5 3.5 490 140 11.4 3.1 7.1
35 550250004102 Census Block Group 94.2 593 0 1 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1994 -1 6.3 62.5 9.1 31.3 3 589 70 56143 0 2.9 2 85 16 5 89 48 40 95 65 0 537 0 6.7 P,B,G -1 -1 590 956 4 9.3 0.9 69.5 5 12.4 8.9 4.2 582 140 8.9 1.2 0
36 550250005011 Census Block Group 357.4 838 0 11 2 0 404522 191.54 400593 193.25 197154 134.6 1965 27.59 4 11.88 2.5 14.7 11 551 204 95034 2.9 2.5 2 20 9 6 27 30 23 156 70 56.09 700 5.5 6.8 P,B,G 11.1 9.3 838 1757 4.7 17.2 25.2 80.9 4.6 4.2 5.7 4.6 813 475 21.3 2.7 69.3
37 550250005012 Census Block Group 73.1 170 0 5 0 0 347992 182.21 316190 195.22 -5 -5 1964 -1 0 25.02 7.9 7.1 9 377 111 -5 -5 -5 0 3 2 0 6 2 7 34 16 82.94 117 0 7.1 P,B -1 -1 168 471 8.3 24.6 22.7 72.7 2.2 5.3 11.7 8.1 162 117 22.1 1.1 95.6
38 550250005013 Census Block Group 107.2 394 0 0 0 41 319090 192.3 286495 194.69 -5 -5 1963 79.07 15.5 85.81 14.5 82.7 6 110 41 44063 21.9 6.8 5 19 44 18 30 50 11 132 68 14.72 579 18.8 7.8 P,B 25 5.8 392 858 7.6 22.8 15.3 52.4 23 4.8 14.6 5.3 378 226 30.4 9.3 57.7
39 550250005014 Census Block Group 203.9 515 0 9 2 28 396971 187.38 387697 189.64 162563 110.55 1960 81.82 15.7 89.22 15.3 81.1 5 104 28 65921 0 0 7 37 45 20 52 59 17 121 53 7.57 829 0 6.4 P,B,G -1 -1 503 1274 7.5 23.6 15.5 64.8 10.3 5.7 12.4 6.9 487 308 24 6.4 60.6
40 550250005041 Census Block Group 171 663 0 7 2 0 361553 199.26 351016 195.78 248941 176.48 1986 71.05 2.1 49.47 11.4 49.5 5 125 31 96024 0 0 2 11 13 10 20 18 14 99 57 33.94 345 2.2 6.8 B 20.8 3.8 657 1455 6.3 19.6 14.6 66.5 9.1 7.5 10.9 6 642 358 23.1 4.2 64.6
41 550250005042 Census Block Group 145.2 653 0 10 1 16 342863 198.39 331750 200.69 235760 207.47 1988 67.39 3 50.37 2.1 49.3 5 194 77 99432 0 2.2 1 9 13 2 22 16 21 125 63 67.99 124 0 6.2 P,B,G 14.5 11.6 656 1423 6.3 19.2 8.4 64.8 8.6 7.8 13.5 5.3 646 376 25.5 6 52.9
42 550250005043 Census Block Group 156 595 0 0 0 0 483625 199.33 428961 199.78 317427 248.32 2003 36.12 1.8 14.3 2.4 15 3 363 0 151641 0 3 0 9 4 1 17 4 19 66 32 95.8 194 0 8.2 None 11.5 3.8 585 1286 6.4 21.5 9.5 80.2 1.8 7.5 7.2 3.3 569 295 27.7 1.9 62.6
43 550250005044 Census Block Group 280.2 756 0 1 1 0 476286 200.84 442300 219.26 296575 193.47 2004 32.35 0 9.18 1.2 12.6 2 14 0 114798 0 2.3 0 5 3 2 12 8 5 43 18 100 0 0 8.2 None 13 13 537 1166 8.2 21.6 12.2 78.7 1.8 8.5 6.8 4.2 519 319 27.7 2.3 70.7
44 550250005045 Census Block Group 201.4 715 0 10 0 0 380794 191.56 352768 202.5 219329 183.14 1990 63.33 4.5 60.73 2.3 54.5 3 74 49 85556 18.2 5.2 3 5 11 11 17 49 6 101 53 66.01 124 0 7.7 None 11.5 7.7 709 1740 6.8 23 7.8 65.7 8.6 5.5 15.1 5.1 705 442 29.5 4.4 58.9
45 550250005051 Census Block Group 176.8 608 0 10 3 26 350012 186.42 352285 174.97 223269 160.02 1974 71.08 9.5 64.73 4.2 59.8 10 299 78 76333 2.9 4.3 4 8 36 13 21 32 17 146 64 27.63 345 8.2 7.4 B 13.3 11.7 607 1689 7.3 26.1 13.3 57.7 16.9 4.5 16 5 598 428 33.3 6.5 67.4
46 550250005052 Census Block Group 243.1 994 0 16 0 2 408307 185.4 396944 173.56 291990 198.15 1993 69.23 0 0 -1 0 12 364 134 106324 0 0.8 1 15 3 4 22 13 13 88 45 99.09 0 0 7.5 P,B,G 10.5 10.3 989 2242 6 19.8 11.2 72.4 6.6 6.8 9.9 4.3 979 599 24.8 3.4 57.2
47 550250005061 Census Block Group 115.8 252 0 6 0 1 320368 196.07 298696 189.23 -5 -5 1963 44.44 0 12.5 5.6 17.6 9 204 70 -5 -5 -5 0 6 6 4 10 18 7 49 18 38.49 345 30.1 7.9 B -1 -1 252 599 7.2 20.9 18.5 80.1 3.7 4.2 7.2 4.8 248 164 27 1.6 93.5
48 550250006002 Census Block Group 54.3 530 0 26 0 107 326900 218.83 -5 -5 77733 103.22 1964 90.6 31.4 93.53 10.8 80.9 9 338 112 21804 41 11.9 14 47 88 37 64 102 6 148 79 3.02 486 31.3 7.4 B,G 22.4 8.6 513 1287 8.6 36.9 4.1 10.3 22.6 3.6 59.3 4.2 481 322 45.9 21.6 4.8
49 550250006003 Census Block Group 205.9 517 0 38 1 104 251061 208.75 245993 190.83 -5 -5 1956 78.57 7.9 76.97 9.8 84 11 396 113 63074 7.8 4.6 13 198 88 51 206 150 28 166 71 48.16 486 0 6.3 P,B,G -1 -1 519 1169 8.1 26.4 8.8 48.2 20.9 2.1 24.8 4 501 266 29.9 12.8 45.7
50 550250007001 Census Block Group 112.4 320 0 3 0 0 732748 294.99 746300 304.8 -5 -5 1938 21.62 0 0 1.5 0 8 269 163 198409 0 7.1 0 6 0 1 7 1 12 28 26 47.19 718 0 6.4 G -1 -1 318 851 6.9 26 21.3 88.1 0.7 1.6 3.1 6.5 312 248 35.6 0.6 98.4
51 550250007002 Census Block Group 177.7 664 0 8 0 0 476308 246.64 430974 224 193872 173.11 1956 37.5 5.1 15.92 2.6 21.5 5 247 147 110871 0 1 4 17 12 5 24 13 10 124 42 58.43 236 0 6.1 P,B,G -1 -1 611 1232 6.6 22.6 17.1 83.4 2.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 602 326 25.2 2.3 62.1
52 550250007003 Census Block Group 283.8 581 0 6 0 0 557523 274.78 611125 282.49 -5 -5 1948 35.48 7.5 16.42 0 23.9 6 230 38 145139 0 5.3 1 20 5 4 29 5 22 114 53 64.54 486 0 6.2 P,B,G -1 -1 527 1276 5.6 20.5 22.6 85.2 2.7 2.7 3.9 5.5 521 369 32.2 4.8 83.3
53 550250008001 Census Block Group 102.9 711 47 11 1 4 419478 288.1 366468 301.09 177505 237.02 1955 46.67 0 25.71 7.1 31.4 4 265 143 60250 7 0 2 19 15 2 22 8 21 56 45 17.94 1893 12.5 5.7 P,B,G -1 -1 707 1304 3.7 9.5 7.5 71.3 2.7 11.6 7.8 6.7 683 230 12.6 2.9 27.8
54 550250008002 Census Block Group 232.9 635 0 5 0 0 532952 272.96 467114 285.26 -5 -5 1948 40 0 1.31 4.2 3.2 1 52 38 110227 0 0.8 2 5 13 4 15 8 11 47 34 41.73 818 8 6.6 B -1 -1 636 1494 6.3 22.7 22.4 86.6 1.1 1.7 4.2 6.4 622 427 31.4 3.4 93.7
55 550250008003 Census Block Group 137.1 538 0 5 1 8 448677 280.04 410771 290.01 -5 -5 1949 66.64 4 19.93 1.7 18.6 1 22 0 75273 2.7 3.7 0 7 3 4 9 3 19 106 85 10.22 2141 1.8 5.9 P,B,G -1 -1 544 1044 5 16.6 16.9 80 4.6 5.3 4.7 5.4 525 291 19.4 2.5 70.4
56 550250009011 Census Block Group 92.8 425 0 6 1 0 665784 322.71 543622 287 -5 -5 1925 21.67 0 3.2 3.7 6.4 2 65 0 182813 2.2 2.9 0 7 1 0 12 3 12 47 28 25.18 1082 17.7 5.8 P,B,G -1 -1 421 1114 5.8 25.5 19.7 88.5 0.8 2.6 1.6 6.5 415 310 34.9 3.9 93
57 550250009012 Census Block Group 67.3 527 0 3 0 0 666779 334.39 615918 313.44 627900 426.48 1925 18 0 2.76 1.8 4.1 2 65 0 165625 0 0.5 0 9 1 0 22 3 15 51 48 20.11 1082 6.8 7.8 P,B,G -1 -1 518 1132 4 20 18.5 81.4 1.2 4.5 4.8 8 503 300 26.6 2 62.6
58 550250009021 Census Block Group 49.8 503 25 18 0 0 780933 295.12 534039 280.31 -5 -5 1923 7.14 0 0 0 0 4 227 113 34089 13.2 2.4 1 25 5 3 38 5 8 43 52 0 1371 15.4 5.9 P,B,G -1 -1 538 1406 4.1 10.2 3.4 83.4 0.7 7.4 4.1 4.4 517 110 9.3 1.9 18
59 550250009022 Census Block Group 76.2 410 16 2 0 0 813716 306.56 602454 289.5 287640 276.1 1923 12.77 0 0 0 1.4 3 140 49 76583 20.4 4.6 0 8 0 0 12 3 9 63 55 5.16 1366 23.3 5.9 P,B,G -1 -1 421 1044 3.1 15.6 14.3 80.2 1 6.5 4.8 7.6 393 197 23.7 2 56.5
60 550250009023 Census Block Group 68.7 1117 0 6 0 62 636265 307.57 489436 313.8 265655 241.66 1973 30.77 0 0 0 0 1 26 24 26397 0 0 4 23 17 14 41 25 25 89 66 17.82 1421 31.4 7 B,G -1 -1 1095 1708 2.3 6.1 5 70.6 1.8 19 4.4 4.2 1046 169 5.2 0.7 12.7
61 550250009024 Census Block Group 138.3 766 0 11 0 0 562942 321.9 447882 306.72 -5 -5 1941 16.67 0 0.86 3.3 2.6 5 321 205 108929 0 0 2 21 4 2 27 8 38 54 44 11.49 2314 2.4 6.6 P,B -1 -1 770 1531 4.2 14.5 10.3 83.8 1.2 6.1 3.5 5.5 753 303 17.3 1.7 44.1
62 550250010001 Census Block Group 297.8 478 370 8 1 0 562729 331.83 607095 366.1 -5 -5 1931 12.82 0 5.08 2.6 3.4 3 106 139 117824 0 4.4 0 7 3 0 11 8 14 55 68 6.13 973 2.3 7.6 P,B -1 -1 465 1424 4.1 14.8 12.9 88.5 1.5 1.8 3.5 4.7 460 263 27.4 0.9 70
63 550250010002 Census Block Group 89.3 514 0 4 0 0 509820 319.56 427329 317.01 366120 262.45 1939 40 0 1.52 4.2 6.1 4 70 117 100074 0 0.8 1 6 9 3 10 19 16 42 38 0.58 482 1.4 7.3 B -1 -1 507 1094 6.4 19.7 18.3 87.2 1.6 1.7 2.8 6.6 487 295 22 2.5 66.7
64 550250011011 Census Block Group 14.9 386 0 3 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1965 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 145 74 18883 100 1.6 2 24 8 2 32 6 16 52 139 0 600 50.6 7.1 P,B -1 -1 388 881 2.8 4.2 0.8 47.2 2.5 44.7 2.3 3.3 375 31 2.4 1.6 1.6
65 550250011012 Census Block Group 24.8 467 0 3 0 0 -5 -5 400467 263.58 -5 -5 1999 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 92 81 14178 100 1 4 26 13 4 49 19 28 108 98 0 1284 46 7.8 P,B -1 -1 487 1416 3.7 7.7 1 71.8 3.5 15.5 5.9 3.2 483 64 8.1 3.9 0.6
66 550250011013 Census Block Group 36.8 424 111 2 0 102 -5 -5 504800 347.34 -5 -5 2009 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 87 64 18403 100 8.4 13 23 69 19 26 64 44 165 159 0 4489 73.6 7.8 P,B -1 -1 516 1610 4.3 11.2 1.7 49.3 4.3 37.9 2.8 5.8 479 75 13.2 4 0.4
67 550250011014 Census Block Group 88.7 678 76 3 0 24 -5 -5 434063 257.58 -5 -5 1987 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 227 113 21146 0 1.7 1 19 4 3 42 11 39 171 208 0 3695 51.3 6.8 B,G -1 -1 660 1604 4.6 8.8 0.3 68.4 3.3 20.3 3.7 4.2 648 94 8 2 0.3
68 550250011021 Census Block Group 147.6 51 1316 1 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 162 113 0 10.3 1 12 13 0 31 15 61 291 265 0 4579 46.2 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 268 3113 0.6 1.6 0.1 64.5 1.8 21.7 5.7 6.3 157 28 7 2.5 1.3
69 550250011022 Census Block Group 116.8 0 1126 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 162 113 0 2.1 1 2 0 0 7 0 12 73 91 35.88 2677 7.5 B -1 -1 1 1418 0.1 0.4 0.1 76.3 0.8 12.2 5.5 5.3 0 0
70 550250012001 Census Block Group 84.9 848 0 5 0 339 469213 282.93 344944 275.2 -5 -5 1976 62.5 7.9 57.89 3.7 73.2 3 92 81 21719 7.1 10.5 2 39 38 14 54 61 50 428 244 4.36 1783 24.8 6.4 P,B -1 -1 735 1126 3.6 13.1 14.8 52.3 17.5 15.1 11.5 3.5 708 150 8 4.2 9.9
71 550250012002 Census Block Group 153 607 0 7 0 82 465891 285.75 375938 281.43 316046 294.99 1923 36.36 0 37.68 8.3 43.8 3 199 172 51838 26.1 0 8 24 57 14 38 60 19 81 77 11.53 1183 7.5 6 P,B -1 -1 603 1224 6.4 15.6 7.8 76.5 5.5 6.6 5.7 5.7 579 234 17.6 5.7 29.9
72 550250012003 Census Block Group 117.8 814 4 17 0 0 741498 317.65 493108 296.47 -5 -5 1922 23.08 0 2.5 6.1 0 3 104 57 69980 0 2.7 1 18 8 1 29 20 29 78 89 19.32 1082 13.6 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 772 1886 3.7 13.4 13.4 83.4 1.6 4.6 4.6 5.8 736 353 18.3 1.2 46.3
73 550250012004 Census Block Group 103.3 1018 0 17 0 0 447177 268.16 362990 248.84 245739 236.33 1923 27.27 13.6 18.18 0 13.6 5 211 179 76932 0 2.4 26 35 99 28 68 137 51 257 216 3.54 1703 10.3 7 P,B -1 -1 948 2198 3.3 7.5 3.3 83.7 1.7 6 4 4.6 922 216 10.4 2.3 14.4
74 550250013001 Census Block Group 263.8 1066 0 8 1 169 419342 274.23 348972 279.38 -5 -5 1939 14.32 0 5.63 3.8 15.5 5 225 222 98472 8.2 6.3 2 55 47 11 80 62 31 282 151 27.11 1168 13.5 6.1 P,B,G 12.7 1.8 936 1722 5.6 17.1 18.4 79.8 5.4 2 6 6.7 896 370 17.9 1.3 54.1
75 550250013002 Census Block Group 101 666 0 3 0 0 386611 233.07 348871 241.42 -5 -5 1966 31.25 0 23.33 0 13.3 2 86 41 51603 23.8 2 2 37 25 4 46 37 25 155 68 4.35 1103 7.3 6.6 P,B,G -1 -1 529 672 2.8 9.8 7.4 81.4 1.6 5.4 5.4 6.2 419 122 10.3 1.4 18.6
76 550250014011 Census Block Group 133.9 1044 0 6 1 107 215191 169.57 205938 180.76 147700 120.87 1965 85.88 19.4 79.61 11.6 83.5 7 240 47 42931 11 1.5 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 32 -9 -9 68.58 1573 10.8 -9 P,B,G 26.8 3.6 1046 1851 5 18.2 7.1 37.2 24.7 10.2 22.9 5.1 1014 299 14.5 5.2 8.9
77 550250014012 Census Block Group 92.2 466 0 3 0 65 247700 140.74 238500 188.99 94846 125.13 1963 90.62 25.2 88.61 4.4 88 5 193 13 77511 0 2.6 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 39 -9 -9 13.73 1548 2.6 -9 B -1 -1 519 1258 6.8 28.9 3.3 27.8 16.9 10.7 40.1 4.5 518 276 27.4 8.7 10.8
78 550250014013 Census Block Group 224.6 683 0 12 5 57 222740 167.87 218327 154.2 124563 129.75 1961 88 31.2 85.71 3.2 76.3 7 172 48 30375 34 0 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 41 -9 -9 34.41 1913 3.9 -9 P,B,G 21.7 10 677 1591 6 23.2 10.7 27.8 13.6 23.6 29.4 5.6 640 287 23.4 6.1 30.2
79 550250014014 Census Block Group 579.1 516 0 0 1 0 267284 189.14 248946 201.83 207500 160.11 1969 91.18 31.7 93.5 5.4 76.5 8 290 221 42675 50 0 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 58 -9 -9 18.22 311 2.1 -9 P,B -1 -1 507 1337 7.3 26.3 9.5 31 8.1 9.9 44.4 6.7 480 251 27.9 6.3 36.9
80 550250014021 Census Block Group 1370.9 753 0 1 0 0 462787 219.27 323977 194.64 120471 147.23 1978 84.78 24.3 74.77 11.8 67.2 15 465 240 80638 0 0 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 80 -9 -9 32.93 1652 8.2 -9 P,B,G 24.1 9.4 762 1465 5.4 17.5 9.3 57.8 17.4 3.9 16.6 4.3 703 322 19.5 7.3 22.9
81 550250014022 Census Block Group 151.1 431 0 6 0 0 406720 159.59 382513 147.82 184700 151.98 1969 85.45 19 74.23 5 71.8 8 179 110 76599 0 9 5 22 24 15 33 43 25 130 63 15.78 434 0 7.3 B -1 -1 426 1146 5.8 24.5 13.4 48.3 18.8 4.4 22.3 6.3 425 276 29.9 5.6 43.3
82 550250014023 Census Block Group 126.8 557 0 13 1 116 -5 -5 -5 -5 165785 149.34 1981 89.07 11.8 90.53 5.8 87.4 9 294 119 -5 -5 -5 11 35 60 24 76 104 35 191 111 52.06 349 12.2 7.8 P,B,G -1 -1 536 1099 7.4 24.9 8 39 29.6 6.2 16 9.2 518 203 24.6 12.5 29.8
83 550250014024 Census Block Group 192 331 0 1 0 0 463946 167.78 439333 128.17 228783 140.6 1969 58.33 14 26 0 34 7 154 55 139464 0 4.1 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 20 -9 -9 42.9 672 3.8 -9 B -1 -1 337 726 5.4 17.4 19.4 77 5.6 5.6 6.9 4.8 328 196 25.3 4.6 59.8
84 550250015011 Census Block Group 166.5 393 0 7 0 52 598502 273.57 620628 302.31 -5 -5 1962 94.12 24.2 91.94 6.4 78.8 1 30 15 100775 3.4 0.7 10 19 36 24 29 73 10 143 65 52.16 440 1.3 7.5 B -1 -1 397 894 6.7 22.7 18.8 58.9 14.3 5.2 12.5 9.1 378 248 28.4 9.2 59.8
85 550250015012 Census Block Group 84.9 691 0 2 1 71 562554 292.16 403229 220.65 208305 166.23 1971 94.82 22.6 86.56 9.9 87 4 173 133 58285 7.2 1.1 6 29 33 29 60 90 16 239 103 28.22 440 11.2 8.3 B 28.8 6.8 663 1315 6.5 20.6 11 52.9 14.9 2.3 25.4 4.4 629 274 21.8 8.3 33.1
86 550250015022 Census Block Group 787.2 488 0 4 1 201 280021 177.28 258905 185.56 198189 167.81 1973 90.33 10.3 92.78 7.8 88.5 4 52 29 0 30.8 0 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 48 -9 -9 7.99 440 6.9 -9 B 35.1 15.5 488 1108 6 24.5 11.1 29.4 30.6 4.2 30.2 5.6 446 242 29.8 13.7 33.8
87 550250015023 Census Block Group 321 430 0 4 0 0 338180 204.85 355611 207.11 -5 -5 1971 87.72 19 88.31 6.4 84.9 3 24 22 0 0 8 14 24 24 28 77 10 204 78 95.58 375 0 8 B -1 -1 371 910 4.9 27.9 9.3 40.9 6.9 2.4 44.8 4.9 348 214 34.8 6.6 80.2
88 550250015024 Census Block Group 154.4 892 0 16 2 0 313695 194.58 302127 192.41 143364 147.58 1980 85.51 11.1 64.11 3.8 59.8 4 30 22 71667 0 2.5 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 20 -9 -9 59.64 375 1.6 -9 B 18.3 6.5 890 2052 6.5 20.9 9.1 50.1 12.3 7.2 23.1 7.3 873 449 25.9 6 61.6
89 550250016031 Census Block Group 18 854 0 6 0 0 -5 -5 346700 275.82 -5 -5 2001 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 4.1 4 28 18 5 45 20 50 228 289 0 4513 67.6 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 852 1796 2 5.6 0.3 45.5 1.1 45.7 4.5 3.2 842 85 5.6 2.1 0.4
90 550250016032 Census Block Group 15.8 1086 0 18 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 2015 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 15063 3.8 31 96 159 63 148 264 23 370 326 0 3185 54.1 7 P,B,G -1 -1 1650 3916 7.2 16.8 0.5 66 1.7 19.6 6.4 6.4 1588 265 14 5 0
91 550250016033 Census Block Group 9.6 400 0 12 0 0 -5 -5 582600 311.55 -5 -5 1990 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 20227 100 0.9 8 18 40 22 34 82 37 226 234 0 2768 35.9 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 411 1021 3 7.7 0.4 67.1 1.7 16.7 8.8 5.8 394 52 7.1 3.6 0
92 550250016041 Census Block Group 17.1 858 207 31 0 0 -5 -5 494100 232.63 246660 335.14 1958 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 23789 1.1 35 130 217 73 164 503 33 360 337 0 3058 49.4 7.5 P,B,G -1 -1 704 1561 2.6 5.6 0.6 72.9 1.9 13.6 7.9 3.7 666 79 5.4 3.2 0.2
93 550250016042 Census Block Group 15 621 273 20 0 0 -5 -5 501300 205.2 -5 -5 1968 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 13970 2.3 2 20 9 12 44 36 13 81 174 0 1008 49.8 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 705 1882 3 7.7 0.8 74.1 2.6 8.8 7.1 7.4 617 74 5.8 1.5 0.6
94 550250016043 Census Block Group 10.9 406 242 20 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1962 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 58641 5.1 4 17 7 4 22 15 5 49 118 27.47 109 43 8.1 P,B,G -1 -1 451 1534 0.3 0.9 1.1 82 1.4 6.3 5.7 4.7 445 23 2 0.9 2.2
95 550250016044 Census Block Group 24.8 859 82 9 0 0 536500 166.31 695100 174.04 315267 315.79 1937 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 26081 9.5 0 9 37 37 26 67 77 37 144 208 0 1697 54 7.4 P,B,G -1 -1 848 1610 1.1 2.4 2.9 68.8 2 15.8 7.9 5.4 790 53 2.2 1.3 1.6
96 550250016051 Census Block Group 31.7 944 0 14 0 0 426800 166.13 375969 240.14 437083 337.83 1973 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 12 7 36458 0 0 1 25 15 6 58 39 30 252 133 0 1730 29.5 6.8 P,B,G -1 -1 1008 1597 1.2 3.4 6 77.4 2.3 8.7 6.6 4.9 958 129 2.5 0.6 14.5
97 550250016052 Census Block Group 55.6 1183 0 18 0 41 364143 276.46 361880 244.29 -5 -5 1994 -1 0 60 8.3 60 2 12 7 72031 0 2.7 4 29 13 15 43 35 37 248 102 26.88 888 22.5 6 P,B,G -1 -1 1168 1727 1.4 3.8 3.6 74.6 3.7 9.8 6 5.9 1141 138 2.3 0.7 1.3
98 550250016061 Census Block Group 12.5 1057 0 6 0 0 -5 -5 467017 330.16 -5 -5 2014 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 19154 0 0.9 4 34 20 10 53 44 32 76 128 0 1992 55.9 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 1055 1619 3.3 6.6 0.1 70.1 1.1 18.4 6.3 4.1 997 100 3.8 1.7 0
99 550250016062 Census Block Group 38 1004 0 46 0 0 -5 -5 396903 257.96 -5 -5 1987 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 12 7 26224 48.7 5.5 3 35 10 9 65 53 40 210 178 3.88 1730 26.8 7.9 P,B,G -1 -1 963 2110 2.2 5.2 0.3 69.4 3.6 14.4 7.5 5.1 953 111 3.4 0.7 1
100 550250016063 Census Block Group 12.4 0 1210 1 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 9.5 0 0 2 0 1 0 24 108 150 0 3148 6.9 P,B,G -1 -1 17 2495 0.1 0.3 0.1 80.1 2.4 6.9 5 5.5 2 1 50 0 0
101 550250016064 Census Block Group 41.3 0 549 2 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 92 81 0 15.7 2 12 3 2 21 2 35 199 129 0 2244 6.6 P,B,G -1 -1 40 1290 0.5 2.2 0.2 66.7 4.1 15.3 8 6 16 4 12.5 12.5 0
102 550250017041 Census Block Group 16.4 757 0 8 0 0 479300 262.77 317950 232 300745 319.97 1996 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 73589 0 0 1 15 7 5 31 12 15 228 136 0 1720 6.4 5.7 B,G -1 -1 672 1254 1.5 3.3 32.3 84.8 1.3 6.5 3.7 3.7 609 132 3.6 1.1 22.5
103 550250017042 Census Block Group 11.6 627 0 3 0 200 -5 -5 -5 -5 432686 334.92 2003 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 36181 4.8 0 7 20 23 6 35 53 16 298 280 0 1580 44.2 6.8 P,B,G -1 -1 648 769 0.7 1 26.4 81.3 4.4 8.1 1.8 4.4 574 113 1.9 0.3 36.6
104 550250017043 Census Block Group 43.6 496 0 13 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 1046402 538.28 2015 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 58125 22.5 8.8 8 39 35 20 56 94 45 706 491 0 3714 20.9 7.5 P,B,G -1 -1 602 841 1.1 1.8 7 75.9 2.6 12.5 4.4 4.6 579 88 1.2 0.3 5.7
105 550250017044 Census Block Group 32.7 488 0 8 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 520518 424.61 1962 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 67384 0 0 41 42 166 31 75 284 30 527 223 0 2731 36.6 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 587 1290 0.9 3.7 10.5 64.7 20.2 5.8 6 3.4 543 143 3.9 0.6 31.3
106 550250017061 Census Block Group 80.7 930 0 21 0 94 455638 273.57 403622 232.77 704178 383.17 1988 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 210 55 52395 22.4 0 8 45 77 28 80 132 41 351 221 0 2719 22.2 5.8 P,B,G -1 -1 754 1109 1.4 2.7 9.6 78.4 2.4 5 7.8 6.4 704 138 1.8 0.9 18
107 550250017062 Census Block Group 29 659 0 4 0 0 456386 266.69 487200 220.9 672164 373.68 1927 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 33594 0 0 5 13 11 9 30 30 25 77 91 8.04 1218 18.4 7.5 B,G -1 -1 619 913 3.1 5.2 5.7 76.5 3.7 6.1 5.8 7.9 612 84 3.9 1.6 4.7
108 550250017063 Census Block Group 16.8 455 0 10 0 93 680500 257.67 -5 -5 672778 388.94 1923 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 98194 0 3.5 11 20 27 12 25 66 26 189 122 0 2677 13.1 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 420 764 3.1 7.3 9 70.5 9.3 6.9 8.5 4.7 400 76 5.5 2.5 18.7
109 550250017071 Census Block Group 23.3 407 0 10 0 13 383738 227.2 349647 230.39 311967 301.95 1919 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 57059 9.7 1 12 12 8 18 46 14 109 69 0 1218 25.1 8.1 B,G -1 -1 422 708 2.5 4.5 0.7 78.2 3.7 8.2 5.6 4.2 414 56 3.9 1.7 10.1
110 550250017072 Census Block Group 21.8 766 0 5 0 22 404100 178.62 323750 208.84 -5 -5 1973 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 53125 0 0 4 31 29 21 42 64 26 147 80 0 1903 33.3 6.7 P,B,G -1 -1 644 972 0.5 1.9 3.3 72.8 2.9 8.3 9.5 6.5 596 52 2.3 0.3 2
111 550250018021 Census Block Group 121.1 747 0 11 0 41 608817 314.76 663262 325.49 339789 253.53 1916 17.17 0 5.81 0 9.7 2 147 36 79063 0 2 3 18 17 5 27 22 26 141 106 0.67 1109 8.5 8.4 B,G -1 -1 748 1383 3.6 10 12.7 82.6 4.1 2.3 5.8 5.3 714 265 11.4 1.3 41.3
112 550250018022 Census Block Group 32.1 444 0 2 0 83 625829 277.99 548595 256.97 382969 317.96 1916 72.71 0 51.89 0 51.9 1 90 0 60860 0 0 1 14 26 9 21 31 22 81 64 0 1218 17.1 8.4 B,G -1 -1 440 698 3.5 8.1 3.6 80.4 5 2.3 9.1 3.1 394 96 7.3 2 11.9
113 550250018023 Census Block Group 33.9 804 0 3 0 12 364540 282.48 289427 214.16 294781 431.3 2001 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 210 55 71136 0 4.6 10 69 45 20 68 89 44 611 198 0 1466 6.1 7.9 P,B,G -1 -1 920 1613 2 4.7 8 77.9 4.5 7.1 4.9 5.6 884 133 4.8 1.1 14.3
114 550250018041 Census Block Group 84.7 1229 0 2 0 27 1183125 430.19 1138433 378.49 152987 178.19 1979 74.99 9.1 80.67 3.3 82.8 2 18 4 48017 13.9 2.5 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 14 -9 -9 85.84 1109 7.9 -9 B 13 5.6 1247 2124 3.4 10.8 7.3 64.1 12.8 9 8.6 5.5 1207 335 10.4 4.1 19.1
115 550250018042 Census Block Group 50.7 891 0 17 1 67 378807 270.66 332192 257.55 -5 -5 2015 61.54 0 85.71 29.6 86.7 1 90 0 72652 0 1.3 9 112 57 12 129 127 33 163 144 0 1357 10.1 7.8 B,G -1 -1 834 1299 2.9 8 3.4 80 7.5 4 4.6 3.9 787 174 6.4 1.9 12.2
116 550250018043 Census Block Group 73.2 638 0 12 2 17 378404 263.28 312342 263.36 282567 261.64 1916 31.25 6.6 50 22.2 58.1 2 147 36 76667 0 0 13 44 65 36 63 151 34 183 136 0 1817 6.8 7.3 B -1 -1 580 1005 3.8 10.4 7.8 81.1 3.3 3 6 6.7 555 169 12.8 2.9 29.2
117 550250019011 Census Block Group 83.6 612 0 7 0 0 661600 298.76 338600 252.29 488517 402.85 1913 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 330 55 72132 0 1.5 21 50 101 32 74 121 47 556 210 6.05 1900 5.1 6.7 P,B,G -1 -1 600 900 1.7 3.4 6.2 86.8 2 3 3.8 4.4 586 116 7.2 2.2 17.3
118 550250019012 Census Block Group 75.3 592 0 25 0 4 622379 325.69 552600 322.18 373658 344.78 1912 8.33 0 10.29 5 5.7 4 167 2 90577 0 0 2 15 15 6 36 27 15 68 36 0.84 1025 3.6 6.4 B,G -1 -1 585 1139 4.4 13.9 14.9 89.2 1.3 1.9 2.4 5.2 545 265 11.9 1.5 47.7
119 550250019013 Census Block Group 119 710 0 28 1 195 388060 308.25 334757 277.81 290395 340.38 1909 53.85 0 50 21.6 55.8 6 314 38 47219 0 21.1 8 58 58 20 91 119 46 250 144 8.31 1733 5.5 6.9 B,G -1 -1 694 1203 4 11.8 5.8 75.9 10 1.7 6.8 5.7 668 167 12.4 5.2 20.8
120 550250019014 Census Block Group 77.5 556 0 11 0 23 696607 308.16 463967 249.11 348673 327.36 1906 -1 0 10 -1 20 3 168 0 65307 0 0 6 25 25 12 50 60 27 128 115 0 1830 10.7 6.8 B,G -1 -1 562 987 1.5 5.8 9.1 81.9 5 2.4 3.6 7.1 536 129 7.6 0.9 23.8
121 550250019021 Census Block Group 81.3 650 0 23 0 0 542263 348.63 469405 330.39 320752 313.88 1928 13.04 0 5.08 9.8 10 3 129 40 84167 0 11.7 1 17 6 5 20 13 17 103 69 0 955 3.9 7 B,G -1 -1 636 1176 2.8 12.9 17.3 86.7 2.4 2.3 4.1 4.5 608 281 15 1.2 61.3
122 550250019022 Census Block Group 90.3 1173 0 18 0 4 371694 268.37 345490 253 324215 317.54 1939 37.04 7 27.91 5.3 20.5 5 195 44 69179 0 1.7 4 28 34 13 51 49 47 418 142 0 1656 4.7 7.1 B,G -1 -1 1035 1629 2.5 8.5 11.7 82.1 3.1 3.6 5 6.3 1000 291 9.9 3.2 27.3
123 550250020001 Census Block Group 82.6 279 0 6 0 58 244766 221.14 226340 204.54 -5 -5 1959 90.98 16.4 85.84 9 87.9 5 95 54 -5 -5 -5 6 20 38 20 33 82 24 135 111 31.18 1534 16.4 6.2 P,B -1 -1 286 669 7.3 29.2 4.5 30.9 39.7 7.9 15.8 5.8 278 148 30.3 13 22.1
124 550250020002 Census Block Group 199.4 896 0 17 1 71 331124 266.88 282793 246.16 -5 -5 1940 32.5 1.9 38.68 1.3 40.4 4 262 100 63924 9.9 3.6 4 55 32 10 76 54 34 138 94 0.11 1630 9.3 6.8 B,G -1 -1 816 1445 4.4 13.6 9.7 82.6 3.7 2 6.1 5.6 791 301 16.9 3.3 42.9
125 550250020003 Census Block Group 125.1 771 0 12 0 0 550946 338.09 505230 323.42 310087 313.45 1922 23.08 0 4.76 0.9 5.5 3 288 137 117813 0 1.3 1 17 5 2 35 23 21 108 69 7.91 587 0 5.7 B,G -1 -1 762 1631 4.2 15.9 20.8 85 2.1 2.1 5 5.8 734 422 21.9 2.2 67.3
126 550250020004 Census Block Group 172.3 1251 0 15 0 155 332600 271.34 268185 255.14 174425 228.23 1926 42.03 1.5 35.96 5.4 43.8 6 369 177 84487 0 10.3 18 98 168 37 110 220 60 556 209 10.87 2106 8.1 7.3 P,B,G 16.9 7.6 1079 2017 5.2 17.2 10.8 82.1 5.6 1.6 6 4.7 1037 456 17.9 4.3 53.6
127 550250021001 Census Block Group 285 899 0 24 4 11 268635 241.72 244322 226.95 208100 171.63 1948 71.43 6.8 63.01 3.6 57.9 4 141 98 44286 9.3 1.4 11 56 49 15 58 72 37 308 170 28.48 2880 4.9 7.1 P,B,G 37.3 13.4 714 1336 3.7 13.5 11.6 74.5 5.2 2.8 9.9 7.6 693 297 15.3 3.3 57.7
128 550250021002 Census Block Group 91 809 0 17 1 145 287990 250.95 265162 246.52 250450 226.65 1948 47.37 6.3 68.75 13.9 67.8 5 206 82 41588 15.6 8.4 8 48 56 29 61 103 38 239 139 0 1759 15.7 7.7 P,B -1 -1 679 1173 4.2 15 10.8 71.4 8.4 1.8 9.5 8.8 645 234 15.7 4.2 39.7
129 550250021003 Census Block Group 118.9 630 0 4 0 0 323000 259.28 298091 248.14 -5 -5 1925 40 5.8 15.53 1.2 21.2 2 125 35 93229 6.9 0 1 18 28 9 26 72 33 106 72 0 1759 2.9 7.9 B -1 -1 621 1177 4.6 15.1 11 85 2.5 1.4 4.5 6.5 606 258 19.8 2.3 62.4
130 550250021004 Census Block Group 269.6 559 0 24 0 40 316038 251.12 274100 241.45 -5 -5 1928 36 0 15.28 8.3 14.3 4 118 42 74444 0 0 15 56 75 25 61 102 60 393 197 0 2178 2.6 7.9 B -1 -1 545 1041 5.3 14 13.4 79.1 5.8 1.6 7.5 6 526 204 16 3 59.6
131 550250022001 Census Block Group 129.1 604 0 7 0 140 292004 190.42 298610 177.83 -5 -5 1964 90.91 6.3 84.37 7.6 81.3 6 289 16 70541 20.5 0 9 96 91 27 123 137 31 233 111 25.83 393 4.6 7.4 P,B,G 20.9 9 576 1185 6.2 20.3 15.7 54.7 22.7 5.9 8.3 8.4 562 282 22.2 12.3 45.7
132 550250022002 Census Block Group 156.7 798 0 25 2 10 245341 213.33 218999 224.83 162283 132.01 1950 92.59 0 70.31 8 77.5 2 163 51 49554 7.6 2.6 8 47 33 17 56 43 24 233 136 21.18 2389 0 7.4 P,B,G -1 -1 729 1367 4.2 14.6 13.7 73.7 9.4 2.3 8.8 5.9 687 295 17.2 4.2 62
133 550250022003 Census Block Group 171.8 985 0 21 1 116 308364 190.31 287449 190.51 177707 149.74 1963 70.73 13.2 70.54 8.6 70.6 1 60 51 48125 0 6 18 47 92 73 76 200 9 277 158 37.56 687 14.3 7.4 P,B,G 21 14.8 981 1756 6.4 17.6 21.9 66.5 18.2 2.3 6.4 6.6 921 366 15.8 3.6 48.2
134 550250023011 Census Block Group 198.9 777 0 13 1 361 270687 194.32 240450 188.93 -5 -5 1963 92.52 9.9 88.28 10.8 88.3 6 201 20 48292 26.4 7.1 8 43 71 32 71 145 28 361 204 29.47 393 19.5 6.3 B,G 26.1 13.9 790 2043 9.2 35 8 33.7 35.8 9.2 13.5 7.8 755 481 41.7 20.4 35.6
135 550250023012 Census Block Group 406.3 487 0 3 1 7 443207 209.76 468571 244.62 111475 124.73 1963 42.86 6.7 49.33 1.5 50.7 5 104 15 88981 2.1 1.5 4 12 31 12 21 64 23 291 167 41.68 382 7.2 6.2 P,B,G -1 -1 483 1145 3.4 16.4 25.5 72.5 8.9 4.7 7.4 6.5 461 302 18.2 2.2 85.9
136 550250023021 Census Block Group 639.6 443 0 9 0 17 405905 190.04 398380 190.1 182503 138.79 1990 75.76 3 42.42 13.1 48.6 6 201 20 83333 1.2 0 19 16 51 22 27 71 11 275 110 42.21 198 0 6.2 B -1 -1 439 1468 4.5 14.6 15.9 70.8 15.4 4.8 4.4 4.7 416 285 24.3 4.6 70.6
137 550250024011 Census Block Group 152.9 464 0 17 1 3 294370 193.46 277537 197.25 -5 -5 1962 78.57 1.4 57.97 4.1 41.4 4 101 32 72279 0 0.9 1 6 3 2 11 15 1 116 51 16.59 195 5 6.4 None -1 -1 464 1109 4.4 18.2 17.2 80.4 6.2 1.5 4.3 7.5 455 304 23.1 2 93.2
138 550250024012 Census Block Group 137.8 425 0 6 1 0 290534 194.36 282277 199.96 185144 171.45 1969 80 7 86 3.8 61 4 133 15 61944 4.7 4.6 2 7 14 4 12 14 4 152 83 42.59 393 14.4 6.6 None -1 -1 424 1014 6.4 21.8 14.8 66.6 14 6.1 7.7 5.6 416 268 25.2 3.8 89.2
139 550250024013 Census Block Group 164.3 626 0 2 2 2 287013 199.56 278322 200.24 330500 176.92 1972 70 1.2 61.45 0 54.8 2 24 17 77917 6.7 3.8 2 8 7 3 22 8 2 263 129 49.52 195 6.6 6.6 None -1 -1 596 1264 4 13.4 34.8 80.9 3.7 3.6 7.4 4.4 572 349 17.5 3.1 86.4
140 550250024021 Census Block Group 321.4 1264 0 35 1 302 280958 193.77 257684 199.61 112643 125.64 1980 81.65 14.1 85.34 7.4 81.9 7 252 16 69226 7.9 1.5 17 54 78 26 68 129 44 428 215 48.1 393 10.7 7.1 P,B,G 30.7 6.8 1099 2280 8.2 24.8 12.3 53.4 16 14.4 9.5 6.7 1011 491 25.8 9.6 38.7
141 550250024022 Census Block Group 227.2 702 0 5 0 139 314958 176.71 318207 170.23 160729 171.69 1970 81.67 13.2 77.78 7.3 70.9 5 102 10 71315 21 0 10 42 51 34 60 104 14 163 112 45.73 393 4.4 5.3 P,B,G 21.3 6.6 688 1473 6.6 22 15.1 59.9 20.3 2.9 11.1 5.8 658 356 24.3 7.9 64.1
142 550250025001 Census Block Group 1758.6 619 0 31 0 162 221624 211.4 222913 198.43 -5 -5 2010 95.83 14.8 93.71 12 87.6 8 496 62 34181 33.8 0 15 95 115 51 131 188 80 427 263 8.72 1132 11.3 7.1 P,B 29.9 8.8 615 1625 8.4 28.1 11.7 42.5 21.6 6.8 22.8 6.3 558 298 32.8 16.3 47
143 550250025002 Census Block Group 581.1 369 0 15 0 12 286091 186.35 272738 185.17 241292 171.52 1986 81.82 19.1 70.21 0 67.3 6 381 78 46250 8.7 1.3 3 37 20 14 43 54 66 202 131 27.37 1585 3 7.1 P,B,G -1 -1 367 778 7.3 20.1 10.8 53.9 13.6 4.1 19 9.4 360 167 21.4 3.9 36.7
144 550250026011 Census Block Group 203.1 512 0 11 1 32 257252 201.12 247751 204.34 105679 95.06 1957 65.71 8.6 78.1 6.6 74.6 4 195 32 59205 10.2 6.1 4 27 44 13 35 63 56 227 120 85.16 1007 4.2 6.5 P,B,G -1 -1 518 1054 5.4 19.3 11.6 64.1 11.6 2.7 15.3 6.4 516 243 18.2 5.2 50
145 550250026012 Census Block Group 179.8 423 0 11 0 68 251980 191.53 241025 201.37 163783 168.67 1957 70 3.3 53.33 12.2 61.7 5 304 111 50682 1.2 1 7 38 69 20 36 72 31 163 117 35.7 944 6.3 6.4 P,B,G -1 -1 433 793 4.9 16 14.8 66.2 15.8 4.9 8.2 4.9 399 162 16.5 5.5 48.6
146 550250026021 Census Block Group 762.7 651 0 17 0 0 333943 200.01 300864 196.76 176900 171.35 1988 90.32 29.5 89.26 7.1 76.6 8 176 77 74743 0 0 13 45 78 31 77 145 62 356 200 36.41 1007 4.7 7.6 P,B,G 20.3 9.5 653 1625 6.4 21.6 10.8 58.5 8.4 5.8 21.7 5.7 632 403 28.5 4 67.4
147 550250026022 Census Block Group 239.2 948 0 22 3 18 321593 176.62 308788 177.24 114770 131.37 1974 82.05 20.1 66.3 6.4 62.8 7 115 32 50395 16.4 5.2 25 108 162 66 131 305 76 411 195 42.41 788 20.2 7.9 P,B,G -1 -1 949 2047 4.8 19.3 16.2 57.6 10.6 5.9 18 7.9 938 463 18.3 3.4 59.1
148 550250026023 Census Block Group 76 315 0 4 0 0 313476 178.61 301091 157.74 212713 162.21 1978 90 15.7 67.59 4.1 62.3 3 75 7 69609 0.7 1.9 2 6 12 3 14 17 4 65 21 42.54 255 0 7.5 None -1 -1 318 684 5.7 19.4 14.9 58.9 13.3 4.4 20.6 2.8 293 164 20.8 3.4 46.4
149 550250026024 Census Block Group 203.5 1015 0 0 1 0 324247 177.97 303480 179.89 -5 -5 1994 84.21 18.9 78.05 7.8 76.6 3 75 7 48125 0 0 13 73 104 40 99 180 16 257 100 39.8 255 8.5 7.7 B 18.3 4.2 942 1657 6.7 18.9 7 55 14.2 7.4 15.5 8 867 331 19.2 5.9 3.5
150 550250026031 Census Block Group 321.6 849 0 24 0 76 277041 170.72 240338 157.79 188480 153.64 1994 90.54 12 82.23 8.1 67.3 3 110 63 39286 3.4 2.6 16 115 117 46 128 203 19 396 183 28.27 465 52.4 7.2 P,B,G 18.7 12 792 1793 6 20.1 11.6 52.9 17.4 6.7 16 7 748 389 24.6 7.6 24.5
151 550250026032 Census Block Group 830.8 329 0 18 0 28 368887 174.82 328500 218.13 236700 148.77 1994 81.25 10.4 89.58 0 70.6 6 123 47 0 0 0 56 759 368 97 683 659 156 889 469 57.14 1809 0 7.7 P,B,G -1 -1 327 684 5.7 15.5 12.6 50.9 19.2 8.5 15.8 5.7 317 154 15.5 3.5 34.4
152 550250026033 Census Block Group 373.5 1185 0 38 3 0 370603 186.93 352819 185.89 213356 161.66 2000 78.73 8.8 60.29 2.9 44.8 4 97 47 95211 2.8 0 2 27 35 16 48 45 17 176 101 77.05 465 4.7 8 B 11.1 11.8 1176 2858 5.8 22.8 8 58.2 11.5 12.6 13.1 4.6 1150 649 27 3 57.4
153 550250027001 Census Block Group 175.6 460 0 5 0 0 312446 241.68 300133 232.72 -5 -5 1955 21.74 0 33.87 1.9 31.7 7 499 183 79464 7 4.3 3 161 37 8 162 122 25 147 93 27.17 1867 5.6 6.9 B,G -1 -1 461 942 3.4 14.6 18.6 84.9 2.3 1 4.9 6.9 452 239 20.1 2.9 82.5
154 550250027002 Census Block Group 239.4 997 0 22 1 155 317219 244.31 297192 246.88 466388 321.94 1951 69.23 2.9 50.98 2.5 55 6 269 79 49250 9.3 1.1 5 42 34 18 57 52 19 162 91 13.44 766 16.7 6.4 P,B -1 -1 770 1443 5.3 15.1 18 80.8 5.2 2.4 6.5 5.1 746 341 15 4.7 62.2
155 550250027003 Census Block Group 360.5 563 0 10 0 0 294663 258.74 276783 256.94 -5 -5 1951 68.75 0 52.94 0 45.1 7 295 178 58462 9.5 0 10 23 51 11 30 56 37 170 103 4.44 2938 4.6 6.4 B,G -1 -1 565 1042 4.7 14.3 18.3 87.2 2.1 0.8 6.2 3.6 540 241 16.9 3.9 79.3
156 550250028001 Census Block Group 250.2 739 0 14 0 0 313894 225.15 291570 231.07 -5 -5 1950 48 0 32.47 3.2 33.3 6 400 138 76080 2.9 10.9 7 29 31 11 42 57 22 183 99 13.13 741 1.9 5.1 P,B 20 5 741 1513 3.7 14.7 19.4 85.3 2.2 1.1 7.1 4.2 714 405 17.8 2 80.8
157 550250028002 Census Block Group 167.3 335 0 6 0 1 326603 198.07 289820 211.15 -5 -5 1952 -1 0 25 0 16.7 6 125 77 86548 0 0 0 12 10 2 13 25 27 81 55 44.18 711 2.7 6.1 P,B,G -1 -1 317 681 4.8 12.9 21.3 83.3 2.2 1.9 6.9 5.7 301 173 18.9 1.7 87.7
158 550250029001 Census Block Group 310.4 420 0 11 0 8 313234 194.83 298057 205.56 -5 -5 1958 83.33 8.1 79.02 9.1 65.1 5 31 10 73654 3.7 2.3 16 49 48 13 59 81 19 161 95 4.76 651 2.4 6.2 P,B,G -1 -1 411 1002 3.8 21 17.8 64.1 9.3 5.2 14.4 7.1 405 242 24.7 6.4 65.2
159 550250029002 Census Block Group 120.5 436 0 8 0 1 301244 195.53 306995 195.78 217250 168.93 1957 64.03 8.9 62.03 2.9 59.8 4 102 2 62411 6.1 7.6 0 10 6 2 19 24 20 104 50 0.46 651 2 6 P,B,G -1 -1 434 960 4.5 15.8 15.9 73.5 4.9 5.5 11.7 4.4 424 237 20.5 4.2 67.2
160 550250029003 Census Block Group 137.7 217 0 2 0 0 354811 174.15 393070 169.27 172198 148.3 1963 -1 5.3 50 0 44.7 4 172 58 -5 -5 -5 0 4 1 0 8 1 2 26 10 43.32 50 3.5 6.6 P,B,G -1 -1 221 497 7 18.5 17.3 82.1 4.8 0.4 9.3 3.4 215 153 30.7 9.3 92.1
161 550250030011 Census Block Group 193.6 401 0 4 2 0 349057 181.45 354571 173.89 -5 -5 1979 68.57 2.4 38.58 3.8 29.7 6 89 86 103333 0 1.6 0 9 6 8 21 24 11 60 30 13.97 182 0 7.1 None -1 -1 402 996 5.4 19.4 20.8 86.3 2.8 3.7 3 4.1 392 292 24.2 1.3 93.6
162 550250030012 Census Block Group 203.6 396 0 6 0 0 350978 170.01 355883 158.36 -5 -5 1969 52.63 1.4 24.64 3.4 16.9 3 67 62 104740 0 0 2 8 6 1 17 17 4 81 29 25.76 182 0 7.1 B -1 -1 400 1033 6.3 18.2 28.2 81.6 3.6 6.1 4.3 4.5 400 310 19.5 1.2 95
163 550250030013 Census Block Group 143.5 546 0 6 0 83 324310 183.74 321959 186.31 173483 164.98 1966 72.97 5.9 70.59 9.9 68.3 2 191 84 69583 8.5 0 6 39 34 21 40 55 15 232 95 17.03 182 8.4 6.8 P,B -1 -1 472 1019 4.8 22 17.3 77.9 6.4 4.6 5.2 5.9 455 273 25.7 3.3 77.4
164 550250030014 Census Block Group 269.8 426 0 6 0 0 289210 211.7 285241 205.95 -5 -5 1968 73.33 7.1 64.29 21.4 68.1 6 426 163 69688 31.3 14.6 10 35 32 23 62 76 26 237 85 41.31 473 3 6.6 P,B,G -1 -1 431 832 4.7 20 18.3 68.3 17.3 1.6 6.4 6.5 411 214 22.6 8.3 56.4
165 550250030015 Census Block Group 121.4 378 0 13 1 0 306465 191.65 302233 190.11 -5 -5 1963 56 3.8 54.72 6.3 36.4 6 107 91 72358 2.5 0 2 14 5 3 16 14 7 120 31 10.05 413 1.8 6.5 B -1 -1 377 895 5.3 19.4 19.7 77.1 6.7 1.7 8.8 5.7 357 255 17.6 3.9 86.3
166 550250030021 Census Block Group 201.9 759 0 16 0 0 327428 204.38 326488 211.02 233441 160.24 1979 86.59 10.2 80.74 5.2 74.3 9 135 78 49398 3.4 0 11 28 39 32 49 85 23 189 67 6.59 413 11.1 7.6 B 16.2 8.8 758 1902 5.6 22.1 11.3 45.4 20.8 5.2 21.5 7.2 740 404 25.5 9.6 30.4
167 550250030022 Census Block Group 247.3 707 0 25 0 96 328314 188.4 333176 176.21 177818 151.45 1983 87.27 9.1 86.82 11.5 79 9 264 174 68105 21.1 1.1 6 31 46 16 41 68 30 317 117 64.92 647 17.2 7.3 B,G 16.7 10 699 1455 6.6 21.4 16.1 57.9 19.4 4 12.9 5.8 685 331 26.3 10.5 21
168 550250031001 Census Block Group 191.1 596 0 8 0 1 343639 197.26 342365 205.74 -5 -5 1969 55.88 0 42.06 0 43 6 206 109 77560 0 0 2 8 16 10 15 26 12 187 81 45.47 182 0.3 6.2 P,B -1 -1 594 1285 4.7 17.7 26.5 80.5 6.4 2.2 5.8 5.1 569 350 20.4 3.2 71.7
169 550250031002 Census Block Group 204.7 543 0 22 0 0 325622 192.57 314430 198.02 205467 188.5 1978 61.19 5.9 59.8 3 50.5 4 58 66 75000 8.4 5.1 2 13 10 3 14 18 10 112 30 29.1 242 0 6.6 B 26.9 5.8 543 1415 6 23.3 16.1 69.3 8.6 1.6 11.4 9.1 533 364 29.1 6 75.8
170 550250031003 Census Block Group 1803.3 865 0 11 1 2 363197 198.4 334199 195.2 341003 210.55 1984 62.25 6.4 45.35 5.8 42.3 6 240 17 112109 0 2.3 13 95 73 24 122 116 45 522 214 41.39 498 2.7 7.3 P,B 16.5 7 858 2170 5.8 20.7 18.3 75.7 7.9 4.3 6.6 5.5 846 650 27.8 3.8 85.5
171 550250031004 Census Block Group 300.4 590 0 6 3 0 356236 186.8 307802 196.94 -5 -5 1966 54.55 4.4 47.25 1.2 28.3 8 502 136 99559 0 10 4 9 20 8 26 26 31 423 118 10.34 242 4.5 6.5 P,B -1 -1 590 1335 5.6 18.3 23.7 79.9 5 1 8.5 5.6 581 378 22.4 3.1 84.3
172 550250032001 Census Block Group 538.2 101 1196 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 515900 392.76 1963 30.18 0 2.59 15.4 45.7 7 464 298 42216 8 1 3 5 3 0 10 0 33 49 96 11.26 3089 22 4.2 P,B,G 20.2 5.3 1238 2394 10.9 23.9 1.9 31 5.3 47.4 9.6 6.7 1081 555 33.5 5.5 2.5
173 550250105011 Census Block Group 483.7 612 0 3 0 0 405536 198.69 460956 205.89 352775 213.15 2008 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 38 18 104559 1.2 0.6 0 3 2 0 11 1 10 46 22 90.2 231 2.5 7.8 B 13.4 10.3 578 1655 10.2 33.6 8.7 80.4 2.6 5.9 4.3 6.9 537 449 51.6 2.8 84.4
174 550250105012 Census Block Group 609 573 0 15 2 0 357628 204.99 324019 194.45 212411 158.82 2005 74.86 7.3 57.15 4.1 49.7 6 321 84 -5 -5 -5 3 29 29 7 38 44 19 82 60 13.96 231 1.7 7.3 B 13 3 551 1491 8.9 26.4 4.9 61.3 13.8 4.6 12.2 8.1 547 385 38.9 6.7 75.8
175 550250107023 Census Block Group 154.9 631 0 2 1 0 364991 198.02 344862 195.94 298093 192.69 2000 45.24 0.9 41.51 2.5 29.8 9 247 133 109922 0 0 0 17 11 8 19 17 15 143 48 100 0 0 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 519 1235 6.6 15.7 19.4 72.3 5.6 10.5 6.6 5 474 278 25.5 3 74.5
176 550250107025 Census Block Group 212.6 730 0 7 1 0 380107 199.41 370008 196.47 257215 175.12 2000 39.5 0 18.56 4 8.9 7 139 81 120794 0 3.6 1 10 7 1 15 8 2 46 16 99.73 0 0 7.8 P,B,G 9.5 8.5 729 1972 8.5 27.2 5.9 71.8 3.6 13 4.9 6.8 718 538 40.9 2.6 94
177 550250108011 Census Block Group 242.7 1221 0 7 1 0 399478 202.85 371159 210.25 280253 195.57 2005 41.38 0.7 28.36 5.6 31.7 6 253 120 89806 0 3 0 14 3 7 19 8 3 133 46 100 0 0 7.7 P,B,G 15.8 9.5 937 1909 7.5 19.7 8.9 78.3 3.5 7.9 6.3 4.1 923 465 24.9 2.8 63.2
178 550250108013 Census Block Group 148.4 708 0 4 0 68 489103 173.26 437040 196.37 295775 199.3 1999 37.04 3.5 36.11 5.6 38.3 7 365 121 101563 0 2.3 0 14 3 3 16 12 15 65 38 100 0 10.2 7.6 P,B,G -1 -1 708 1435 5.8 19.9 10 72.5 6.3 7.9 7.6 5.7 700 339 21.7 3.3 42
179 550250108014 Census Block Group 279.4 455 0 8 1 0 425313 191.58 412071 180.25 293313 206.09 2002 56 2.9 16.67 0.8 9.2 2 128 4 0 0 0 2 1 3 3 2 4 28 15 100 0 0 7.8 None -1 -1 451 1271 8.8 25.9 7.6 78.3 1.4 9.5 5.6 5.2 451 352 42.8 1.8 95.8
180 550250109031 Census Block Group 466.8 814 0 3 0 0 701000 215.38 606169 190.61 509743 268.21 2008 40 2.7 12 10.2 18.4 2 42 44 118162 0 0 0 13 1 0 17 0 9 50 38 84.77 70 0 7.8 B 13.3 8.3 777 1662 3.9 16.7 19.5 74.8 2.4 16.1 3.3 3.4 739 465 22.3 1.1 71.9
181 550250109032 Census Block Group 440.9 811 0 1 0 0 729950 203.66 608513 195.99 410209 282.24 2011 36.57 2.4 7.28 0 6.4 2 42 44 126779 0.5 2.8 1 2 4 1 5 2 0 45 20 97.53 70 0 7.7 B 8.4 9.6 809 1882 7 20.9 9.7 79.2 0.5 13.4 3.7 3.1 798 505 29.7 1.6 66.4
182 550250109033 Census Block Group 717.8 439 0 6 0 0 537700 243.61 561801 204.66 -5 -5 2011 -1 0 0 7.1 0 0 0 0 98100 0 2.5 0 3 3 3 12 5 11 23 16 66.51 70 0 8.2 B -1 -1 408 801 8.1 19.5 8.6 74.3 2.6 13.6 3.7 5.7 396 188 20.7 0.5 39.4
183 550250109051 Census Block Group 351.4 757 0 11 0 0 407191 188.04 343125 182.11 260645 210.26 1998 -1 21.1 57.89 4.3 66.7 1 51 0 79935 0 12.3 1 46 17 7 49 31 35 133 61 71.47 310 4.7 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 753 1203 3.5 8.2 22.8 73.2 2.3 16.6 5.2 2.7 714 257 9.8 1 30.3
184 550250109052 Census Block Group 498.2 796 0 2 0 0 443351 182.47 493100 185.38 450865 274.7 2006 -1 0 4.77 0 0 3 335 93 -5 -5 -5 0 25 27 7 43 44 12 262 124 48.87 239 8.4 6.4 P,B -1 -1 659 1014 2.6 7.3 35 78.9 1.9 8.7 7.7 2.9 643 182 9.4 2.2 21
185 550250109053 Census Block Group 448.2 1394 0 7 0 0 546770 228.09 484336 229.63 -5 -5 2019 48.27 2.4 12.2 8.3 9.6 2 260 0 137776 0 2.1 0 14 1 2 20 5 6 25 23 100 0 0 8.6 B 7 10.8 829 1706 9.4 17.7 4.3 74.1 1.9 15.6 4.6 3.8 806 402 21.9 0.5 48.5
186 550250109054 Census Block Group 738 1106 0 16 0 0 415925 226.11 412103 221.57 312279 209.65 2015 56.52 3.3 15 2.3 22.6 5 310 44 94083 0 2.7 0 18 10 5 18 10 30 46 36 100 246 0 8.2 P,B,G 8.5 11.9 494 940 6.4 14 3.9 79 2.1 11.4 3.9 3.5 473 210 16.3 3.2 38.1
187 550250109061 Census Block Group 911.7 1044 0 12 0 0 697800 243.5 615420 230.99 427063 253.5 2016 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 310 0 131571 0 0 0 17 6 0 25 5 22 196 90 100 0 11.8 7.5 B 15.8 14.7 689 1743 9.2 31.3 12.4 62.9 1.3 27.7 2.5 5.6 669 465 47.9 3.4 60
188 550250109062 Census Block Group 418.5 1209 0 2 0 0 842749 203.04 883178 206.1 444277 252.67 2002 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 135 0 127656 5 1.2 1 21 1 4 35 12 8 200 100 100 0 0 7.3 None 11.3 4.8 1199 2981 5.6 27.3 9 67.2 1.9 23.1 3.6 4.2 1168 733 36.5 2.5 57.4
189 550250110001 Census Block Group 54.7 138 0 0 0 0 467760 206.47 460157 224 -5 -5 1961 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 85 77 -5 -5 -5 0 1 1 0 2 0 13 20 13 82.61 513 9.8 7.1 P,B -1 -1 83 149 5.4 12.8 31.3 84.6 0.7 5.4 4 5.3 83 49 13.3 2.3 62.4
190 550250112011 Census Block Group 1143.5 918 0 9 0 0 521672 185.06 510446 179.96 269904 168.57 1978 54.32 0 15.42 2.3 17.4 2 68 17 88885 11.7 4.8 1 18 9 2 27 8 10 273 164 100 0 1.8 7.4 B -1 -1 912 1556 1.9 9.6 47.8 89.5 1.7 2.1 3.5 3.1 851 444 7.6 1.1 97.3
191 550250114031 Census Block Group 506.8 960 0 10 0 0 404745 188.38 393946 190.63 300850 196.43 2003 61.11 0 43.94 0 34.3 5 97 0 98125 2.9 1 0 9 6 7 15 10 8 94 44 69.06 60 1.2 7.6 B 16.9 12.3 952 1912 4.8 14.1 14.4 78.9 6.1 4.9 5.2 4.8 936 477 17.1 2.5 51.5
192 550250114032 Census Block Group 290.9 619 0 7 0 216 376451 202.89 332690 204.64 253621 182.77 2007 83.78 2.9 71.43 7.1 64.2 3 83 0 80940 0 0 5 11 13 4 16 5 3 66 39 57.03 60 4.1 7.6 None 10 8.6 394 1013 9.2 24.2 8.8 70.7 10 4.6 7.6 7.1 388 270 34.8 3.9 82.2
193 550250114051 Census Block Group 1298.6 1561 0 3 0 0 345338 224.19 343033 207.72 280631 163.61 2002 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 256 134 77439 0 0 6 38 54 10 49 78 66 409 144 99.81 257 10.1 7.3 P,B 13.3 6 1216 2211 5.2 13.7 23.1 65.5 3.9 21.4 5 4.2 1148 450 14.2 1.9 23.7
194 550250114052 Census Block Group 695.5 886 0 5 0 57 -5 -5 -5 -5 211679 170.22 2003 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 146 100 76227 0 0 6 48 50 12 76 43 58 298 120 75.51 227 2 8.4 P,B -1 -1 834 1398 3.9 13 11.9 69.8 8.4 8.4 8.6 4.8 742 245 14.5 4.6 39.5
195 550250114053 Census Block Group 1610 593 0 11 0 0 412504 211.41 322338 188.31 424050 259.47 2019 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 210 205 -5 -5 -5 0 19 9 6 31 17 13 9 6 100 0 0 7.7 B -1 -1 287 525 5.6 19.7 4 63.3 7.1 15.1 7.1 7.5 238 130 27.3 0.8 61.7
196 550250114061 Census Block Group 527.9 1520 0 11 3 0 405897 196.66 378110 196.66 290775 204.68 2007 64.14 0.8 29.47 5.5 23.6 7 109 12 91449 3.9 3.2 0 49 9 6 61 37 11 170 92 41.51 60 0 7.6 P,B,G 9.1 4.9 1094 2611 5.7 20.8 15.9 72.5 8.8 6.3 6.9 5.4 1046 696 26.6 3.9 89.4
197 550250114062 Census Block Group 237 1176 0 9 0 94 374314 198.39 343969 205.45 282130 204.81 2014 92 4.2 64.21 19.9 66.2 4 28 20 84522 0 3.3 8 26 43 14 44 57 6 448 146 58.67 60 8.6 7.7 P,B,G 12.2 14.4 1109 2240 6.1 17.5 19.6 71.7 12 5.1 6.4 4.9 1094 427 18.6 6.5 22.2
198 550250114071 Census Block Group 3668 855 0 5 0 65 495101 173.7 405928 180.64 224418 176.63 1998 47.97 0 26.44 5 14 3 22 12 59234 6.5 1.1 7 49 41 12 71 50 35 162 97 99.53 60 1.9 6.3 P,B,G -1 -1 885 1571 2.4 11.4 26.1 79 6 2.9 6.2 5.9 844 376 13 1.9 66.5
199 Madison City of Madison 53464.9 134356 6850 1882 90 6443 418490 220.53 450471 219.29 282910 220.96 1977 59.62 7.7 50.97 5.8 49.5 275 12036 5067 70466 5.9 2.7 1138 7359 7331 2874 9864 14239 2576 24258 13331 37.53 10317 11.2 7.1 P,B,G 17.7 9 128444 274622 5 16.4 13.1 68.8 7.3 9.4 9 5.4 123011 55236 19 3.8 44.5

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"crm_pers","Reported Police Incidents: Person Related","Total count of incidents reported to MPD as person related offenses.","Persons related incidents include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction incident types. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 94%."
"crm_prop","Reported Police Incidents: Property Related","Total count of incidents reported to MPD as property related offenses.","Property related incidents include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile incident types from residential and non-residential locations. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 98%."
"crm_scty","Reported Police Incidents: Society Related","Total count of incidents reported to MPD as society related offenses.","Society related incidents include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution incident types. For the purpose of NI reporting, disturbance calls are also included in the society related incident summary. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 89%."
"ofns_pers","Verified Criminal Offenses: Person Related ","Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as person related crimes.","Persons related crimes include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 94%."
"ofns_prop","Verified Criminal Offenses: Property Related ","Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as property related crimes.","Property related crimes include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile offense types from residential and non-residential locations. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 97%."
"ofns_scty","Verified Criminal Offenses: Society Related ","Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as society related crimes.","Society related crimes include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 80%."
"crash","Crashes","Total count of reported automobile crashes.","A reportable crash is defined as a crash resulting in injury or death of any person, any damage to government-owned non-vehicle property to an apparent extent of $200 or more, or total damage to property owned by any one person to an apparent extent of $1000 or more. It is important to note, however, that not all reportable crashes are reported. In order for a crash to be in the database, an MV4000 crash report must have been completed by a police officer. This summary includes crashes that occurred in tabulation areas plus the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Crashes that occurred in parking lots are excluded. Except for highways 151 and 113, crashes that occurred on state and interstate highways are excluded. Campus Drive and a portion of John Nolen Dr. that runs beneath Monona Terrace are also excluded. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year. ","2022 DT4000 Crashes. WI Department of Transportation and UW TOPS Lab, received 1/26/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%."
"prmry_ems","Calls for EMS Service","Total calls primarily for emergency medical service.","This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL.","2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 97%."
"prmry_fire","Calls for Fire Service","Total calls primarily for fire service.","This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to in being annexed into the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL.","2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 96%."
"pc_nprf35","English Language Arts: Less than Proficient","Percent of grade 3-5 students not meeting proficiency benchmark.","Student test results for grades 3-5 are aggregated over 2 consecutive years. Students who are English Language Learners can be provided a Spanish version, coupled with the English version, as is needed for support. APL interpolation to tabulation area geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_nhsg","Parent Education: Less than High School Diploma","Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a HS Diploma/G.E.D.","Percent of MMSD students in households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was less than a High School Diploma or G.E.D. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_nclgg","Parent Education: Less than Bachelor's Degree","Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a Bachelor's Degree.","Percent of MMSD student households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was a bachelor's, graduate or professional degree. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_hmbl","High Mobility Students","Percent of MMSD students with high between school transfer rates.","Percent of MMSD students that transferred 2 or more times between schools in the past 3 prior years. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_frlu","Economically Disadvantaged Students","Percent of MMSD students in households with low income.","Percent of Madison Metropolitan School District students identified as economically disadvantaged. Economically disadvantaged students include those whose household income was 185% or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_nvterm","Infant Health: Pre-Term Births","Percent of births (over a 3-year period) occurring at 36 weeks of gestation or earlier.","Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are suppressed for areas with with fewer than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates.","2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%."
"pc_nappr","Prenatal Care: Less than Adequate","Percent of births (over a 3-year period) with less than adequate prenatal care.","Adequate care determination is based on the Kotelchuck Index: Births that received prenatal care that began by the end of the 4th month of gestation and received 80% or more of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended visits. Observed changes in adequate care may be due to non-response error in some years. Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are shown for all areas with more than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates.","2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%."
"medhhinc","Median Household Income","Estimated median household income (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Income data from previous 5-year estimates have not been inflation adjusted to current year dollars. Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B19013 for margins of error. ","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"pc_fmpv","Families in Poverty","Estimated percent of families in poverty (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B17010 for margins of error.","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"pc_unem","Unemployment","Estimated percent of civilian labor force that is unemployed (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B23025 for margins of error. ","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"gds_svcs","Basic Goods & Services (Pharmacies, Banking, Groceries)","Basic goods and services found within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","The presence of businesses is denoted with the corresponding letter: Pharmacy (P), Credit Union or Bank (B), and Grocery Store (G). APL proximity calculation. ","ESRI Business Analyst 2022 Data."
"pc_no_vhcl","Households Without Vehicle","Estimated percent of households without access to a private vehicle at home (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2008-2012 with estimates from 2013-2018). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B25044 for margins of error.","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"avg_stcnd","Pavement Condition","Average pavement condition (length-weighted).","Average length-weighted condition rating of City of Madison maintained street segments within or immediately adjacent to tabulation area. Areas maintained by the Town of Madison in 2022 are excluded from this rating. Scoring is based on University of Wisconsin PASER rating system where 10 is the best condition.","City of Madison Engineering Division, accessed online 1/4/2023."
"hu","Housing Units","Estimated of Housing Units.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a housing unit as a house, an apartment, a mobile home or trailer, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, or if vacant, intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_own","Owner Occupied Homes","Estimated percent of occupied housing units that are owner occupied.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"tot_pop","Total Population","Estimated total population.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_un5","Young Children: Age 0 to 4","Estimated percent of persons age four and under.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_un18","Youth Population: Age 0 to 17","Estimated percent of persons age 17 and under.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_ov64","Senior Population: Age 65 and Over","Estimated percent of persons age 65 and over.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_wht","White","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic White alone race category.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. White alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_afrm","Black or African American","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Black or African American alone race category.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Black or African American alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_asn","Asian","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Asian alone race category.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Asian alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_othm","Other Races or Multiracial","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic American Indian alone, Pacific Islander alone, Other Race alone or Two or More Races categories.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Other Race or Multiracial population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_hisp","Hispanic or Latino","Estimated percent of the persons of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"hh","Total Households","Estimated number of households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a household as an occupied housing unit and includes all the people who occupy that housing unit as their usual place of residence.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"fam","Family Households","Estimated number of family households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_fmwc","Families with Children","Estimated families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_fhwc","Female Headed Families with Children","Estimated percent female headed families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"prd_viol","Community Pride Violations","Total count of community pride violations.","Community pride violation types include a subset of Property Maintenance Violations (Exterior Housing, Graffiti, Junk/Trash/Debris, Trash Carts, and Weeds/Overgrowth) and Zoning Violations (Fences, Inoperable Vehicles, and Parking on Lawn). Violation data have various origins: complaint, survey, referred, programmed, field observation, and other. Snow and ice related violations are excluded due to weather dependent year-to-year variation. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year.","City of Madison Building Inspection Division, received 1/2/2023."
"pc_n_trst","Low Transit Access","Percent of dwelling units that lie outside 1/4 mile walk of a regularly scheduled transit stop.","APL walk distance proximity calculations. This measure depends on walk distances along public roadways, and dwelling units located more than 100 meters from a public roadway are represented as not having service even though some are within 1/4 mile walk.","City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here."
"trst_trps","Available Transit Service","Total number of regularly scheduled transit trips.","Includes regularly scheduled transit trips that would permit a passenger boarding, using any of the transit stop locations that are within or adjacent to the area (within 250 feet), summarized over the course of a typical sevenday week (Monday-Sunday).","City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here."
"foreclsr","Property Foreclosures","Total count of foreclosure cases.","The data only represent the initial foreclosure filing (i.e. initial legal action) against a property owner and should not be confused with sheriff sales (only a share of these cases go all the way through the legal process to a sheriff sale). Some foreclosure actions against a property owner may actually reflect numerous properties (i.e. in the case of a landlord who owns several rental properties); these duplicate properties will not be found in the dataset.","Dr. Russ Kashian, Fiscal and Economic Research Center - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, received 8/1/2023. Geocoding match rate: 100%."
"acres","Land Area (acres)","Acreage of tabulation geography.","APL calculation based on tabulation geography boundary files.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 11/29/2022."
"cc_prvdrs","Childcare Providers","Number of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","Licensed Camps are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October."
"cc_cpcty","Childcare Capacity","Capacity of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","Includes the combined total maximum capacity (as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families) of all area providers. Licensed Camp capacity numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October."
"cc_enrlmt","Childcare Enrollment","Children enrolled with regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","Includes the combined total number of children enrolled with area providers regardless of home residence, age, income or full/part-time status. Licensed Camp enrollment numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October."
"du_cty","Madison Dwelling Units ","Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison.","Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison property database. In residential group quarters each deliverable mail address is counted as a dwelling unit. ","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"du_cmps","Campus Dwelling Units","Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing.","Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing. These counts include fraternities and sororities that are intended for student occupants. Each deliverable mail address in a residential group quarters (e.g. dormitory) was counted as a dwelling unit.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"asst_unts","Madison Subsidized Rental Units","Rental dwelling units receiving government subsidies.","Tabulations include the following categories of housing assistance: Public Housing CDA (Community Development Authority); Private Projects: Section 8 Project Subsidies and Section 42 Tax Credits; and other project subsidized by City or other Federal funding.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"avg_huval","Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value","Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses.","Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"sqft_val","Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value","Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses.","Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"avg_n_hval","Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value","Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses.","Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"sqft_n_val","Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value","Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses.","Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"avg_c_hval","Condos: Average Value","Average assessed dwelling unit value of condominiums.","Average assessed value among condominiums.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"sqft_c_val","Condos: Square Foot Value","Square foot value of condominiums.","Total assessed value divided by the total finished floor area (with common areas, unit parking, and storage excluded). ","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"yrblt_mdn","Median Year Built","Median year built for all dwelling units including single household dwelling units, multi-household units, and some residential group quarters.","Campus dormitories are excluded from the Median Year Built tabulations.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
1 variable name definition about source
2 crm_pers Reported Police Incidents: Person Related Total count of incidents reported to MPD as person related offenses. Persons related incidents include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction incident types. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 94%.
3 crm_prop Reported Police Incidents: Property Related Total count of incidents reported to MPD as property related offenses. Property related incidents include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile incident types from residential and non-residential locations. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 98%.
4 crm_scty Reported Police Incidents: Society Related Total count of incidents reported to MPD as society related offenses. Society related incidents include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution incident types. For the purpose of NI reporting, disturbance calls are also included in the society related incident summary. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 89%.
5 ofns_pers Verified Criminal Offenses: Person Related Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as person related crimes. Persons related crimes include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 94%.
6 ofns_prop Verified Criminal Offenses: Property Related Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as property related crimes. Property related crimes include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile offense types from residential and non-residential locations. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 97%.
7 ofns_scty Verified Criminal Offenses: Society Related Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as society related crimes. Society related crimes include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 80%.
8 crash Crashes Total count of reported automobile crashes. A reportable crash is defined as a crash resulting in injury or death of any person, any damage to government-owned non-vehicle property to an apparent extent of $200 or more, or total damage to property owned by any one person to an apparent extent of $1000 or more. It is important to note, however, that not all reportable crashes are reported. In order for a crash to be in the database, an MV4000 crash report must have been completed by a police officer. This summary includes crashes that occurred in tabulation areas plus the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Crashes that occurred in parking lots are excluded. Except for highways 151 and 113, crashes that occurred on state and interstate highways are excluded. Campus Drive and a portion of John Nolen Dr. that runs beneath Monona Terrace are also excluded. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year. 2022 DT4000 Crashes. WI Department of Transportation and UW TOPS Lab, received 1/26/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%.
9 prmry_ems Calls for EMS Service Total calls primarily for emergency medical service. This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL. 2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 97%.
10 prmry_fire Calls for Fire Service Total calls primarily for fire service. This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to in being annexed into the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL. 2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 96%.
11 pc_nprf35 English Language Arts: Less than Proficient Percent of grade 3-5 students not meeting proficiency benchmark. Student test results for grades 3-5 are aggregated over 2 consecutive years. Students who are English Language Learners can be provided a Spanish version, coupled with the English version, as is needed for support. APL interpolation to tabulation area geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
12 pc_nhsg Parent Education: Less than High School Diploma Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a HS Diploma/G.E.D. Percent of MMSD students in households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was less than a High School Diploma or G.E.D. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
13 pc_nclgg Parent Education: Less than Bachelor's Degree Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a Bachelor's Degree. Percent of MMSD student households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was a bachelor's, graduate or professional degree. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
14 pc_hmbl High Mobility Students Percent of MMSD students with high between school transfer rates. Percent of MMSD students that transferred 2 or more times between schools in the past 3 prior years. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
15 pc_frlu Economically Disadvantaged Students Percent of MMSD students in households with low income. Percent of Madison Metropolitan School District students identified as economically disadvantaged. Economically disadvantaged students include those whose household income was 185% or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
16 pc_nvterm Infant Health: Pre-Term Births Percent of births (over a 3-year period) occurring at 36 weeks of gestation or earlier. Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are suppressed for areas with with fewer than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates. 2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%.
17 pc_nappr Prenatal Care: Less than Adequate Percent of births (over a 3-year period) with less than adequate prenatal care. Adequate care determination is based on the Kotelchuck Index: Births that received prenatal care that began by the end of the 4th month of gestation and received 80% or more of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended visits. Observed changes in adequate care may be due to non-response error in some years. Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are shown for all areas with more than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates. 2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%.
18 medhhinc Median Household Income Estimated median household income (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Income data from previous 5-year estimates have not been inflation adjusted to current year dollars. Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B19013 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
19 pc_fmpv Families in Poverty Estimated percent of families in poverty (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B17010 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
20 pc_unem Unemployment Estimated percent of civilian labor force that is unemployed (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B23025 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
21 gds_svcs Basic Goods & Services (Pharmacies, Banking, Groceries) Basic goods and services found within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. The presence of businesses is denoted with the corresponding letter: Pharmacy (P), Credit Union or Bank (B), and Grocery Store (G). APL proximity calculation. ESRI Business Analyst 2022 Data.
22 pc_no_vhcl Households Without Vehicle Estimated percent of households without access to a private vehicle at home (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2008-2012 with estimates from 2013-2018). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B25044 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
23 avg_stcnd Pavement Condition Average pavement condition (length-weighted). Average length-weighted condition rating of City of Madison maintained street segments within or immediately adjacent to tabulation area. Areas maintained by the Town of Madison in 2022 are excluded from this rating. Scoring is based on University of Wisconsin PASER rating system where 10 is the best condition. City of Madison Engineering Division, accessed online 1/4/2023.
24 hu Housing Units Estimated of Housing Units. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a housing unit as a house, an apartment, a mobile home or trailer, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, or if vacant, intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
25 pc_own Owner Occupied Homes Estimated percent of occupied housing units that are owner occupied. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
26 tot_pop Total Population Estimated total population. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
27 pc_un5 Young Children: Age 0 to 4 Estimated percent of persons age four and under. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
28 pc_un18 Youth Population: Age 0 to 17 Estimated percent of persons age 17 and under. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
29 pc_ov64 Senior Population: Age 65 and Over Estimated percent of persons age 65 and over. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
30 pc_wht White Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic White alone race category. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. White alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
31 pc_afrm Black or African American Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Black or African American alone race category. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Black or African American alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
32 pc_asn Asian Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Asian alone race category. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Asian alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
33 pc_othm Other Races or Multiracial Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic American Indian alone, Pacific Islander alone, Other Race alone or Two or More Races categories. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Other Race or Multiracial population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
34 pc_hisp Hispanic or Latino Estimated percent of the persons of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
35 hh Total Households Estimated number of households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a household as an occupied housing unit and includes all the people who occupy that housing unit as their usual place of residence. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
36 fam Family Households Estimated number of family households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
37 pc_fmwc Families with Children Estimated families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
38 pc_fhwc Female Headed Families with Children Estimated percent female headed families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
39 prd_viol Community Pride Violations Total count of community pride violations. Community pride violation types include a subset of Property Maintenance Violations (Exterior Housing, Graffiti, Junk/Trash/Debris, Trash Carts, and Weeds/Overgrowth) and Zoning Violations (Fences, Inoperable Vehicles, and Parking on Lawn). Violation data have various origins: complaint, survey, referred, programmed, field observation, and other. Snow and ice related violations are excluded due to weather dependent year-to-year variation. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year. City of Madison Building Inspection Division, received 1/2/2023.
40 pc_n_trst Low Transit Access Percent of dwelling units that lie outside 1/4 mile walk of a regularly scheduled transit stop. APL walk distance proximity calculations. This measure depends on walk distances along public roadways, and dwelling units located more than 100 meters from a public roadway are represented as not having service even though some are within 1/4 mile walk. City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here.
41 trst_trps Available Transit Service Total number of regularly scheduled transit trips. Includes regularly scheduled transit trips that would permit a passenger boarding, using any of the transit stop locations that are within or adjacent to the area (within 250 feet), summarized over the course of a typical seven‐day week (Monday-Sunday). City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here.
42 foreclsr Property Foreclosures Total count of foreclosure cases. The data only represent the initial foreclosure filing (i.e. initial legal action) against a property owner and should not be confused with sheriff sales (only a share of these cases go all the way through the legal process to a sheriff sale). Some foreclosure actions against a property owner may actually reflect numerous properties (i.e. in the case of a landlord who owns several rental properties); these duplicate properties will not be found in the dataset. Dr. Russ Kashian, Fiscal and Economic Research Center - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, received 8/1/2023. Geocoding match rate: 100%.
43 acres Land Area (acres) Acreage of tabulation geography. APL calculation based on tabulation geography boundary files. City of Madison Planning Division, received 11/29/2022.
44 cc_prvdrs Childcare Providers Number of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. Licensed Camps are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation. City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October.
45 cc_cpcty Childcare Capacity Capacity of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. Includes the combined total maximum capacity (as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families) of all area providers. Licensed Camp capacity numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation. City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October.
46 cc_enrlmt Childcare Enrollment Children enrolled with regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. Includes the combined total number of children enrolled with area providers regardless of home residence, age, income or full/part-time status. Licensed Camp enrollment numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation. City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October.
47 du_cty Madison Dwelling Units Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison. Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison property database. In residential group quarters each deliverable mail address is counted as a dwelling unit. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
48 du_cmps Campus Dwelling Units Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing. Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing. These counts include fraternities and sororities that are intended for student occupants. Each deliverable mail address in a residential group quarters (e.g. dormitory) was counted as a dwelling unit. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
49 asst_unts Madison Subsidized Rental Units Rental dwelling units receiving government subsidies. Tabulations include the following categories of housing assistance: Public Housing CDA (Community Development Authority); Private Projects: Section 8 Project Subsidies and Section 42 Tax Credits; and other project subsidized by City or other Federal funding. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
50 avg_huval Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses. Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
51 sqft_val Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses. Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
52 avg_n_hval Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses. Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
53 sqft_n_val Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses. Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
54 avg_c_hval Condos: Average Value Average assessed dwelling unit value of condominiums. Average assessed value among condominiums. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
55 sqft_c_val Condos: Square Foot Value Square foot value of condominiums. Total assessed value divided by the total finished floor area (with common areas, unit parking, and storage excluded). City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
56 yrblt_mdn Median Year Built Median year built for all dwelling units including single household dwelling units, multi-household units, and some residential group quarters. Campus dormitories are excluded from the Median Year Built tabulations. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023

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# About the Madison Neighborhood Indicators Project
## Overview
By providing users with timely and detailed information, the Madison Neighborhood Indicators Project (NIP) aims to support better understanding of the varied and changing needs of different areas within the City. It is our hope that NIP data users will use these indicators along with local knowledge and other informational resources to help all communities within Madison thrive.
## Public Input
The current roster of indicators was developed with guidance for City and community leaders. Input from users continues to help us to refine and improve the data and tools. The NIP coordinators welcome your feedback at the email addresses below:
To contact the City of Madison NIP coordinator:
To contact the Applied Population Lab NIP coordinator:
## Privacy
Sensitive data items have been suppressed for some geographic areas to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information. In these cases, a value of "-1" appears in the database in place of the true measure. For the NIP website privacy policy, please see the City of Madison policy in the link below:
## Missing Data
There are several instances where a particular measure is either not available or not applicable for a given geographical area. In these cases, a value of "-5" or "-9" appears in the database.
## Disclaimer
NIP data sets are provided by the UW Applied Population Laboratory (APL) for informational purposes. The Applied Population Laboratory expressly disclaims the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any data and shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or other defects in, delays or interruptions in such data, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Neither the APL nor any of its data providers will be liable for any damages relating to use of the data provided herein.

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"crm_pers","Reported Police Incidents: Person Related","Total count of incidents reported to MPD as person related offenses.","Persons related incidents include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction incident types. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 94%."
"crm_prop","Reported Police Incidents: Property Related","Total count of incidents reported to MPD as property related offenses.","Property related incidents include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile incident types from residential and non-residential locations. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 98%."
"crm_scty","Reported Police Incidents: Society Related","Total count of incidents reported to MPD as society related offenses.","Society related incidents include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution incident types. For the purpose of NI reporting, disturbance calls are also included in the society related incident summary. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 89%."
"ofns_pers","Verified Criminal Offenses: Person Related ","Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as person related crimes.","Persons related crimes include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 94%."
"ofns_prop","Verified Criminal Offenses: Property Related ","Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as property related crimes.","Property related crimes include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile offense types from residential and non-residential locations. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 97%."
"ofns_scty","Verified Criminal Offenses: Society Related ","Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as society related crimes.","Society related crimes include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL.","2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 80%."
"crash","Crashes","Total count of reported automobile crashes.","A reportable crash is defined as a crash resulting in injury or death of any person, any damage to government-owned non-vehicle property to an apparent extent of $200 or more, or total damage to property owned by any one person to an apparent extent of $1000 or more. It is important to note, however, that not all reportable crashes are reported. In order for a crash to be in the database, an MV4000 crash report must have been completed by a police officer. This summary includes crashes that occurred in tabulation areas plus the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Crashes that occurred in parking lots are excluded. Except for highways 151 and 113, crashes that occurred on state and interstate highways are excluded. Campus Drive and a portion of John Nolen Dr. that runs beneath Monona Terrace are also excluded. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year. ","2022 DT4000 Crashes. WI Department of Transportation and UW TOPS Lab, received 1/26/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%."
"prmry_ems","Calls for EMS Service","Total calls primarily for emergency medical service.","This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL.","2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 97%."
"prmry_fire","Calls for Fire Service","Total calls primarily for fire service.","This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to in being annexed into the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL.","2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 96%."
"pc_nprf35","English Language Arts: Less than Proficient","Percent of grade 3-5 students not meeting proficiency benchmark.","Student test results for grades 3-5 are aggregated over 2 consecutive years. Students who are English Language Learners can be provided a Spanish version, coupled with the English version, as is needed for support. APL interpolation to tabulation area geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_nhsg","Parent Education: Less than High School Diploma","Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a HS Diploma/G.E.D.","Percent of MMSD students in households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was less than a High School Diploma or G.E.D. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_nclgg","Parent Education: Less than Bachelor's Degree","Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a Bachelor's Degree.","Percent of MMSD student households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was a bachelor's, graduate or professional degree. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_hmbl","High Mobility Students","Percent of MMSD students with high between school transfer rates.","Percent of MMSD students that transferred 2 or more times between schools in the past 3 prior years. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_frlu","Economically Disadvantaged Students","Percent of MMSD students in households with low income.","Percent of Madison Metropolitan School District students identified as economically disadvantaged. Economically disadvantaged students include those whose household income was 185% or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. APL interpolation to tabulation geography.","Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023."
"pc_nvterm","Infant Health: Pre-Term Births","Percent of births (over a 3-year period) occurring at 36 weeks of gestation or earlier.","Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are suppressed for areas with with fewer than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates.","2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%."
"pc_nappr","Prenatal Care: Less than Adequate","Percent of births (over a 3-year period) with less than adequate prenatal care.","Adequate care determination is based on the Kotelchuck Index: Births that received prenatal care that began by the end of the 4th month of gestation and received 80% or more of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended visits. Observed changes in adequate care may be due to non-response error in some years. Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are shown for all areas with more than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates.","2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%."
"medhhinc","Median Household Income","Estimated median household income (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Income data from previous 5-year estimates have not been inflation adjusted to current year dollars. Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B19013 for margins of error. ","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"pc_fmpv","Families in Poverty","Estimated percent of families in poverty (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B17010 for margins of error.","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"pc_unem","Unemployment","Estimated percent of civilian labor force that is unemployed (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B23025 for margins of error. ","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"gds_svcs","Basic Goods & Services (Pharmacies, Banking, Groceries)","Basic goods and services found within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","The presence of businesses is denoted with the corresponding letter: Pharmacy (P), Credit Union or Bank (B), and Grocery Store (G). APL proximity calculation. ","ESRI Business Analyst 2022 Data."
"pc_no_vhcl","Households Without Vehicle","Estimated percent of households without access to a private vehicle at home (5-year estimate).","Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2008-2012 with estimates from 2013-2018). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B25044 for margins of error.","2017-2021 5-Year ACS."
"avg_stcnd","Pavement Condition","Average pavement condition (length-weighted).","Average length-weighted condition rating of City of Madison maintained street segments within or immediately adjacent to tabulation area. Areas maintained by the Town of Madison in 2022 are excluded from this rating. Scoring is based on University of Wisconsin PASER rating system where 10 is the best condition.","City of Madison Engineering Division, accessed online 1/4/2023."
"hu","Housing Units","Estimated of Housing Units.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a housing unit as a house, an apartment, a mobile home or trailer, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, or if vacant, intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_own","Owner Occupied Homes","Estimated percent of occupied housing units that are owner occupied.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"tot_pop","Total Population","Estimated total population.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_un5","Young Children: Age 0 to 4","Estimated percent of persons age four and under.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_un18","Youth Population: Age 0 to 17","Estimated percent of persons age 17 and under.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_ov64","Senior Population: Age 65 and Over","Estimated percent of persons age 65 and over.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. ","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_wht","White","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic White alone race category.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. White alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_afrm","Black or African American","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Black or African American alone race category.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Black or African American alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_asn","Asian","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Asian alone race category.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Asian alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_othm","Other Races or Multiracial","Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic American Indian alone, Pacific Islander alone, Other Race alone or Two or More Races categories.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Other Race or Multiracial population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_hisp","Hispanic or Latino","Estimated percent of the persons of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino.","Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"hh","Total Households","Estimated number of households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a household as an occupied housing unit and includes all the people who occupy that housing unit as their usual place of residence.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"fam","Family Households","Estimated number of family households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_fmwc","Families with Children","Estimated families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"pc_fhwc","Female Headed Families with Children","Estimated percent female headed families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households.","APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.","Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data."
"prd_viol","Community Pride Violations","Total count of community pride violations.","Community pride violation types include a subset of Property Maintenance Violations (Exterior Housing, Graffiti, Junk/Trash/Debris, Trash Carts, and Weeds/Overgrowth) and Zoning Violations (Fences, Inoperable Vehicles, and Parking on Lawn). Violation data have various origins: complaint, survey, referred, programmed, field observation, and other. Snow and ice related violations are excluded due to weather dependent year-to-year variation. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year.","City of Madison Building Inspection Division, received 1/2/2023."
"pc_n_trst","Low Transit Access","Percent of dwelling units that lie outside 1/4 mile walk of a regularly scheduled transit stop.","APL walk distance proximity calculations. This measure depends on walk distances along public roadways, and dwelling units located more than 100 meters from a public roadway are represented as not having service even though some are within 1/4 mile walk.","City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here."
"trst_trps","Available Transit Service","Total number of regularly scheduled transit trips.","Includes regularly scheduled transit trips that would permit a passenger boarding, using any of the transit stop locations that are within or adjacent to the area (within 250 feet), summarized over the course of a typical sevenday week (Monday-Sunday).","City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here."
"foreclsr","Property Foreclosures","Total count of foreclosure cases.","The data only represent the initial foreclosure filing (i.e. initial legal action) against a property owner and should not be confused with sheriff sales (only a share of these cases go all the way through the legal process to a sheriff sale). Some foreclosure actions against a property owner may actually reflect numerous properties (i.e. in the case of a landlord who owns several rental properties); these duplicate properties will not be found in the dataset.","Dr. Russ Kashian, Fiscal and Economic Research Center - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, received 8/1/2023. Geocoding match rate: 100%."
"acres","Land Area (acres)","Acreage of tabulation geography.","APL calculation based on tabulation geography boundary files.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 11/29/2022."
"cc_prvdrs","Childcare Providers","Number of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","Licensed Camps are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October."
"cc_cpcty","Childcare Capacity","Capacity of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","Includes the combined total maximum capacity (as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families) of all area providers. Licensed Camp capacity numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October."
"cc_enrlmt","Childcare Enrollment","Children enrolled with regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography.","Includes the combined total number of children enrolled with area providers regardless of home residence, age, income or full/part-time status. Licensed Camp enrollment numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation.","City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October."
"du_cty","Madison Dwelling Units ","Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison.","Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison property database. In residential group quarters each deliverable mail address is counted as a dwelling unit. ","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"du_cmps","Campus Dwelling Units","Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing.","Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing. These counts include fraternities and sororities that are intended for student occupants. Each deliverable mail address in a residential group quarters (e.g. dormitory) was counted as a dwelling unit.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"asst_unts","Madison Subsidized Rental Units","Rental dwelling units receiving government subsidies.","Tabulations include the following categories of housing assistance: Public Housing CDA (Community Development Authority); Private Projects: Section 8 Project Subsidies and Section 42 Tax Credits; and other project subsidized by City or other Federal funding.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"avg_huval","Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value","Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses.","Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"sqft_val","Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value","Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses.","Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"avg_n_hval","Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value","Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses.","Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"sqft_n_val","Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value","Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses.","Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"avg_c_hval","Condos: Average Value","Average assessed dwelling unit value of condominiums.","Average assessed value among condominiums.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"sqft_c_val","Condos: Square Foot Value","Square foot value of condominiums.","Total assessed value divided by the total finished floor area (with common areas, unit parking, and storage excluded). ","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
"yrblt_mdn","Median Year Built","Median year built for all dwelling units including single household dwelling units, multi-household units, and some residential group quarters.","Campus dormitories are excluded from the Median Year Built tabulations.","City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023"
1 variable name definition about source
2 crm_pers Reported Police Incidents: Person Related Total count of incidents reported to MPD as person related offenses. Persons related incidents include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction incident types. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 94%.
3 crm_prop Reported Police Incidents: Property Related Total count of incidents reported to MPD as property related offenses. Property related incidents include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile incident types from residential and non-residential locations. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 98%.
4 crm_scty Reported Police Incidents: Society Related Total count of incidents reported to MPD as society related offenses. Society related incidents include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution incident types. For the purpose of NI reporting, disturbance calls are also included in the society related incident summary. A police incident is any service request for an officer; it can be initiated by one or more calls to 911 or by an officer. Incidents can include, but are not limited to, verified criminal offense; the latter are determined following MPD investigation. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Incidents. Madison Police Department, received 1/9/2023. Geocoding match rate: 89%.
5 ofns_pers Verified Criminal Offenses: Person Related Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as person related crimes. Persons related crimes include homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and kidnapping/abduction offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 94%.
6 ofns_prop Verified Criminal Offenses: Property Related Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as property related crimes. Property related crimes include theft, burglary, and stolen automobile offense types from residential and non-residential locations. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 97%.
7 ofns_scty Verified Criminal Offenses: Society Related Total count of criminal offenses classified by MPD as society related crimes. Society related crimes include narcotics, liquor law, gambling, weapons, and prostitution offense types. A criminal offense is different from an incident report in that MPD has investigated the report and concluded that it meets Department of Justice reporting requirements. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded offenses. Geocoded by MPD and APL. 2022 Offenses. Madison Police Department, received 1/25/2022. Geocoding match rate: 80%.
8 crash Crashes Total count of reported automobile crashes. A reportable crash is defined as a crash resulting in injury or death of any person, any damage to government-owned non-vehicle property to an apparent extent of $200 or more, or total damage to property owned by any one person to an apparent extent of $1000 or more. It is important to note, however, that not all reportable crashes are reported. In order for a crash to be in the database, an MV4000 crash report must have been completed by a police officer. This summary includes crashes that occurred in tabulation areas plus the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Crashes that occurred in parking lots are excluded. Except for highways 151 and 113, crashes that occurred on state and interstate highways are excluded. Campus Drive and a portion of John Nolen Dr. that runs beneath Monona Terrace are also excluded. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year. 2022 DT4000 Crashes. WI Department of Transportation and UW TOPS Lab, received 1/26/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%.
9 prmry_ems Calls for EMS Service Total calls primarily for emergency medical service. This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to it being annexed by the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL. 2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 97%.
10 prmry_fire Calls for Fire Service Total calls primarily for fire service. This summary includes service calls in tabulation areas plus any calls in the area immediately adjacent to (within 250 feet) of the tabulation area boundaries. Incidents that occurred in the Town of Madison prior to in being annexed into the City are excluded from City of Madison totals. Except for the Madison citywide total, counts include only the successfully geocoded incidents. See source notes for geocoding match rates. Geocoded by APL. 2022 Calls for service. Madison Fire Department, received 1/13/2023. Geocoding match rate: 96%.
11 pc_nprf35 English Language Arts: Less than Proficient Percent of grade 3-5 students not meeting proficiency benchmark. Student test results for grades 3-5 are aggregated over 2 consecutive years. Students who are English Language Learners can be provided a Spanish version, coupled with the English version, as is needed for support. APL interpolation to tabulation area geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
12 pc_nhsg Parent Education: Less than High School Diploma Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a HS Diploma/G.E.D. Percent of MMSD students in households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was less than a High School Diploma or G.E.D. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
13 pc_nclgg Parent Education: Less than Bachelor's Degree Percent of MMSD students whose parent(s) have less than a Bachelor's Degree. Percent of MMSD student households in which highest level of parent educational attainment was a bachelor's, graduate or professional degree. Limited to students for whom data were available. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
14 pc_hmbl High Mobility Students Percent of MMSD students with high between school transfer rates. Percent of MMSD students that transferred 2 or more times between schools in the past 3 prior years. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
15 pc_frlu Economically Disadvantaged Students Percent of MMSD students in households with low income. Percent of Madison Metropolitan School District students identified as economically disadvantaged. Economically disadvantaged students include those whose household income was 185% or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. APL interpolation to tabulation geography. Madison Metropolitan School District, received 3/1/2023.
16 pc_nvterm Infant Health: Pre-Term Births Percent of births (over a 3-year period) occurring at 36 weeks of gestation or earlier. Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are suppressed for areas with with fewer than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates. 2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%.
17 pc_nappr Prenatal Care: Less than Adequate Percent of births (over a 3-year period) with less than adequate prenatal care. Adequate care determination is based on the Kotelchuck Index: Births that received prenatal care that began by the end of the 4th month of gestation and received 80% or more of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended visits. Observed changes in adequate care may be due to non-response error in some years. Figures for census tract and block group areas are limited to births that were successfully geocoded. Data are shown for all areas with more than 50 births. Rates may be unstable in areas with fewer than 100 births. See source notes for geocoding match rates. 2019-2021 Births. Public Health Madison and Dane County; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, received 3/6/2023. Geocoding match rate: 99%.
18 medhhinc Median Household Income Estimated median household income (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Income data from previous 5-year estimates have not been inflation adjusted to current year dollars. Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B19013 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
19 pc_fmpv Families in Poverty Estimated percent of families in poverty (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B17010 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
20 pc_unem Unemployment Estimated percent of civilian labor force that is unemployed (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2007-2011 with estimates from 2012-2016). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B23025 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
21 gds_svcs Basic Goods & Services (Pharmacies, Banking, Groceries) Basic goods and services found within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. The presence of businesses is denoted with the corresponding letter: Pharmacy (P), Credit Union or Bank (B), and Grocery Store (G). APL proximity calculation. ESRI Business Analyst 2022 Data.
22 pc_no_vhcl Households Without Vehicle Estimated percent of households without access to a private vehicle at home (5-year estimate). Based on APL interpolation and summary of American Community Survey (ACS) block group estimates. Comparisons of estimates from multi-year periods should ideally be based on non-overlapping periods (e.g. comparing estimates from 2008-2012 with estimates from 2013-2018). Estimates for geographies with small populations may be unreliable and are withheld in some instances. See ACS table B25044 for margins of error. 2017-2021 5-Year ACS.
23 avg_stcnd Pavement Condition Average pavement condition (length-weighted). Average length-weighted condition rating of City of Madison maintained street segments within or immediately adjacent to tabulation area. Areas maintained by the Town of Madison in 2022 are excluded from this rating. Scoring is based on University of Wisconsin PASER rating system where 10 is the best condition. City of Madison Engineering Division, accessed online 1/4/2023.
24 hu Housing Units Estimated of Housing Units. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a housing unit as a house, an apartment, a mobile home or trailer, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, or if vacant, intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
25 pc_own Owner Occupied Homes Estimated percent of occupied housing units that are owner occupied. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
26 tot_pop Total Population Estimated total population. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
27 pc_un5 Young Children: Age 0 to 4 Estimated percent of persons age four and under. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
28 pc_un18 Youth Population: Age 0 to 17 Estimated percent of persons age 17 and under. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
29 pc_ov64 Senior Population: Age 65 and Over Estimated percent of persons age 65 and over. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
30 pc_wht White Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic White alone race category. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. White alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
31 pc_afrm Black or African American Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Black or African American alone race category. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Black or African American alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
32 pc_asn Asian Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic Asian alone race category. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Asian alone population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
33 pc_othm Other Races or Multiracial Estimated percent of persons in the Non-Hispanic American Indian alone, Pacific Islander alone, Other Race alone or Two or More Races categories. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. Other Race or Multiracial population shown for non-Hispanics only; Hispanic population of all races shown separately. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
34 pc_hisp Hispanic or Latino Estimated percent of the persons of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino. Because these figures are derived from Decennial Census data, they do not capture year-to-year changes in population between Censuses or since the last Census. In 2020, the Census Bureau made improvements to how they collected and processed data on race and ethnicity. Some of the demographic changes reported over time are due to these methodological changes, particularly among people in the Other or Multiracial categories. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
35 hh Total Households Estimated number of households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a household as an occupied housing unit and includes all the people who occupy that housing unit as their usual place of residence. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
36 fam Family Households Estimated number of family households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
37 pc_fmwc Families with Children Estimated families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
38 pc_fhwc Female Headed Families with Children Estimated percent female headed families with own children under 18 as a percent of all households. APL estimates based on 2020 Census. Because these figures are derived from 2020 data, any changes over time are a result of boundary changes; they do not reflect actual changes in population since 2020. The Census Bureau defines an own child as a never-married child under 18 years who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder. Family is defined as two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Census 2020, 2010, and 2000 block data.
39 prd_viol Community Pride Violations Total count of community pride violations. Community pride violation types include a subset of Property Maintenance Violations (Exterior Housing, Graffiti, Junk/Trash/Debris, Trash Carts, and Weeds/Overgrowth) and Zoning Violations (Fences, Inoperable Vehicles, and Parking on Lawn). Violation data have various origins: complaint, survey, referred, programmed, field observation, and other. Snow and ice related violations are excluded due to weather dependent year-to-year variation. Incident summaries are for the calendar year corresponding to the NI edition year. City of Madison Building Inspection Division, received 1/2/2023.
40 pc_n_trst Low Transit Access Percent of dwelling units that lie outside 1/4 mile walk of a regularly scheduled transit stop. APL walk distance proximity calculations. This measure depends on walk distances along public roadways, and dwelling units located more than 100 meters from a public roadway are represented as not having service even though some are within 1/4 mile walk. City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here.
41 trst_trps Available Transit Service Total number of regularly scheduled transit trips. Includes regularly scheduled transit trips that would permit a passenger boarding, using any of the transit stop locations that are within or adjacent to the area (within 250 feet), summarized over the course of a typical seven‐day week (Monday-Sunday). City of Madison - Metro Transit, received 7/24/2023. The Metro Transit Redesign went in effect June 11, 2023; access measures for Madison new network are represented in the data shown here.
42 foreclsr Property Foreclosures Total count of foreclosure cases. The data only represent the initial foreclosure filing (i.e. initial legal action) against a property owner and should not be confused with sheriff sales (only a share of these cases go all the way through the legal process to a sheriff sale). Some foreclosure actions against a property owner may actually reflect numerous properties (i.e. in the case of a landlord who owns several rental properties); these duplicate properties will not be found in the dataset. Dr. Russ Kashian, Fiscal and Economic Research Center - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, received 8/1/2023. Geocoding match rate: 100%.
43 acres Land Area (acres) Acreage of tabulation geography. APL calculation based on tabulation geography boundary files. City of Madison Planning Division, received 11/29/2022.
44 cc_prvdrs Childcare Providers Number of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. Licensed Camps are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation. City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October.
45 cc_cpcty Childcare Capacity Capacity of regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. Includes the combined total maximum capacity (as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families) of all area providers. Licensed Camp capacity numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation. City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October.
46 cc_enrlmt Childcare Enrollment Children enrolled with regulated providers within one quarter mile of tabulation geography. Includes the combined total number of children enrolled with area providers regardless of home residence, age, income or full/part-time status. Licensed Camp enrollment numbers are excluded from these counts. APL proximity calculation. City of Madison Planning Division, received 1/17/2023. Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. supplied the data to the City of Madison. Child care enrollment is reported annually in October.
47 du_cty Madison Dwelling Units Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison. Non-campus dwelling units in the City of Madison property database. In residential group quarters each deliverable mail address is counted as a dwelling unit. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
48 du_cmps Campus Dwelling Units Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing. Campus dwelling units in University of Wisconsin or Edgewood College residential housing. These counts include fraternities and sororities that are intended for student occupants. Each deliverable mail address in a residential group quarters (e.g. dormitory) was counted as a dwelling unit. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
49 asst_unts Madison Subsidized Rental Units Rental dwelling units receiving government subsidies. Tabulations include the following categories of housing assistance: Public Housing CDA (Community Development Authority); Private Projects: Section 8 Project Subsidies and Section 42 Tax Credits; and other project subsidized by City or other Federal funding. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
50 avg_huval Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses. Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
51 sqft_val Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, owner occupied houses. Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
52 avg_n_hval Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Average Value Average assessed value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses. Average assessed value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
53 sqft_n_val Non-Owner Occupied Houses: Square Foot Value Square foot value of single family dwelling unit, non-owner occupied houses. Total housing value (land and improvements) among single family non-owner occupied housing units divided by the total finished floor area. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
54 avg_c_hval Condos: Average Value Average assessed dwelling unit value of condominiums. Average assessed value among condominiums. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
55 sqft_c_val Condos: Square Foot Value Square foot value of condominiums. Total assessed value divided by the total finished floor area (with common areas, unit parking, and storage excluded). City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023
56 yrblt_mdn Median Year Built Median year built for all dwelling units including single household dwelling units, multi-household units, and some residential group quarters. Campus dormitories are excluded from the Median Year Built tabulations. City of Madison Planning Division, Parcel summary database, received 7/9/2023

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# About the Madison Neighborhood Indicators Project
## Overview
By providing users with timely and detailed information, the Madison Neighborhood Indicators Project (NIP) aims to support better understanding of the varied and changing needs of different areas within the City. It is our hope that NIP data users will use these indicators along with local knowledge and other informational resources to help all communities within Madison thrive.
## Public Input
The current roster of indicators was developed with guidance for City and community leaders. Input from users continues to help us to refine and improve the data and tools. The NIP coordinators welcome your feedback at the email addresses below:
To contact the City of Madison NIP coordinator:
To contact the Applied Population Lab NIP coordinator:
## Privacy
Sensitive data items have been suppressed for some geographic areas to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information. In these cases, a value of "-1" appears in the database in place of the true measure. For the NIP website privacy policy, please see the City of Madison policy in the link below:
## Missing Data
There are several instances where a particular measure is either not available or not applicable for a given geographical area. In these cases, a value of "-5" or "-9" appears in the database.
## Disclaimer
NIP data sets are provided by the UW Applied Population Laboratory (APL) for informational purposes. The Applied Population Laboratory expressly disclaims the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any data and shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or other defects in, delays or interruptions in such data, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Neither the APL nor any of its data providers will be liable for any damages relating to use of the data provided herein.

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55025000100,Census Tract,496.7,1554,0,23,1,37,584920,279.22,565044,298.15,159229,179.92,1962,47.99,2.4,41.81,5.3,38.5,6,177,153,85979,0,1.2,1,22,18,10,32,37,38,174,109,55.28,1183,7,5,"B,G",12.4,13.4,1490,2750,4.4,13.8,18.3,76.7,4,7.2,7,5.1,1414,667,16.5,3,58.1
55025000201,Census Tract,454.6,1141,0,11,0,6,431523,229.83,383895,227.23,154050,200.33,1961,45,5,19.42,2.8,19.7,8,332,242,82420,6,0,2,8,8,5,20,35,25,352,162,30.06,1704,4.9,6.7,"P,B,G",16.3,10,1042,2179,4.9,16.3,23.8,83.3,2.9,4.4,4.4,5,1005,639,19.1,2.2,79.5
55025000202,Census Tract,599.7,1468,0,3,1,0,565689,190.08,571436,191.66,215888,169.41,1974,45.36,1.1,20.97,2.8,20.8,10,544,327,96452,1.3,0.5,15,57,27,39,78,43,32,560,177,82.49,540,2.9,7.1,"P,B",9.3,5.8,1493,3120,5,16,23.8,77.1,3.6,8,6,5.4,1444,833,19.8,2.4,60.1
55025000204,Census Tract,651.7,2803,0,10,4,342,456649,180.24,387620,180.75,230182,202.23,1986,64.29,2,50.87,4.4,57.2,7,478,228,74595,12.1,6.9,15,106,154,44,150,168,68,725,211,49.63,540,8.6,7.2,"P,B,G",24.9,8.7,2617,5436,8,22,19.7,58.6,11.9,17.2,7.6,4.7,2532,1406,24.9,7.9,47.4
55025000205,Census Tract,859.7,2161,0,13,0,1,573992,204.31,518697,203.84,316314,225.57,1988,30.85,0,12.25,3.9,13.7,8,383,194,102063,0,0,1,23,15,8,51,18,25,439,141,63.35,466,3.6,6.4,"P,B,G",17.2,8.5,2302,4478,4.7,15,31.2,81.1,1.9,8.1,4,4.8,2243,1208,16.4,1.5,65.8
55025000301,Census Tract,229.3,2600,0,0,0,100,531949,233.34,721000,196.32,515527,352.82,1970,41.68,1.3,25.81,6.1,33.7,5,106,58,34653,19.6,5.8,7,97,30,16,122,63,42,370,288,60.19,2023,22.2,6.5,"P,B,G",22.1,4.6,2513,3717,3,7.8,15.6,52.3,4.4,34.5,5.3,3.5,2313,551,8.6,2.2,8.4
55025000302,Census Tract,353.5,879,0,13,1,2,528532,243.92,480451,249.88,223225,177.09,1959,25,0,7.97,3.5,11.4,4,265,241,122474,5.7,5.1,1,7,4,3,12,29,23,80,90,33.22,1757,9.5,7.7,B,-1,-1,877,2176,5,26.8,18.9,77.9,1.4,10.8,3.8,6.1,845,614,38.3,3.9,84.3
55025000401,Census Tract,448.8,1574,0,20,0,0,486626,258.28,457501,254.06,457904,404.06,1954,34.04,0,5.26,0.5,8.7,9,316,329,105949,0,1.1,2,17,4,3,40,16,20,145,94,9.91,1249,1.4,7.5,"B,G",12.5,6.7,1617,3705,5.4,20.2,19.9,84.6,1.4,3.5,4.7,5.8,1580,1022,26.3,2.7,81.5
55025000402,Census Tract,711.3,1235,0,12,1,1,438442,230.49,410502,238.09,181911,164.21,1959,34.27,1.2,17.54,3.7,13.8,7,477,437,112713,13.2,0.9,2,54,27,6,69,41,51,208,131,12.47,3224,1.1,7.3,"P,B,G",12.5,11.3,1155,2641,5.8,20.9,20.9,79.3,3,7.3,6.1,4.2,1136,730,26.9,2.8,74.9
55025000406,Census Tract,493.8,2604,0,23,1,104,439230,206.18,398761,201.47,353559,228.29,2004,44.46,5.2,43.36,4.8,37.2,7,960,78,82027,2,1.9,5,97,22,12,121,46,44,409,206,57.68,316,5.2,7.7,"P,B,G",15.9,13.5,2066,3756,4.1,13.1,21.8,69.9,3.7,16.3,5.6,4.5,1978,680,14.3,2.3,30.6
55025000407,Census Tract,682.9,2308,0,74,6,10,371319,178.46,363524,177.98,186768,173.07,1976,73.28,9.1,70.17,7.9,67.7,26,888,311,66629,17.2,3.6,16,72,130,73,116,219,65,624,276,37.61,595,1.8,7.4,"P,B,G",21.4,13.2,2298,5712,7.1,24.7,14.4,54.2,18.3,6.7,14.8,5.9,2231,1426,28.8,7.5,60.2
55025000408,Census Tract,935.3,1956,0,3,0,249,-5,-5,420100,221.57,-5,-5,1986,81.48,8.1,77.91,14.3,78.5,19,1151,629,39448,10.3,3.8,22,576,165,58,600,321,145,1003,443,76.53,3246,29.5,7.9,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1195,1989,1.9,4.7,52.3,76.5,7.4,5,8.6,2.5,1043,238,5.8,2.5,3.5
55025000409,Census Tract,640.9,2056,0,9,1,12,498230,182.82,441976,184.46,170090,170.13,1991,55.55,6.9,39.65,4.6,39.1,13,571,145,85673,0,5.6,10,50,69,44,75,130,59,494,249,45.38,661,5.5,6.8,"P,B,G",14.7,13.1,2052,4390,4.8,21.3,11.8,54.5,10.1,18.9,12,4.6,1973,995,23.1,4,48.3
55025000410,Census Tract,359.2,1134,0,3,0,39,-5,-5,-5,-5,105705,176.82,1991,91.67,4.4,55.56,3.8,38.3,4,653,122,54079,2.6,1.9,11,326,94,28,321,192,105,440,195,9.61,778,1.2,7.2,"P,B,G",15.9,11.1,1108,1790,3.9,9.6,3.9,67.4,4.5,13.2,11.1,3.9,1072,280,10.1,2.1,3.3
55025000501,Census Tract,741.6,1917,0,25,4,69,379730,189.37,366335,192.43,192213,131.15,1963,61.17,11.3,62.54,11,59.2,17,593,234,76187,7,2.6,14,79,100,44,115,141,37,359,161,36.93,946,6.8,7,"P,B,G",18.6,6.6,1901,4360,6.5,21,20.1,69.7,9.6,4.8,10.1,5.8,1840,1126,23.9,4.9,66.9
55025000504,Census Tract,953.7,3382,0,28,4,16,406610,197.73,364046,200.76,270086,199.16,1994,56.98,2.8,42.23,3.5,40.3,13,680,101,106789,5.1,2.6,6,39,44,26,88,95,54,360,171,72.95,415,0.5,7.4,"P,B,G",14.1,8.2,3144,7070,6.8,21,10.4,70.5,6.3,7.2,11.1,4.9,3081,1790,26.7,3.9,61.5
55025000505,Census Tract,420,1602,0,26,3,28,385174,185.76,369298,174.39,260273,181.07,1990,70.83,9,61.18,4.1,56.7,17,487,161,94053,1.5,2.1,5,23,39,17,43,45,29,217,102,71.97,345,3.4,7.5,"P,B,G",11.6,10.9,1596,3931,6.6,22.5,12.1,66.1,11,5.8,12.5,4.6,1577,1027,28,4.6,61.1
55025000506,Census Tract,115.8,252,0,6,0,1,320368,196.07,298696,189.23,-5,-5,1963,44.44,0,12.5,5.6,17.6,9,204,70,-5,-5,-5,0,6,6,4,10,18,7,49,18,38.49,345,30.1,7.9,B,-1,-1,252,599,7.2,20.9,18.5,80.1,3.7,4.2,7.2,4.8,248,164,27,1.6,93.5
55025000600,Census Tract,270.7,1047,0,64,1,211,258347,209.93,245993,190.83,77733,103.22,1964,85.82,23.2,87.76,10.4,82,12,404,119,-5,-5,-5,27,245,176,88,270,252,31,300,144,25.31,486,10.5,6.5,"P,B,G",24.2,11.1,1033,2458,8.4,31.9,6.3,28.4,21.8,2.9,42.8,4.1,983,588,37.7,17.1,25.6
55025000700,Census Tract,574,1565,0,17,0,0,581814,273.28,596674,275.91,193872,173.11,1951,31.9,4.2,11.61,1.7,16,10,327,163,142385,0,4,5,43,17,10,60,19,33,170,97,58.4,968,0,6.2,"P,B,G",18.4,7,1456,3359,6.3,22.7,20.3,85.3,2.1,2.4,4.9,5.3,1435,943,30,2.9,77.7
55025000800,Census Tract,473,1884,47,21,2,12,488372,276.94,416378,291.1,177505,237.02,1951,48.8,1.1,9.86,3.9,11.3,5,317,181,82283,2.6,1.2,4,31,31,10,46,19,47,189,150,23.61,2384,7.9,6.1,"P,B,G",10.3,5.1,1887,3842,5,16.5,15.9,79.6,2.6,6,5.5,6.2,1830,947,20.9,2.9,62.4
55025000901,Census Tract,160.1,952,0,9,1,0,666192,327.41,583385,301.78,627900,426.48,1925,20,0,2.96,2.7,5.2,2,65,0,174509,1,1.7,0,16,2,0,34,6,21,83,64,22.37,1082,12.4,6.6,"P,B,G",-1,-1,939,2246,4.9,22.7,19.1,85,1,3.6,3.2,7.3,918,610,30.4,2.8,76.4
55025000902,Census Tract,332.9,2796,41,37,0,62,673074,310.73,503694,294.55,270052,248.26,1951,15.52,0,0.42,1.5,1.7,9,548,318,55627,6.3,1,7,77,26,19,118,41,59,190,158,10.89,2443,19.8,6.4,"P,B,G",9.5,4.7,2824,5689,3.4,11.1,7.8,79.1,1.2,10.4,4.1,5.2,2709,779,12,1.4,28.8
55025001000,Census Tract,387.1,992,370,12,1,0,535391,325.68,502913,340.16,366120,262.45,1936,23.44,0,3.8,3,4.3,5,122,155,108910,0,2.8,1,13,12,3,21,27,29,87,95,4.04,973,1.8,7.4,"P,B",15.9,5.8,972,2518,5.1,16.9,15.2,87.9,1.5,1.8,3.2,5.5,947,558,24.6,1.7,68.3
55025001101,Census Tract,165.3,1955,187,11,0,126,-5,-5,442021,276.28,-5,-5,1992,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,319,194,18274,89.3,2.7,20,92,94,28,149,100,107,443,475,0,4489,52.3,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,2051,5511,4,8.5,1,60.3,3.5,28.1,3.8,4.3,1985,264,8.2,2.9,0.7
55025001102,Census Tract,264.5,51,2442,1,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,162,113,0, ,7.9,2,14,13,0,38,15,67,336,317,16.21,4579,46.2,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,269,4531,0.4,1.2,0.1,68.2,1.5,18.7,5.6,6,157,28,7,2.5,1.3
55025001200,Census Tract,459,3287,4,46,0,421,608507,302.74,395510,271.03,296871,279.34,1927,36.05,3.6,31.36,5.7,36.7,7,276,179,58152,5.5,2.8,37,116,202,57,189,278,100,632,450,9.15,2265,13.8,6.7,"P,B,G",18.5,4.8,3058,6434,4,11.8,9.1,76.7,5.2,7.3,5.8,5,2945,953,13.2,3.2,24.3
55025001300,Census Tract,364.8,1732,0,11,1,169,414263,267.39,348959,273.8,-5,-5,1953,19,0,10.11,2.9,15,6,305,263,84131,12,4.7,4,92,72,15,126,99,42,342,172,18.36,1168,11.6,6.3,"P,B,G",14.1,1.4,1465,2394,4.8,15.1,15.3,80.3,4.3,3,5.8,6.6,1315,492,15.5,1.4,42.8
55025001401,Census Tract,1029.8,2709,0,21,7,229,230498,172.67,218690,171.71,111666,131.29,1963,88.37,26.5,86.09,6.1,81.3,12,477,234,46420,29.1,1.2,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,130,-9,-9,40.94,1978,5.6,-9,"P,B,G",27.9,8,2749,6037,6.2,23.5,7.8,31.4,16.4,13.8,32.9,5.5,2652,1113,21.6,6.3,19.5
55025001402,Census Tract,1840.8,2072,0,21,1,116,445126,175.89,357908,163.23,163148,149,1977,84.51,17.1,75.34,6.3,72.5,19,662,295,78426,6.9,2,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,121,-9,-9,36.1,1652,7,-9,"P,B,G",25.8,7.6,2061,4436,6,21.1,11.7,53.8,18.9,4.9,16.3,6.1,1974,997,24,7.8,35.2
55025001501,Census Tract,251.4,1084,0,9,1,123,589734,277.68,587546,291.06,208305,166.23,1968,94.6,23,88,9,84.8,4,173,133,74618,5.5,1,16,48,69,53,89,163,24,300,139,36.9,440,7.4,7.7,B,26.9,9.7,1060,2209,6.6,21.5,14.2,55.3,14.7,3.5,20.2,6.3,1008,522,24.3,8.6,43.1
55025001502,Census Tract,1281.5,1810,0,24,3,201,307897,191.51,304525,195.37,147954,149.61,1973,87.77,13.7,81.03,5.9,77,7,140,40,-5,-5,-5,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,57,-9,-9,54.25,564,3.2,-9,B,25.6,9.6,1748,4070,6,23.5,9.7,42.4,16.1,5.3,29.9,6.3,1666,905,28.8,8.2,58.1
55025001603,Census Tract,43.4,2340,0,36,0,0,-5,-5,405675,287.66,-5,-5,2006,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,16858,35.1,3,43,142,217,90,227,366,77,572,570,0,4513,53.2,7.1,"P,B,G",-1,-1,2913,6733,5.2,12.5,0.4,60.7,1.5,26.1,6.2,5.5,2824,402,10.6,4,0.1
55025001604,Census Tract,67.8,2744,804,80,0,0,536500,166.31,638700,182.21,272388,326.46,1960,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,25675,9.5,1.6,50,204,270,115,297,631,58,461,516,5.02,3178,50.3,7.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,2708,6587,1.8,4.3,1.3,74.4,2,11.1,7.2,5.4,2518,229,3.9,1.7,1.1
55025001605,Census Tract,87.3,2127,0,32,0,41,371975,252.42,368421,242.31,437083,337.83,1978,-1,0,60,8.3,60,2,12,7,56183,0,1.5,5,54,28,21,101,74,63,348,180,14.95,1730,25.6,6.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,2176,3324,1.3,3.6,4.8,76,3,9.3,6.3,5.4,2099,267,2.4,0.7,7.3
55025001606,Census Tract,104.2,2061,1759,55,0,0,-5,-5,408923,269.5,-5,-5,2002,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,3,92,81,22390,41,5.8,9,81,35,21,140,99,103,407,439,1.02,4199,42.6,7.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,2075,7514,1.4,3.4,0.2,72.6,2.8,12.9,6.5,5.2,1968,216,3.7,1.3,0.5
55025001704,Census Tract,104.3,2368,0,32,0,200,479300,262.77,317950,232,494876,384.2,1998,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,55353,6.3,1.6,57,116,231,62,197,443,76,1271,761,0,3714,29.4,7.2,"P,B,G",-1,-1,2509,4154,1.1,2.7,19.3,76.1,8,7.8,4.2,3.9,2305,476,2.6,0.6,23.9
55025001706,Census Tract,126.4,2044,0,35,0,187,463572,271.06,418818,230.15,690807,384.53,1935,-1,23.1,76.92,-1,61.5,2,210,55,54799,17.6,0.7,24,78,115,49,135,228,72,571,393,2.59,3507,19.6,6.4,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1793,2786,2.4,4.8,8.2,75.6,4.7,5.9,7.3,6.4,1716,298,3.4,1.5,13.5
55025001707,Census Tract,45.1,1173,0,15,0,35,389291,210.96,341974,223.91,311967,301.95,1972,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,150,0,54624,0,3.4,5,43,41,29,60,110,33,206,121,0,2023,30.2,7.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,1066,1680,1.4,3,2.2,75.1,3.2,8.3,7.9,5.5,1010,108,3,0.9,5.3
55025001802,Census Tract,187,1995,0,16,0,136,591596,308.95,556637,286.77,302276,405.88,1925,42.44,0,27.43,1.5,32.4,4,357,91,71809,0,2.5,14,101,88,34,116,142,76,769,319,0.25,2023,10,8.3,"P,B,G",16.1,4.8,2108,3694,2.9,7.3,8.9,80.1,4.4,4.4,6,5,1992,495,7.6,1.4,23.5
55025001804,Census Tract,208.6,2758,0,31,3,111,397224,272.45,391368,283.18,159837,183.67,1975,57.14,6.3,70.38,15,75,4,165,40,61450,8.3,1.6,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,74,-9,-9,38.25,1914,8.4,-9,"B,G",15.2,3.8,2661,4428,3.4,9.9,6.3,72.6,9.1,6.2,6.8,5.3,2549,678,9.7,3.2,19.2
55025001901,Census Tract,355.4,2470,0,71,1,222,580095,317.86,402715,283.83,401172,363.51,1912,24.44,0,24.17,11.9,24.4,8,524,93,67346,0,6.3,37,148,199,70,251,327,109,875,412,4.09,1900,6.3,6.6,"P,B,G",25.3,10.1,2442,4229,3,9.2,9.1,83.2,4.8,2.2,4.2,5.6,2335,676,9.9,2.6,26.9
55025001902,Census Tract,171.6,1823,0,41,0,4,487384,324.8,398943,287.14,322483,315.71,1931,26,2.9,14.71,7.9,14.4,5,195,44,74697,0,4.5,5,45,40,18,71,62,51,453,170,0,1656,4.4,7.2,"B,G",-1,-1,1671,2805,2.6,10.3,14.1,84,2.8,3.1,4.6,5.5,1608,572,11.8,2.4,40.2
55025002000,Census Tract,579.4,3197,0,50,1,284,402143,295.64,315026,267.71,281526,298.89,1927,42.57,5.3,43.61,4.7,47.4,11,516,226,87601,4.7,5.1,29,190,243,69,254,379,100,819,402,8.91,2559,6.5,6.6,"P,B,G",18,8.1,2943,5762,4.9,17.3,12.6,77.1,8.1,2.6,6.9,5.3,2840,1327,19.9,4.3,51.1
55025002100,Census Tract,764.5,2897,0,69,5,196,297654,250.59,268120,240.1,214150,178.88,1939,47.37,4.7,35.81,5.5,37,9,324,175,58866,8.8,2.5,35,178,208,78,206,349,138,950,513,8.84,3540,7.1,7.5,"P,B,G",25.6,14.3,2559,4727,4.4,14.4,11.7,77.3,5.5,2,7.9,7.3,2470,993,16.6,3.2,54.5
55025002200,Census Tract,457.7,2387,0,53,3,266,278130,198.16,252299,201.8,176888,148.77,1960,83.93,7.8,76.01,8.1,76.2,7,349,67,53259,7.8,3.6,35,190,216,117,255,380,57,653,340,29.12,2389,8.9,7.3,"P,B,G",18.6,12.4,2286,4308,5.6,17.4,17.6,65.5,16.6,3.3,7.7,6.9,2170,943,17.9,6,51.9
55025002301,Census Tract,605.2,1264,0,16,2,368,373171,204.96,385618,229.29,111475,124.73,1963,84.57,9.4,82.55,9.2,83.1,9,237,30,65835,17.1,4.8,12,55,102,44,92,209,43,555,309,34.18,393,14.2,6.2,"P,B,G",23.6,14.3,1273,3188,7.1,28.4,14.3,47.6,26.2,7.6,11.3,7.3,1216,783,32.8,13.5,54.7
55025002302,Census Tract,639.6,443,0,9,0,17,405905,190.04,398380,190.1,182503,138.79,1990,75.76,3,42.42,13.1,48.6,6,201,20,83333,1.2,0,19,16,51,22,27,71,11,275,110,42.21,198,0,6.2,B,-1,-1,439,1468,4.5,14.6,15.9,70.8,15.4,4.8,4.4,4.7,416,285,24.3,4.6,70.6
55025002401,Census Tract,455,1515,0,25,4,5,290939,195.55,279574,199.13,307243,176.38,1967,76.53,3.6,70.24,2.6,53.5,6,157,32,71320,4.4,2.9,5,21,24,9,45,37,6,494,247,37.49,393,8.5,6.5,None,13.2,7.3,1484,3387,4.9,17.5,23.1,76.4,7.6,3.7,6.5,5.8,1443,921,21.5,3,89.3
55025002402,Census Tract,548.7,1966,0,40,1,441,295747,185.47,282825,184.71,157222,168.46,1970,81.65,13.8,82.61,7.3,77.9,7,252,16,70074,13.8,0.9,27,96,129,60,128,233,55,572,316,47.25,393,8.1,6.5,"P,B,G",26.8,6.7,1787,3753,7.6,23.7,13.4,56,17.7,9.9,10.1,6.3,1669,847,25.2,8.9,48.7
55025002500,Census Tract,2339.7,988,0,46,0,174,270767,190.75,248629,190.7,241292,171.52,1986,93.98,15.3,90.68,10.8,84.9,10,569,110,38710,26.1,0.8,18,132,135,65,174,242,120,528,338,15.69,1585,8.2,7.3,"P,B,G",24.7,10.6,982,2403,8.1,25.5,11.4,46.2,19,5.9,21.6,7.3,918,465,28.3,11.4,42.9
55025002601,Census Tract,382.9,935,0,22,1,100,254983,196.93,244762,203.03,115932,106.67,1957,67.27,6.7,69.09,8.8,70.1,6,336,137,55379,6,3.6,11,65,113,33,71,135,76,369,220,62.78,1460,5.2,6.4,"P,B,G",23.4,15.6,951,1847,5.2,17.9,12.9,65,13.4,3.6,12.2,5.7,915,405,17.5,5.4,49.4
55025002602,Census Tract,1281.4,2929,0,43,4,18,326282,187.39,305518,180.34,120678,135.12,1986,86.23,21.3,75.37,6.5,69.9,10,204,95,57629,5.7,1.7,53,232,356,140,321,647,145,887,434,40.18,1234,10.1,7.7,"P,B,G",16.6,8.7,2862,6013,5.9,19.8,12,57.3,11.3,6.1,18.6,6.7,2730,1361,21.2,4.3,42
55025002603,Census Tract,1525.9,2363,0,80,3,104,360276,183.89,334579,183.31,193030,154.35,1995,84.11,10.2,71.59,4.8,56.3,11,296,157,70543,2.7,0.6,74,901,520,159,859,907,172,1342,691,56.75,1809,21.2,7.7,"P,B,G",16.2,12.1,2295,5335,5.9,20.9,9.8,55.4,14.5,10.1,14.4,5.6,2215,1192,24.5,4.6,43
55025002700,Census Tract,775.5,2020,0,37,1,155,308552,247.74,288708,247.15,466388,321.94,1954,55.13,1.4,46.51,1.8,46.2,10,589,247,59401,8.7,1.7,18,226,122,37,249,230,58,358,207,14.06,2938,10.4,6.5,"P,B,G",18.2,10.7,1796,3427,4.6,14.7,18.3,83.9,3.5,1.5,6,5.2,1738,821,16.9,4,72.8
55025002800,Census Tract,417.5,1074,0,20,0,1,317995,215.39,291105,225.45,-5,-5,1951,48.48,0,31.18,2.5,30.3,9,419,146,79659,1.5,6.9,7,41,41,13,55,82,37,240,135,22.81,741,2.2,5.4,"P,B,G",35.8,6.6,1058,2194,4,14.1,20,84.7,2.2,1.3,7.1,4.7,1015,578,18.1,1.9,82.9
55025002900,Census Tract,568.6,1073,0,21,0,9,317364,189.68,329479,187.5,173752,149.09,1958,72.37,7.8,65.37,4.5,58.6,9,203,68,-5,-5,-5,16,63,55,15,86,106,29,220,119,10.81,651,2.5,6.3,"P,B,G",17.4,13,1066,2459,4.7,18.5,17,71.4,6.7,4.4,12.3,5.3,1044,632,24.2,6.1,71.6
55025003001,Census Tract,931.8,2147,0,35,3,83,327521,183.99,329660,175.87,173483,164.98,1969,65.65,3.9,50.24,7.3,44,15,539,261,84509,6.5,2.3,20,105,83,56,156,186,60,640,234,21.66,473,2.6,6.9,"P,B,G",22.7,7.8,2082,4775,5.3,19.8,21,78.6,7,3.7,5.4,5.3,2015,1344,22.1,3.6,81.3
55025003002,Census Tract,449.2,1466,0,41,0,96,327777,197.77,328762,197.57,205630,156.32,1979,86.86,9.7,83.62,8,76.6,13,343,235,57862,11.9,0.5,17,59,85,48,90,153,43,420,166,34.72,647,13.8,7.5,"B,G",16.4,9.4,1457,3357,6,21.8,13.3,50.8,20.2,4.7,17.7,6.6,1425,735,25.9,10,25.9
55025003100,Census Tract,2499.5,2594,0,47,4,3,349985,194.02,326332,198.67,319603,208.08,1978,59.43,4.8,49.96,3.1,43.1,12,584,148,94047,1.8,4.3,21,125,119,45,177,186,69,890,365,32.69,558,2,6.9,"P,B",18.9,7.4,2585,6205,5.6,20.1,20.6,76.1,7.1,2.6,7.9,6.3,2529,1742,25.2,3.9,80.1
55025003200,Census Tract,538.2,101,1196,0,0,0,-5,-5,-5,-5,515900,392.76,1963,30.18,0,2.59,15.4,45.7,7,464,298,42216,8,1,3,5,3,0,10,0,33,49,96,11.26,3089,22,4.2,"P,B,G",20.2,5.3,1238,2394,10.9,23.9,1.9,31,5.3,47.4,9.6,6.7,1081,555,33.5,5.5,2.5
55025010501,Census Tract,1092.7,1185,0,18,2,0,364936,203.89,449785,205.18,320023,202.43,2006,75.48,7.2,57.3,4.7,50,8,335,96,102694,1.5,2.5,3,32,31,7,49,45,26,122,75,53.33,231,2.1,7.6,B,13.2,6.6,1130,3146,9.6,30.2,6.9,71.4,7.9,5.3,8,7.5,1085,834,45.2,4.8,80.1
55025010702,Census Tract,390,1361,0,9,2,0,376420,199.08,360744,196.28,290001,189.35,2000,41.39,0.3,26.27,3.5,16.2,11,305,143,-5,-5,-5,1,27,18,9,34,25,16,171,59,99.85,0,0,7.6,"P,B,G",11.4,9,1248,3207,7.8,22.8,11.1,72,4.4,12,5.5,6.1,1192,816,34.8,2.8,86.2
55025010801,Census Tract,680.1,2384,0,19,2,68,431607,189.53,400658,190.52,284068,197.22,2002,44.44,2.4,27.16,3.9,26.6,8,373,135,-5,-5,-5,0,30,7,13,38,22,25,187,83,100,0,4.3,7.8,"P,B,G",12.7,12.7,2096,4615,7.3,21.5,8.9,76.5,3.8,8.3,6.5,4.9,2074,1156,27.7,2.7,63.1
55025010903,Census Tract,1625.5,2064,0,10,0,0,684905,211.25,598730,195.74,494118,269.96,2008,37.52,2.3,8.43,4.1,10.1,2,42,44,117671,0.2,1.7,1,18,8,4,34,7,17,97,57,85.9,70,0,7.8,B,9.5,9.5,1994,4344,6,19,13.3,76.6,1.6,14.5,3.5,3.7,1933,1158,25.1,1.2,63
55025010905,Census Tract,2035.8,4053,0,36,0,0,424714,190.13,458679,226.31,316396,230.02,2015,52.11,6,20.9,4.6,23.4,9,696,137,100990,0.6,4.9,1,103,55,21,130,90,64,430,215,84.63,310,3.7,7.8,"P,B,G",9.2,9.9,2735,4863,5.9,12.5,15.2,75.8,2.1,13.6,5.2,3.3,2636,1051,14.6,1.5,35
55025010906,Census Tract,1330.2,2253,0,14,0,0,838819,203.8,703416,220.03,436190,253.05,2005,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,4,395,0,129144,2.9,0.8,1,38,7,4,60,17,25,233,123,100,0,4.5,7.5,B,14,10.8,1888,4725,7,28.8,10.3,65.6,1.7,24.8,3.2,4.7,1838,1198,40.7,2.8,58.3
55025011000,Census Tract,55.5,138,0,0,0,0,467760,206.47,460157,224,-5,-5,1961,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,85,77,-5,-5,-5,0,1,1,0,2,0,15,24,15,82.61,513,9.4,7.1,"P,B",-1,-1,87,156,5.3,12.9,31.1,84.4,0.8,5.5,4,5.3,87,50,13.5,2.4,61
55025011201,Census Tract,1415.7,918,0,9,0,0,521672,185.06,510446,179.96,269904,168.57,1978,54.32,0,15.42,2.3,17.4,2,68,17,-5,-5,-5,1,18,9,2,27,8,15,273,164,100,0,1.8,7.4,B,-1,-1,912,1557,1.9,9.6,47.8,89.5,1.7,2.1,3.5,3.1,851,444,7.6,1.1,97.3
55025011403,Census Tract,797.7,1579,0,17,0,216,392605,194.09,366102,196.18,285678,192.33,2003,76.36,1.8,60.82,3.7,52.6,5,97,0,91492,2,0.7,5,20,19,11,31,15,10,138,77,64.34,60,2.3,7.6,B,13.3,10.4,1346,2925,6.3,17.6,12.5,76.1,7.5,4.8,6.1,5.6,1324,747,22.3,2.9,60.5
55025011405,Census Tract,3604.1,3040,0,19,0,57,391774,214.74,327982,193.47,226877,172.83,2004,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,5,472,341,78808,0,0.3,12,105,113,28,156,138,98,715,269,92.76,257,6.2,7.7,"P,B",16.2,5.7,2337,4135,4.8,14.2,16.9,66.7,5.8,16.2,6.5,4.8,2128,826,15.8,2.7,33.5
55025011406,Census Tract,764.9,2696,0,20,3,94,399550,196.99,368023,199.01,290110,204.69,2010,74.86,2.2,44.11,11.3,41.6,8,117,20,87793,1.9,3.3,8,75,52,20,105,94,14,571,211,49,60,4.5,7.7,"P,B,G",10.4,9,2203,4851,5.9,19.3,17.6,72.1,10.3,5.7,6.7,5.2,2140,1123,22.5,5.2,55
55025011407,Census Tract,3668,855,0,5,0,65,495101,173.7,405928,180.64,224418,176.63,1998,47.97,0,26.44,5,14,3,22,12,59234,6.5,1.1,7,49,41,12,71,50,35,162,97,99.53,60,1.9,6.3,"P,B,G",-1,-1,885,1571,2.4,11.4,26.1,79,6,2.9,6.2,5.9,844,376,13,1.9,66.5
Madison,City of Madison,53464.9,134356,6850,1882,90,6443,418490,220.53,450471,219.29,282910,220.96,1977,59.62,7.7,50.97,5.8,49.5,275,12036,5067,70466,5.9,2.7,1138,7359,7331,2874,9864,14239,2576,24258,13331,37.53,10317,11.2,7.1,"P,B,G",17.7,9,128444,274622,5,16.4,13.1,68.8,7.3,9.4,9,5.4,123011,55236,19,3.8,44.5
1 geo_id geo_type acres du_cty du_cmps prd_viol foreclsr asst_unts avg_huval sqft_val avg_n_hval sqft_n_val avg_c_hval sqft_c_val yrblt_mdn pc_nprf35 pc_nhsg pc_nclgg pc_hmbl pc_frlu cc_prvdrs cc_cpcty cc_enrlmt medhhinc pc_fmpv pc_unem crm_pers crm_prop crm_scty ofns_pers ofns_prop ofns_scty crash prmry_ems prmry_fire pc_n_trst trst_trps pc_no_vhcl avg_stcnd gds_svcs pc_nappr pc_nvterm hu tot_pop pc_un5 pc_un18 pc_ov64 pc_wht pc_afrm pc_asn pc_hisp pc_othm hh fam pc_fmwc pc_fhwc pc_own
2 55025000100 Census Tract 496.7 1554 0 23 1 37 584920 279.22 565044 298.15 159229 179.92 1962 47.99 2.4 41.81 5.3 38.5 6 177 153 85979 0 1.2 1 22 18 10 32 37 38 174 109 55.28 1183 7 5 B,G 12.4 13.4 1490 2750 4.4 13.8 18.3 76.7 4 7.2 7 5.1 1414 667 16.5 3 58.1
3 55025000201 Census Tract 454.6 1141 0 11 0 6 431523 229.83 383895 227.23 154050 200.33 1961 45 5 19.42 2.8 19.7 8 332 242 82420 6 0 2 8 8 5 20 35 25 352 162 30.06 1704 4.9 6.7 P,B,G 16.3 10 1042 2179 4.9 16.3 23.8 83.3 2.9 4.4 4.4 5 1005 639 19.1 2.2 79.5
4 55025000202 Census Tract 599.7 1468 0 3 1 0 565689 190.08 571436 191.66 215888 169.41 1974 45.36 1.1 20.97 2.8 20.8 10 544 327 96452 1.3 0.5 15 57 27 39 78 43 32 560 177 82.49 540 2.9 7.1 P,B 9.3 5.8 1493 3120 5 16 23.8 77.1 3.6 8 6 5.4 1444 833 19.8 2.4 60.1
5 55025000204 Census Tract 651.7 2803 0 10 4 342 456649 180.24 387620 180.75 230182 202.23 1986 64.29 2 50.87 4.4 57.2 7 478 228 74595 12.1 6.9 15 106 154 44 150 168 68 725 211 49.63 540 8.6 7.2 P,B,G 24.9 8.7 2617 5436 8 22 19.7 58.6 11.9 17.2 7.6 4.7 2532 1406 24.9 7.9 47.4
6 55025000205 Census Tract 859.7 2161 0 13 0 1 573992 204.31 518697 203.84 316314 225.57 1988 30.85 0 12.25 3.9 13.7 8 383 194 102063 0 0 1 23 15 8 51 18 25 439 141 63.35 466 3.6 6.4 P,B,G 17.2 8.5 2302 4478 4.7 15 31.2 81.1 1.9 8.1 4 4.8 2243 1208 16.4 1.5 65.8
7 55025000301 Census Tract 229.3 2600 0 0 0 100 531949 233.34 721000 196.32 515527 352.82 1970 41.68 1.3 25.81 6.1 33.7 5 106 58 34653 19.6 5.8 7 97 30 16 122 63 42 370 288 60.19 2023 22.2 6.5 P,B,G 22.1 4.6 2513 3717 3 7.8 15.6 52.3 4.4 34.5 5.3 3.5 2313 551 8.6 2.2 8.4
8 55025000302 Census Tract 353.5 879 0 13 1 2 528532 243.92 480451 249.88 223225 177.09 1959 25 0 7.97 3.5 11.4 4 265 241 122474 5.7 5.1 1 7 4 3 12 29 23 80 90 33.22 1757 9.5 7.7 B -1 -1 877 2176 5 26.8 18.9 77.9 1.4 10.8 3.8 6.1 845 614 38.3 3.9 84.3
9 55025000401 Census Tract 448.8 1574 0 20 0 0 486626 258.28 457501 254.06 457904 404.06 1954 34.04 0 5.26 0.5 8.7 9 316 329 105949 0 1.1 2 17 4 3 40 16 20 145 94 9.91 1249 1.4 7.5 B,G 12.5 6.7 1617 3705 5.4 20.2 19.9 84.6 1.4 3.5 4.7 5.8 1580 1022 26.3 2.7 81.5
10 55025000402 Census Tract 711.3 1235 0 12 1 1 438442 230.49 410502 238.09 181911 164.21 1959 34.27 1.2 17.54 3.7 13.8 7 477 437 112713 13.2 0.9 2 54 27 6 69 41 51 208 131 12.47 3224 1.1 7.3 P,B,G 12.5 11.3 1155 2641 5.8 20.9 20.9 79.3 3 7.3 6.1 4.2 1136 730 26.9 2.8 74.9
11 55025000406 Census Tract 493.8 2604 0 23 1 104 439230 206.18 398761 201.47 353559 228.29 2004 44.46 5.2 43.36 4.8 37.2 7 960 78 82027 2 1.9 5 97 22 12 121 46 44 409 206 57.68 316 5.2 7.7 P,B,G 15.9 13.5 2066 3756 4.1 13.1 21.8 69.9 3.7 16.3 5.6 4.5 1978 680 14.3 2.3 30.6
12 55025000407 Census Tract 682.9 2308 0 74 6 10 371319 178.46 363524 177.98 186768 173.07 1976 73.28 9.1 70.17 7.9 67.7 26 888 311 66629 17.2 3.6 16 72 130 73 116 219 65 624 276 37.61 595 1.8 7.4 P,B,G 21.4 13.2 2298 5712 7.1 24.7 14.4 54.2 18.3 6.7 14.8 5.9 2231 1426 28.8 7.5 60.2
13 55025000408 Census Tract 935.3 1956 0 3 0 249 -5 -5 420100 221.57 -5 -5 1986 81.48 8.1 77.91 14.3 78.5 19 1151 629 39448 10.3 3.8 22 576 165 58 600 321 145 1003 443 76.53 3246 29.5 7.9 P,B,G -1 -1 1195 1989 1.9 4.7 52.3 76.5 7.4 5 8.6 2.5 1043 238 5.8 2.5 3.5
14 55025000409 Census Tract 640.9 2056 0 9 1 12 498230 182.82 441976 184.46 170090 170.13 1991 55.55 6.9 39.65 4.6 39.1 13 571 145 85673 0 5.6 10 50 69 44 75 130 59 494 249 45.38 661 5.5 6.8 P,B,G 14.7 13.1 2052 4390 4.8 21.3 11.8 54.5 10.1 18.9 12 4.6 1973 995 23.1 4 48.3
15 55025000410 Census Tract 359.2 1134 0 3 0 39 -5 -5 -5 -5 105705 176.82 1991 91.67 4.4 55.56 3.8 38.3 4 653 122 54079 2.6 1.9 11 326 94 28 321 192 105 440 195 9.61 778 1.2 7.2 P,B,G 15.9 11.1 1108 1790 3.9 9.6 3.9 67.4 4.5 13.2 11.1 3.9 1072 280 10.1 2.1 3.3
16 55025000501 Census Tract 741.6 1917 0 25 4 69 379730 189.37 366335 192.43 192213 131.15 1963 61.17 11.3 62.54 11 59.2 17 593 234 76187 7 2.6 14 79 100 44 115 141 37 359 161 36.93 946 6.8 7 P,B,G 18.6 6.6 1901 4360 6.5 21 20.1 69.7 9.6 4.8 10.1 5.8 1840 1126 23.9 4.9 66.9
17 55025000504 Census Tract 953.7 3382 0 28 4 16 406610 197.73 364046 200.76 270086 199.16 1994 56.98 2.8 42.23 3.5 40.3 13 680 101 106789 5.1 2.6 6 39 44 26 88 95 54 360 171 72.95 415 0.5 7.4 P,B,G 14.1 8.2 3144 7070 6.8 21 10.4 70.5 6.3 7.2 11.1 4.9 3081 1790 26.7 3.9 61.5
18 55025000505 Census Tract 420 1602 0 26 3 28 385174 185.76 369298 174.39 260273 181.07 1990 70.83 9 61.18 4.1 56.7 17 487 161 94053 1.5 2.1 5 23 39 17 43 45 29 217 102 71.97 345 3.4 7.5 P,B,G 11.6 10.9 1596 3931 6.6 22.5 12.1 66.1 11 5.8 12.5 4.6 1577 1027 28 4.6 61.1
19 55025000506 Census Tract 115.8 252 0 6 0 1 320368 196.07 298696 189.23 -5 -5 1963 44.44 0 12.5 5.6 17.6 9 204 70 -5 -5 -5 0 6 6 4 10 18 7 49 18 38.49 345 30.1 7.9 B -1 -1 252 599 7.2 20.9 18.5 80.1 3.7 4.2 7.2 4.8 248 164 27 1.6 93.5
20 55025000600 Census Tract 270.7 1047 0 64 1 211 258347 209.93 245993 190.83 77733 103.22 1964 85.82 23.2 87.76 10.4 82 12 404 119 -5 -5 -5 27 245 176 88 270 252 31 300 144 25.31 486 10.5 6.5 P,B,G 24.2 11.1 1033 2458 8.4 31.9 6.3 28.4 21.8 2.9 42.8 4.1 983 588 37.7 17.1 25.6
21 55025000700 Census Tract 574 1565 0 17 0 0 581814 273.28 596674 275.91 193872 173.11 1951 31.9 4.2 11.61 1.7 16 10 327 163 142385 0 4 5 43 17 10 60 19 33 170 97 58.4 968 0 6.2 P,B,G 18.4 7 1456 3359 6.3 22.7 20.3 85.3 2.1 2.4 4.9 5.3 1435 943 30 2.9 77.7
22 55025000800 Census Tract 473 1884 47 21 2 12 488372 276.94 416378 291.1 177505 237.02 1951 48.8 1.1 9.86 3.9 11.3 5 317 181 82283 2.6 1.2 4 31 31 10 46 19 47 189 150 23.61 2384 7.9 6.1 P,B,G 10.3 5.1 1887 3842 5 16.5 15.9 79.6 2.6 6 5.5 6.2 1830 947 20.9 2.9 62.4
23 55025000901 Census Tract 160.1 952 0 9 1 0 666192 327.41 583385 301.78 627900 426.48 1925 20 0 2.96 2.7 5.2 2 65 0 174509 1 1.7 0 16 2 0 34 6 21 83 64 22.37 1082 12.4 6.6 P,B,G -1 -1 939 2246 4.9 22.7 19.1 85 1 3.6 3.2 7.3 918 610 30.4 2.8 76.4
24 55025000902 Census Tract 332.9 2796 41 37 0 62 673074 310.73 503694 294.55 270052 248.26 1951 15.52 0 0.42 1.5 1.7 9 548 318 55627 6.3 1 7 77 26 19 118 41 59 190 158 10.89 2443 19.8 6.4 P,B,G 9.5 4.7 2824 5689 3.4 11.1 7.8 79.1 1.2 10.4 4.1 5.2 2709 779 12 1.4 28.8
25 55025001000 Census Tract 387.1 992 370 12 1 0 535391 325.68 502913 340.16 366120 262.45 1936 23.44 0 3.8 3 4.3 5 122 155 108910 0 2.8 1 13 12 3 21 27 29 87 95 4.04 973 1.8 7.4 P,B 15.9 5.8 972 2518 5.1 16.9 15.2 87.9 1.5 1.8 3.2 5.5 947 558 24.6 1.7 68.3
26 55025001101 Census Tract 165.3 1955 187 11 0 126 -5 -5 442021 276.28 -5 -5 1992 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 7 319 194 18274 89.3 2.7 20 92 94 28 149 100 107 443 475 0 4489 52.3 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 2051 5511 4 8.5 1 60.3 3.5 28.1 3.8 4.3 1985 264 8.2 2.9 0.7
27 55025001102 Census Tract 264.5 51 2442 1 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 162 113 0 7.9 2 14 13 0 38 15 67 336 317 16.21 4579 46.2 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 269 4531 0.4 1.2 0.1 68.2 1.5 18.7 5.6 6 157 28 7 2.5 1.3
28 55025001200 Census Tract 459 3287 4 46 0 421 608507 302.74 395510 271.03 296871 279.34 1927 36.05 3.6 31.36 5.7 36.7 7 276 179 58152 5.5 2.8 37 116 202 57 189 278 100 632 450 9.15 2265 13.8 6.7 P,B,G 18.5 4.8 3058 6434 4 11.8 9.1 76.7 5.2 7.3 5.8 5 2945 953 13.2 3.2 24.3
29 55025001300 Census Tract 364.8 1732 0 11 1 169 414263 267.39 348959 273.8 -5 -5 1953 19 0 10.11 2.9 15 6 305 263 84131 12 4.7 4 92 72 15 126 99 42 342 172 18.36 1168 11.6 6.3 P,B,G 14.1 1.4 1465 2394 4.8 15.1 15.3 80.3 4.3 3 5.8 6.6 1315 492 15.5 1.4 42.8
30 55025001401 Census Tract 1029.8 2709 0 21 7 229 230498 172.67 218690 171.71 111666 131.29 1963 88.37 26.5 86.09 6.1 81.3 12 477 234 46420 29.1 1.2 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 130 -9 -9 40.94 1978 5.6 -9 P,B,G 27.9 8 2749 6037 6.2 23.5 7.8 31.4 16.4 13.8 32.9 5.5 2652 1113 21.6 6.3 19.5
31 55025001402 Census Tract 1840.8 2072 0 21 1 116 445126 175.89 357908 163.23 163148 149 1977 84.51 17.1 75.34 6.3 72.5 19 662 295 78426 6.9 2 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 121 -9 -9 36.1 1652 7 -9 P,B,G 25.8 7.6 2061 4436 6 21.1 11.7 53.8 18.9 4.9 16.3 6.1 1974 997 24 7.8 35.2
32 55025001501 Census Tract 251.4 1084 0 9 1 123 589734 277.68 587546 291.06 208305 166.23 1968 94.6 23 88 9 84.8 4 173 133 74618 5.5 1 16 48 69 53 89 163 24 300 139 36.9 440 7.4 7.7 B 26.9 9.7 1060 2209 6.6 21.5 14.2 55.3 14.7 3.5 20.2 6.3 1008 522 24.3 8.6 43.1
33 55025001502 Census Tract 1281.5 1810 0 24 3 201 307897 191.51 304525 195.37 147954 149.61 1973 87.77 13.7 81.03 5.9 77 7 140 40 -5 -5 -5 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 57 -9 -9 54.25 564 3.2 -9 B 25.6 9.6 1748 4070 6 23.5 9.7 42.4 16.1 5.3 29.9 6.3 1666 905 28.8 8.2 58.1
34 55025001603 Census Tract 43.4 2340 0 36 0 0 -5 -5 405675 287.66 -5 -5 2006 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 16858 35.1 3 43 142 217 90 227 366 77 572 570 0 4513 53.2 7.1 P,B,G -1 -1 2913 6733 5.2 12.5 0.4 60.7 1.5 26.1 6.2 5.5 2824 402 10.6 4 0.1
35 55025001604 Census Tract 67.8 2744 804 80 0 0 536500 166.31 638700 182.21 272388 326.46 1960 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 25675 9.5 1.6 50 204 270 115 297 631 58 461 516 5.02 3178 50.3 7.4 P,B,G -1 -1 2708 6587 1.8 4.3 1.3 74.4 2 11.1 7.2 5.4 2518 229 3.9 1.7 1.1
36 55025001605 Census Tract 87.3 2127 0 32 0 41 371975 252.42 368421 242.31 437083 337.83 1978 -1 0 60 8.3 60 2 12 7 56183 0 1.5 5 54 28 21 101 74 63 348 180 14.95 1730 25.6 6.4 P,B,G -1 -1 2176 3324 1.3 3.6 4.8 76 3 9.3 6.3 5.4 2099 267 2.4 0.7 7.3
37 55025001606 Census Tract 104.2 2061 1759 55 0 0 -5 -5 408923 269.5 -5 -5 2002 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 92 81 22390 41 5.8 9 81 35 21 140 99 103 407 439 1.02 4199 42.6 7.4 P,B,G -1 -1 2075 7514 1.4 3.4 0.2 72.6 2.8 12.9 6.5 5.2 1968 216 3.7 1.3 0.5
38 55025001704 Census Tract 104.3 2368 0 32 0 200 479300 262.77 317950 232 494876 384.2 1998 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 55353 6.3 1.6 57 116 231 62 197 443 76 1271 761 0 3714 29.4 7.2 P,B,G -1 -1 2509 4154 1.1 2.7 19.3 76.1 8 7.8 4.2 3.9 2305 476 2.6 0.6 23.9
39 55025001706 Census Tract 126.4 2044 0 35 0 187 463572 271.06 418818 230.15 690807 384.53 1935 -1 23.1 76.92 -1 61.5 2 210 55 54799 17.6 0.7 24 78 115 49 135 228 72 571 393 2.59 3507 19.6 6.4 P,B,G -1 -1 1793 2786 2.4 4.8 8.2 75.6 4.7 5.9 7.3 6.4 1716 298 3.4 1.5 13.5
40 55025001707 Census Tract 45.1 1173 0 15 0 35 389291 210.96 341974 223.91 311967 301.95 1972 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 150 0 54624 0 3.4 5 43 41 29 60 110 33 206 121 0 2023 30.2 7.3 P,B,G -1 -1 1066 1680 1.4 3 2.2 75.1 3.2 8.3 7.9 5.5 1010 108 3 0.9 5.3
41 55025001802 Census Tract 187 1995 0 16 0 136 591596 308.95 556637 286.77 302276 405.88 1925 42.44 0 27.43 1.5 32.4 4 357 91 71809 0 2.5 14 101 88 34 116 142 76 769 319 0.25 2023 10 8.3 P,B,G 16.1 4.8 2108 3694 2.9 7.3 8.9 80.1 4.4 4.4 6 5 1992 495 7.6 1.4 23.5
42 55025001804 Census Tract 208.6 2758 0 31 3 111 397224 272.45 391368 283.18 159837 183.67 1975 57.14 6.3 70.38 15 75 4 165 40 61450 8.3 1.6 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 74 -9 -9 38.25 1914 8.4 -9 B,G 15.2 3.8 2661 4428 3.4 9.9 6.3 72.6 9.1 6.2 6.8 5.3 2549 678 9.7 3.2 19.2
43 55025001901 Census Tract 355.4 2470 0 71 1 222 580095 317.86 402715 283.83 401172 363.51 1912 24.44 0 24.17 11.9 24.4 8 524 93 67346 0 6.3 37 148 199 70 251 327 109 875 412 4.09 1900 6.3 6.6 P,B,G 25.3 10.1 2442 4229 3 9.2 9.1 83.2 4.8 2.2 4.2 5.6 2335 676 9.9 2.6 26.9
44 55025001902 Census Tract 171.6 1823 0 41 0 4 487384 324.8 398943 287.14 322483 315.71 1931 26 2.9 14.71 7.9 14.4 5 195 44 74697 0 4.5 5 45 40 18 71 62 51 453 170 0 1656 4.4 7.2 B,G -1 -1 1671 2805 2.6 10.3 14.1 84 2.8 3.1 4.6 5.5 1608 572 11.8 2.4 40.2
45 55025002000 Census Tract 579.4 3197 0 50 1 284 402143 295.64 315026 267.71 281526 298.89 1927 42.57 5.3 43.61 4.7 47.4 11 516 226 87601 4.7 5.1 29 190 243 69 254 379 100 819 402 8.91 2559 6.5 6.6 P,B,G 18 8.1 2943 5762 4.9 17.3 12.6 77.1 8.1 2.6 6.9 5.3 2840 1327 19.9 4.3 51.1
46 55025002100 Census Tract 764.5 2897 0 69 5 196 297654 250.59 268120 240.1 214150 178.88 1939 47.37 4.7 35.81 5.5 37 9 324 175 58866 8.8 2.5 35 178 208 78 206 349 138 950 513 8.84 3540 7.1 7.5 P,B,G 25.6 14.3 2559 4727 4.4 14.4 11.7 77.3 5.5 2 7.9 7.3 2470 993 16.6 3.2 54.5
47 55025002200 Census Tract 457.7 2387 0 53 3 266 278130 198.16 252299 201.8 176888 148.77 1960 83.93 7.8 76.01 8.1 76.2 7 349 67 53259 7.8 3.6 35 190 216 117 255 380 57 653 340 29.12 2389 8.9 7.3 P,B,G 18.6 12.4 2286 4308 5.6 17.4 17.6 65.5 16.6 3.3 7.7 6.9 2170 943 17.9 6 51.9
48 55025002301 Census Tract 605.2 1264 0 16 2 368 373171 204.96 385618 229.29 111475 124.73 1963 84.57 9.4 82.55 9.2 83.1 9 237 30 65835 17.1 4.8 12 55 102 44 92 209 43 555 309 34.18 393 14.2 6.2 P,B,G 23.6 14.3 1273 3188 7.1 28.4 14.3 47.6 26.2 7.6 11.3 7.3 1216 783 32.8 13.5 54.7
49 55025002302 Census Tract 639.6 443 0 9 0 17 405905 190.04 398380 190.1 182503 138.79 1990 75.76 3 42.42 13.1 48.6 6 201 20 83333 1.2 0 19 16 51 22 27 71 11 275 110 42.21 198 0 6.2 B -1 -1 439 1468 4.5 14.6 15.9 70.8 15.4 4.8 4.4 4.7 416 285 24.3 4.6 70.6
50 55025002401 Census Tract 455 1515 0 25 4 5 290939 195.55 279574 199.13 307243 176.38 1967 76.53 3.6 70.24 2.6 53.5 6 157 32 71320 4.4 2.9 5 21 24 9 45 37 6 494 247 37.49 393 8.5 6.5 None 13.2 7.3 1484 3387 4.9 17.5 23.1 76.4 7.6 3.7 6.5 5.8 1443 921 21.5 3 89.3
51 55025002402 Census Tract 548.7 1966 0 40 1 441 295747 185.47 282825 184.71 157222 168.46 1970 81.65 13.8 82.61 7.3 77.9 7 252 16 70074 13.8 0.9 27 96 129 60 128 233 55 572 316 47.25 393 8.1 6.5 P,B,G 26.8 6.7 1787 3753 7.6 23.7 13.4 56 17.7 9.9 10.1 6.3 1669 847 25.2 8.9 48.7
52 55025002500 Census Tract 2339.7 988 0 46 0 174 270767 190.75 248629 190.7 241292 171.52 1986 93.98 15.3 90.68 10.8 84.9 10 569 110 38710 26.1 0.8 18 132 135 65 174 242 120 528 338 15.69 1585 8.2 7.3 P,B,G 24.7 10.6 982 2403 8.1 25.5 11.4 46.2 19 5.9 21.6 7.3 918 465 28.3 11.4 42.9
53 55025002601 Census Tract 382.9 935 0 22 1 100 254983 196.93 244762 203.03 115932 106.67 1957 67.27 6.7 69.09 8.8 70.1 6 336 137 55379 6 3.6 11 65 113 33 71 135 76 369 220 62.78 1460 5.2 6.4 P,B,G 23.4 15.6 951 1847 5.2 17.9 12.9 65 13.4 3.6 12.2 5.7 915 405 17.5 5.4 49.4
54 55025002602 Census Tract 1281.4 2929 0 43 4 18 326282 187.39 305518 180.34 120678 135.12 1986 86.23 21.3 75.37 6.5 69.9 10 204 95 57629 5.7 1.7 53 232 356 140 321 647 145 887 434 40.18 1234 10.1 7.7 P,B,G 16.6 8.7 2862 6013 5.9 19.8 12 57.3 11.3 6.1 18.6 6.7 2730 1361 21.2 4.3 42
55 55025002603 Census Tract 1525.9 2363 0 80 3 104 360276 183.89 334579 183.31 193030 154.35 1995 84.11 10.2 71.59 4.8 56.3 11 296 157 70543 2.7 0.6 74 901 520 159 859 907 172 1342 691 56.75 1809 21.2 7.7 P,B,G 16.2 12.1 2295 5335 5.9 20.9 9.8 55.4 14.5 10.1 14.4 5.6 2215 1192 24.5 4.6 43
56 55025002700 Census Tract 775.5 2020 0 37 1 155 308552 247.74 288708 247.15 466388 321.94 1954 55.13 1.4 46.51 1.8 46.2 10 589 247 59401 8.7 1.7 18 226 122 37 249 230 58 358 207 14.06 2938 10.4 6.5 P,B,G 18.2 10.7 1796 3427 4.6 14.7 18.3 83.9 3.5 1.5 6 5.2 1738 821 16.9 4 72.8
57 55025002800 Census Tract 417.5 1074 0 20 0 1 317995 215.39 291105 225.45 -5 -5 1951 48.48 0 31.18 2.5 30.3 9 419 146 79659 1.5 6.9 7 41 41 13 55 82 37 240 135 22.81 741 2.2 5.4 P,B,G 35.8 6.6 1058 2194 4 14.1 20 84.7 2.2 1.3 7.1 4.7 1015 578 18.1 1.9 82.9
58 55025002900 Census Tract 568.6 1073 0 21 0 9 317364 189.68 329479 187.5 173752 149.09 1958 72.37 7.8 65.37 4.5 58.6 9 203 68 -5 -5 -5 16 63 55 15 86 106 29 220 119 10.81 651 2.5 6.3 P,B,G 17.4 13 1066 2459 4.7 18.5 17 71.4 6.7 4.4 12.3 5.3 1044 632 24.2 6.1 71.6
59 55025003001 Census Tract 931.8 2147 0 35 3 83 327521 183.99 329660 175.87 173483 164.98 1969 65.65 3.9 50.24 7.3 44 15 539 261 84509 6.5 2.3 20 105 83 56 156 186 60 640 234 21.66 473 2.6 6.9 P,B,G 22.7 7.8 2082 4775 5.3 19.8 21 78.6 7 3.7 5.4 5.3 2015 1344 22.1 3.6 81.3
60 55025003002 Census Tract 449.2 1466 0 41 0 96 327777 197.77 328762 197.57 205630 156.32 1979 86.86 9.7 83.62 8 76.6 13 343 235 57862 11.9 0.5 17 59 85 48 90 153 43 420 166 34.72 647 13.8 7.5 B,G 16.4 9.4 1457 3357 6 21.8 13.3 50.8 20.2 4.7 17.7 6.6 1425 735 25.9 10 25.9
61 55025003100 Census Tract 2499.5 2594 0 47 4 3 349985 194.02 326332 198.67 319603 208.08 1978 59.43 4.8 49.96 3.1 43.1 12 584 148 94047 1.8 4.3 21 125 119 45 177 186 69 890 365 32.69 558 2 6.9 P,B 18.9 7.4 2585 6205 5.6 20.1 20.6 76.1 7.1 2.6 7.9 6.3 2529 1742 25.2 3.9 80.1
62 55025003200 Census Tract 538.2 101 1196 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 515900 392.76 1963 30.18 0 2.59 15.4 45.7 7 464 298 42216 8 1 3 5 3 0 10 0 33 49 96 11.26 3089 22 4.2 P,B,G 20.2 5.3 1238 2394 10.9 23.9 1.9 31 5.3 47.4 9.6 6.7 1081 555 33.5 5.5 2.5
63 55025010501 Census Tract 1092.7 1185 0 18 2 0 364936 203.89 449785 205.18 320023 202.43 2006 75.48 7.2 57.3 4.7 50 8 335 96 102694 1.5 2.5 3 32 31 7 49 45 26 122 75 53.33 231 2.1 7.6 B 13.2 6.6 1130 3146 9.6 30.2 6.9 71.4 7.9 5.3 8 7.5 1085 834 45.2 4.8 80.1
64 55025010702 Census Tract 390 1361 0 9 2 0 376420 199.08 360744 196.28 290001 189.35 2000 41.39 0.3 26.27 3.5 16.2 11 305 143 -5 -5 -5 1 27 18 9 34 25 16 171 59 99.85 0 0 7.6 P,B,G 11.4 9 1248 3207 7.8 22.8 11.1 72 4.4 12 5.5 6.1 1192 816 34.8 2.8 86.2
65 55025010801 Census Tract 680.1 2384 0 19 2 68 431607 189.53 400658 190.52 284068 197.22 2002 44.44 2.4 27.16 3.9 26.6 8 373 135 -5 -5 -5 0 30 7 13 38 22 25 187 83 100 0 4.3 7.8 P,B,G 12.7 12.7 2096 4615 7.3 21.5 8.9 76.5 3.8 8.3 6.5 4.9 2074 1156 27.7 2.7 63.1
66 55025010903 Census Tract 1625.5 2064 0 10 0 0 684905 211.25 598730 195.74 494118 269.96 2008 37.52 2.3 8.43 4.1 10.1 2 42 44 117671 0.2 1.7 1 18 8 4 34 7 17 97 57 85.9 70 0 7.8 B 9.5 9.5 1994 4344 6 19 13.3 76.6 1.6 14.5 3.5 3.7 1933 1158 25.1 1.2 63
67 55025010905 Census Tract 2035.8 4053 0 36 0 0 424714 190.13 458679 226.31 316396 230.02 2015 52.11 6 20.9 4.6 23.4 9 696 137 100990 0.6 4.9 1 103 55 21 130 90 64 430 215 84.63 310 3.7 7.8 P,B,G 9.2 9.9 2735 4863 5.9 12.5 15.2 75.8 2.1 13.6 5.2 3.3 2636 1051 14.6 1.5 35
68 55025010906 Census Tract 1330.2 2253 0 14 0 0 838819 203.8 703416 220.03 436190 253.05 2005 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 395 0 129144 2.9 0.8 1 38 7 4 60 17 25 233 123 100 0 4.5 7.5 B 14 10.8 1888 4725 7 28.8 10.3 65.6 1.7 24.8 3.2 4.7 1838 1198 40.7 2.8 58.3
69 55025011000 Census Tract 55.5 138 0 0 0 0 467760 206.47 460157 224 -5 -5 1961 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 85 77 -5 -5 -5 0 1 1 0 2 0 15 24 15 82.61 513 9.4 7.1 P,B -1 -1 87 156 5.3 12.9 31.1 84.4 0.8 5.5 4 5.3 87 50 13.5 2.4 61
70 55025011201 Census Tract 1415.7 918 0 9 0 0 521672 185.06 510446 179.96 269904 168.57 1978 54.32 0 15.42 2.3 17.4 2 68 17 -5 -5 -5 1 18 9 2 27 8 15 273 164 100 0 1.8 7.4 B -1 -1 912 1557 1.9 9.6 47.8 89.5 1.7 2.1 3.5 3.1 851 444 7.6 1.1 97.3
71 55025011403 Census Tract 797.7 1579 0 17 0 216 392605 194.09 366102 196.18 285678 192.33 2003 76.36 1.8 60.82 3.7 52.6 5 97 0 91492 2 0.7 5 20 19 11 31 15 10 138 77 64.34 60 2.3 7.6 B 13.3 10.4 1346 2925 6.3 17.6 12.5 76.1 7.5 4.8 6.1 5.6 1324 747 22.3 2.9 60.5
72 55025011405 Census Tract 3604.1 3040 0 19 0 57 391774 214.74 327982 193.47 226877 172.83 2004 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 472 341 78808 0 0.3 12 105 113 28 156 138 98 715 269 92.76 257 6.2 7.7 P,B 16.2 5.7 2337 4135 4.8 14.2 16.9 66.7 5.8 16.2 6.5 4.8 2128 826 15.8 2.7 33.5
73 55025011406 Census Tract 764.9 2696 0 20 3 94 399550 196.99 368023 199.01 290110 204.69 2010 74.86 2.2 44.11 11.3 41.6 8 117 20 87793 1.9 3.3 8 75 52 20 105 94 14 571 211 49 60 4.5 7.7 P,B,G 10.4 9 2203 4851 5.9 19.3 17.6 72.1 10.3 5.7 6.7 5.2 2140 1123 22.5 5.2 55
74 55025011407 Census Tract 3668 855 0 5 0 65 495101 173.7 405928 180.64 224418 176.63 1998 47.97 0 26.44 5 14 3 22 12 59234 6.5 1.1 7 49 41 12 71 50 35 162 97 99.53 60 1.9 6.3 P,B,G -1 -1 885 1571 2.4 11.4 26.1 79 6 2.9 6.2 5.9 844 376 13 1.9 66.5
75 Madison City of Madison 53464.9 134356 6850 1882 90 6443 418490 220.53 450471 219.29 282910 220.96 1977 59.62 7.7 50.97 5.8 49.5 275 12036 5067 70466 5.9 2.7 1138 7359 7331 2874 9864 14239 2576 24258 13331 37.53 10317 11.2 7.1 P,B,G 17.7 9 128444 274622 5 16.4 13.1 68.8 7.3 9.4 9 5.4 123011 55236 19 3.8 44.5

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